Dec 26, 2014

Muslimani I slavljenje božića, ljubav prema Isau a,s,/ Muslims celebrating Christmas – love for Jesus a,s,

Muslimani I slavljenje božića, ljubav prema Isau a,s,

Braćo u islamu, razlog koji je doveo našu omladinu u džamiju dans je upravo božić, i mislim da je ovo dobra prilika za nas da kažemo našoj djeci pravu sliku o Isa a,s, i ko je bio Isa a,s. Zašto mi muslimani volimo Isa'a a,s i da je Isa a,s, naš poslanik. No, međutim naše vjerovanje je potpuno drugačije nego onih koji su oko nas, i zato kažem da je ovo jedinstvena prilika da saznamo personalnost ovog velikog čovjeka, i šta mi kao muslimani vjerujemo kad je u pitanju Isa a,s.

Kako i na koji način se razlikuje naše vjerovanje od ostalih, jer mnogi naši mlađi pa može se reći dosta i stariji pitaju; zašto mi ne slavimo božić, zašto mi ne možemo imati jelku ili božićno drvo?

Na to kažemo; draga braćo Allah dž,š, je stvorio raznolike ljude za raznolika vjerovanja i ubjeđenja, i svaka osoba treba da slijedi svoju vjeru, pogotovo ako misle i ako je ubjeđena da je to prava vjera, da, draga braćo mi tolerišemo druga ubjeđenja i dozvoljeno je drugima da ispovjedaju svoje vjerovanje i da vjeruju u šta hoće. Islam nikoga ne sili niti prisiljava da vjeruje, ali mi ipak vjerujemo u istinitog Allaha Gospodara jednog jedinog, i nema Bog sem Allaha dž,š. Kaže uzvišeni u suri Bekare 256: U vjeru nema prisiljavanja – Pravi put se jasno razlikuje od zablude! Ali isto tako trebamo i da znamo de je jedina priznata vjera kod Allaha islam, kaže uzvišeni u suri Ali Imran 19: Allahu je prava vjera jedino – islam
Mi takođe ne podučavamo ne toleranciji, niti mržnji, ali mi podučavamo da postoji samo jedan Allah dž,š. I ko god vjeruje suprotno tome, oni su u krivu i pogriješili su u svom vjeroivanju. Zato kažemo našim najmlađim, da svaka religija ima svoje dane proslave i veselja. Na primjer Budisti ne slave muslimanske festivale tj; bajrame, niti kršćanske niti židovske, niti kršćani slave muslimanske festivale, tako isto i mi ne slavimo ničije nego samo naše.
Zato jer proslavljanje i obilježavanje praznika slično ili isto kao da i mi proslavljamo sami koncept njihovog praznika, za mnoge kršćane 25 dec je dan obilježavanja Isaovom rođenja, a oni ga još i zovu sin božiji a mi ne vjerujemo da Allah ima sina, pa zato ako bi i mi proslavljali taj dan bio bi isto kao i da mi kažemo da Allah ima sina, da Allah oprosti.

Ali mi  vjerujemo da ipak Allah nema sina, zato kažemo i njima da mi ustvari ne proslavljamo taj dan, i ako naša religija uči nas lijepim manirima i karakteru, zato im mi i ne čestitamo sa riječima mery christmis, vać im kažemo sretan praznik ili tome slično, jer mi ne vjerujemo u božić ili krimis, jer ova fraza može biti malo i problematčna, jer mi niti blagosivamo krismis niti vjerujemo u to.

Mi kao muslimani koristimo ovu priliku da kažemo ljudima oko nas da ustvari i mi vjerujemo u Isa a,s, sina Merjemina i mi ustvari ne možemo biti muslimani ako ne vjerujemo u Isa'a a,s. Potpuno je ispravno reći Isa krist ili hrist, jer Isa krist je latisnkog porjekla koja znači ili označava riječ el-mesih a što znaiči onaj koga je Allah pobrisao ili obrisao.

Znate li draga braćo da je Isa a,s, blagoslovljen na razne načine a da tako nisu bili blagoslovljeni drugi poslanici, Allah dž,š, mu je podario mnoge blagodati, on je jedan od odabranih poslanika (ulul azmi) on je jedan od najboljih poslanika, i mi vjerujemo da je Isa a,s, podaren najboljoj ženi koja se ikada pojavila u historiji čovječanstva.  Kaže uzvišeni u suri Ali Imran 42; I kada meleki rekoše: "O Merjema, tebe je Allah odabrao i čistom stvorio, i boljom od svih žena na svijetu učinio.
Ona je plemenita žena koja nosi jedno Kur'ansko poglavlje a to je Merjem a,s. Meleki su joj rekli da ju je Allah odabrao između svih žena svijeta, Merjema a,s, je bila najpobožnija žena u historiji čovječanstva.

Zato moramo reći kršćanima da je Merjema a,s, poštovana žena, i da je najpoštovanija od svih žena, naš poslanik a,s, nam je naredio da je poštujemo i rekao je a,s: od četiri žene koje su usavršile svoj iman i vjerovanje su: Merjema a,s, Asija, Hadidža i Fatima. Ali je započeo sa Merjemom, i ona je jedina koja je spomenuta imenom u Kur'anu od svih tih četiri.

Isa a,s, je bio jedini dječak u cijeloj ljudskoj historiji koji je govorio u koljevci, odmah je govorio čim je se rodio, svakako se spominju i drugi koji su govorili u koljevci, ali je velika razlika jer je Isa a,s, malte ne predavanje održao za razliku od drugih koji su kazali jednu ili dvije ili više riječi. Ovo nam jasno pokazuje da je on ustvari poslanik koji je poslat od Allaha i koji je imao razne mu'džize ili nadnaravne stvari koje su se dešavale, niti jedan drugi posalnik nije imao takve mu'džize, on je a,s, kako znamo iz Kur'ana liječio gubavce, liječio je slijepce i oživljavao je a,s, Allahovom dozvolom mrtve, to nije niti jedan poslanik činio sa svojim mu'džizama.

Sve nam ovo pokazuje status Isa'a a,s, ali i pored tolikih znakova ljudi kojima je bio poslat su ga odbili i nisu povjerovali, postali su grubi toliko da su ga željeli ubiti. Otišli su kod rimljana i rekli su ružne stvari o njemu, iznijeli su lažne stvari i činjenice, i tako su ga rimljani uhvatili i ubili (misle da su ga ubili) dakle oni misle da su ga ubili a mi u to ne vjerujemo.

Mi vjerujemo da Isa a,s nikada nije bio na križu i da nije razapet, mi vjerujemo da je to bio neko drugi umjesto njega koji se transformisao u lik Isa'a a,s, a ta osoba je bila izdjica Isa a,s, njegovo ime se spominje u njihovoj svetoj knjizi njegovo ime je Juda (Džuda) Iskariot on je bio izdajica Isa'a a,s,, to možemo naći u knjizi Matej, Luka, Džon i Mark po dva puta u svakom.

Allah je kaznio tog izdajicu tako što je transformirao njegovo tijelo da liča na Isa'a a,s,, i rimljani kad su došli da ga uhvate oni su mislili d su uhapsili Isa'a a,s, a u stavri to je bio Džuda. Allah je uzdigao Isa'a a,s, i nikada ga nisu ni ubili niti razapeli, i do dan dans Isa'a a,s, je živ, šta radi i kako je to sve, Allah najbolje zna.

Ali mi vjerujemo da će ipak pred kraj ili pred smak svijeta doći, kao i većina kršćana koji vjeruju u to, mi vjerujemo da će doći ali se razlikujemo od njih, kada su ubili Džudu (misleće da su ubili Isa'a a,s) kršćani su počeli vjerivati da je on poseban, i počeli su govoriti da je on više od čovjeka, neki od njih su rekli on je sin Božiji, i to je prevladalo među većinom i tako je nastalo moderno kršćanstvo. Ali istiniti sljedbenici Isa'a a,s, nikada nisu vjerovali da je on sin božiji, istinski sljedbenici Isa'a a,s, su vjerovali u njega kao Allahovog poslanika ai vjerovjesnika, i naš poslanik aMuhammed a,s, je došao da to potvrdi.

Allah dž,š, nema djete, niti sina niti kćerku, kaže uzvišeni; Kako On da ima sina, kad ni žene nema. Njemu niko ravan nije, kako da ima sina kad nema supruge. Čovjek i žena su ti koji imaju djecu, imati porodicu je naša perfekcija za nas, jer mi umiremo, a kad umiremo ostaju iza nas naši potomci koji nas drže u životu ili čuvaju naše ime ili ime porodice, ali ovaj primjer za Allaha koji ne umire i koji je bezsmrtan Njemu ne trebaju sinovi, niti porodica. Mi smo ti kojima treba spomen nakon smrti.

Spominje se od jednog poznatog alima poznatog teologa iz 4 stoljeća Imama Bakilanija r,h; kada je bio pozvat na debatu sa kršćanskim svećenicima. Čim je ušao kod njih upitao ih je kako su vaše porodice kako su vam djeca, kako su vam sinovi? A mi svi dobro znamo da se svećenici ne žene. Zato su se svećenici uzrujali i naljutilli, te su rekli; Zar ti ne znaš da u našoj religiji ljudi koji su odani bogu nemaju porodicu, ne žene se, i kako će imati djecu? Zar ne znaš d si nas povredio sa tim svojim riječima? Tada Imam Bakilani reče: ako vi mislite da ste vi toliko sveti da bi imali žene i djecu, zašto to onda isto prepisujete Allahu dž,š, zašto govorite da je Isa a,s, sin božiji?

Zato kažem draga braćo mi vjerujemo u Isa a,s, i vjerujem da smo mi pravi sljedbenici Isa a,s, i ovo je vrlo važno, nemojte ni u kom slučaju misliti da kršćani slijede Isa'a a,s, a da mi slijedimo Muhammeda a,s, ne, mi slijedimo i jednog i drugog, ustavari mi slijedimo sve poslanike i vjerovjesnike koje je Allah poslao. Naš poslanik Muhammed a,s, je rekao: Kada dođe Isa a,s, ain Merjemin, on će suditi po šerijatu islama, tada če njegovi sljedbenici uvidjeti da su bili u krivu i tada će prigraliti pravo vjerovanje a to je monoteisam, vjerovanje u samo jednog jedinog Allaha dž,š.

Muslims celebrating Christmas – love for Jesus a,s,

My dear brothers and sisters, the reason that all of our young are here today is because of the national festival takes place, and that is festival of Christmas! And it is good opportunity for us to tell to our young brothers and sisters bout the reality of prophet Jesus a,s, and about reality who Jesus is?

And why we as Muslims love Jesus a,s, and why Jesus a,s, is our prophet? And our belief is different than the belief of those around us. This is right time to tell to our young brothers and sisters of this great man, this great personality, and what we believe about this man? And what and how our beliefs are different than the other beliefs. Because many of our young children they ask us why do we do not celebrate Christmas? Why we cannot have a Christmas tree? Why we cannot do this and that?

And to this we respond: my dear brothers and sisters, Allah made different people upon different religion, and each person should follow his own religion, especially when they believe this religion is right, yes my dear brothers and sisters we tolerate other beliefs and we allowed others to believe as they want to believe. Islam does not force anybody to belief to anything, but we to believe in the truth that Allah is one.

Allah said in surah Al-Baqarah 256: There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. But also we have to know that as Allah said in surah Ali Imran 19: Indeed, the religion in the sight of Allah is Islam.
And we do not preach intolerance and we do not preach hatred of others, but we do preach that Allah is One. And anybody who beliefs other than this, they are mistaken in that belief. So, we tell to our young people, that every religion has its own days of celebrations and its own holydays. Buddhist do not celebrate festivals of Islam or Christianity, or the Christians do not celebrate festival of the Jews, and we as Muslims do not celebrate others festivals or holydays of other religions.

Because of celebrating those holyday it is as if we celebrating the concept behind the holyday, and for many Christians the 25th of Dec is celebration of the birth of Jesus a,s, or they call him the son of God, and we do not believe God has a son, so if we were celebrate that day it is as if we too saying we belief that God has a son.

And we do not belief that God has a son, so we say to them that we are not going to celebrate this day, even our religion teach us a good manners, so we should not say to them “merry Christmas” but we can say may God guide you, or happy holiday, but not “merry Christmas’’ because this phrases could be problematic, we do not want to bless Christmas, we do not belief in Christmas we do not belief that Jesus is son of God.

 We as Muslims it is good opportunity to tell to the people around us we also believe in prophet Jesus a,s, so much so that no Muslim can be a Muslim unless and until he believes in Jesus a,s. and it is completely permissible to say Jesus Christ, because Jesus Christ is the Latinized version of the Al-Maseeh Eisa – Al-Maseeh is Christ, mean that whom Allah has anointed – Maseeh means the one Allah has wiped.

Do you know dear brothers and sisters that Jesus a,s, has been blessed in ways that no other prophet has been blessed with, Allah gave him so many blessings, he is the one of the mighty prophets, he is the one of the best prophets, and we believe that Jesus a,s, was given to the greatest women appeared in the history of humanity. She is such noble lady that we have surah in the Qur’an named after her, and the angels told her (Maryam) that Allah has chosen you above all of the women, and Maryam was most righteous lady of all history of humanity.

We should tell to all the Christians that Maryam a,s, or Mary we respect her more than any other women, and our prophet Muhammad a,s, commanded us to respect her and he said that four are women had perfected their iman and he began with Maryam and than Asiyah, and then Khadija and then Fatima. But the first is Maryam a,s. And she is the only one mentioned in the Qur’an by name.

Jesus a,s, was one of the only children in the history of humanity who spoke from the cradle, he spoke when he was new born an infant, and it is narrated that there are other who spoke, but Jesus a,s, when he spoke he gave a khutbah speech, others spoke one or two words. This clearly show to people that he is a messenger of Allah and Jesus a,s, he performed a miracles, no other prophets ever performed as he did, he a,s, as we know from the Qur’an, he healed the leper, he cure the one who was born blind, he resurrected the dead by the permission of Allah. He created life by the permission of Allah, no others prophets did these type of the miracles.

All these shows the status of Jesus a,s, but yet still despite all of these signs, the people whom he sent to rejected him, they become arrogant so much so that they tried to kill him, and they went to government ship, they went to the people in charge and those who are Romans and they issued falls allegations they lie about this man, so that the Romans capture him, and Romans will kill him. So they think that they killed him, but we do not believe in that.

We believe Jesus a,s, was never put on the cross, we believe that somebody else was transformed to look like Jesus a,s, and this person was the traitor who betrayed Jesus a,s, and his name is as it is in the Christian tradition Judas Iscariot, he was a traitor – about this we can find in the Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. And punishment of traitor was that Allah made him look like Jesus a,s, he transformed him to look like Jesus and they thought he was Jesus a,s, so they captured him and they killed him a miserable death, they never killed Jesus a,s, what did Allah do, miraculously angels came down and raised him and he is the only human whom Allah raised  up while alive and we believe he is still alive up to this day, not on the earth. How, we do not know, Allah knows best.

We believe that he will come one day, like many Christians that there is second coming of Jesus a,s, we believe he will come back as well, but the difference is that when they killed Judas (Jesus) many Christians began to believe that he must to be more than human, or super human, and some of them said he is son of God , and that was how they create Christianity. But the true followers of Jesus a,s, never believed the he was a son of God, the true followers of Jesus a,s, believed in him as a messenger and prophet of God, and our prophet Muhammad a,s, came to affirm the same message.

God s,w,t, does not have a child, God does not have a son or daughter. Allah said: How can he have a son when he does not have a wife? There is no body equal to Allah s,w,t, the husband and wife they have a children. Dear brothers and sisters having a family is perfection for us, because we die, and when we die, somebody live our name and keep the family name live. And in the case of Allah who never dies he does not need children.

It is mentioned one of our famous theologies great imam from 4th century his name was Imam Al-Baqilani r,h, he was invited by the some of the Christians for a debate and when he went there – the story is long but I will let you know one line from that story- as soon as he entered he asked the priests a question; how is your families and your children? How is your wife and children? – and we all know that priest do not have wife they do not get married. So the priests got insulted and mad and they said: Don’t you know that our religion the man of God to holy to have a wife and have a child? Don’t you know that you insulting us by asking me how is my child I do not have a child!

So, the Baqilany r,h, said; If you think you are to holy to have a wife and children, why do you ascribing to Allah s,w,t, that he has a child?

So my dear brothers and sisters, we believe in the Jesus a,s, and we believe that we are true followers of Jesus a,s,, this is another point, and do not think that Christians follow Jesus a,s, and we follow Muhammad a,s, no, that is wrong we follow Jesus and Muhammad a,s, , we follow all the prophets of Allah. dear brothers and sisters know that we are true followers of Jesus a,s, and that he is our prophet, and our prophet Muhammad a,s, said that when Jesus the son of Mary return he will judge by the shariah of Islam, and his followers will recognized that they made mistake and then they will embrace true faith and that is monotheism, believing in one God Allah s,w,t.    


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