Jan 16, 2015

Ljubav prema poslaniku Muhammedu a,s / The love for Prophet Muhammad a,s

Ljubav prema poslaniku Muhammedu a,s

2d849-imam2bsedinPoštovana braćo dozvolite mi da započnem hutba sa hadisom koji nam prikazuje ljubav i brigu ashaba prema poslaniku Muhammedu a,s. U hadisu kog bilježi imam Buhari, jednog dana je Allahov Poslanik a.s. šetao sa ashabima, pa uze Omera r.a. za ruku. Omer r.a. mu reče: „Allahov Poslaniče ja te doista volim! Voliš li me više od djece Omere?-upita Poslanik a.s. Da, Allahov Poslaniče! A voliš li me više od porodice? Da, Allahov Poslaniče! A više od svog imetka? Da Allahov Poslaniče volim te više od svoga imetka! Tada Poslanik a.s. reče: A voliš li me više od samog sebe? Ne , Allahov Poslaniče! Ne, Omere, nećeš biti potpunog vjerovanja dok me ne budeš volio više nego sebe!“ Omer se malo odvoji i razmisli, pa dođe Allahovom Poslaniku, a.s., i iz sveg glasa reče: Allahov Poslaniče, sada te volim više nego sebe!“Poslanik a.s., mu reče: Sada Omere…sada!.

Allah dž,š, kaže u suri Ahzab 6: Vjerovjesnik treba biti preči vjernicima nego oni sami sebi. Dragi Allahu! Kada ćemo doći na ovaj stepen?

Ovaj hadis nam ukazuje jasno da je ljubav prema poslaniku a,s, dio vjerovanja, bez ljubavi prema poslaniku a,s, nema uspjeha. Zato često možemo čuti frazu koja kaže: ''ljubav prema Allahu dž,š, i poslaniku a,s.'' No, međutim da li mi razumijemo šta to znači? Šta ona obuhvata? Da li je ljubav prema poslaniku a,s, puštanje suza, plakanje, kada čujemo neko kazivanje o poslaniku a,s ili neku tešku situaciju kroz koju je prošao, tada se sažalimo?

Zato moramo imati želju da razumijome ''šta znači voljeti poslanika a,s'' moramo se čuvati i paziti da nam ta ljubav ne postane puka retorika ili besjedništvo, ili da u našem života nema utjecaja poslanikova praksa. Kaže Allah dž,š, u suri Nisa 65: I tako Mi Gospodara tvoga, oni neće biti vjernici dok za sudiju u sporovima međusobnim tebe ne prihvate i da onda zbog presude tvoje u dušama svojim nimalo tegobe ne osjete i dok se sasvim ne pokore.

Naša ljubav prema poslaniku a,s, će biti realna i realizovana onda kad imadne utjecaja na naše živote, kada budemo radili ono što nam je naredio i kada budemo ostavili ono što nam je zabranio.
Ljubav prema Allahu dž,š, i poslaniku a,s, se mora pokazati u djelu svakog vjernika, Allah dž,š, kaže u Kur'anu u suri Ali Imran 31-32: Reci: "Ako Allaha volite, mene slijedite, i vas će Allah voljeti i grijehe vam oprostiti!" A Allah prašta i samilostan je. Reci: "Pokoravajte se Allahu i Poslaniku!" A ako oni glave okrenu – pa Allah, zaista, ne voli nevjernike.

Jer kad neko izjavi i iskaže ljubav prema poslaniku a,s, onda u najmanju ruku ga počne kopirati, imitirati, pokušaje da oponaša poslanika a,s, pokorava se njegovim naredbama ostavlja njegove zabrane. Insan pokušava da život svoj i svoje porodice uskladi sa islamskim principima i propisima. Da li čuvamo islamske vrijednosti i obaveze u našim kućama i našim porodicama.

Pokornost Allahu dž,š, i poslaniku a,s, će odrediti vjernikov uspjeh na ovom kao i na budućem svijetu. Pridržavanje Allahovih naređenja i neređenja poslanika a,s, će pomoći svakom od nas da bude upućen i da zasluži Allahovu milost. Kaže uzvišeni u suri Ali Imran 132: Pokoravajte se Allahu i Poslaniku da bi vam bila milost ukazana. Dakle pokornost Allahu i poslaniku a,s, je milost sama po sebi, a Allah će ukazati milost onimo koji se budu pokoravali.

Bez sumnje, svi se mi trudimo da nam Allah ukaže svoju milost, nadamo se Njegovom berićetu i blagoslovu, jer nam ovaj ajet jasno govori da je pokornost Allahu i poslaniku a,s, put ka Allahovoj milosti. Molim Allaha dž,š, da nam se smiluje.

Drugi način na koji možemo postići iskrenu ljubav prema poslaniku a,s, jeste, da izučavamo njegovu bijografiju, njegov životopis, isčitavanje njegovih hadisa itd. Hadisi su ti koji nas podučavaju i uče načinu života koji je on sam živio. Jer onaj ko voli nekoga, on pokušava da sve sazna o voljenom, o voljenoj osobi. Iskreni vjernik koji voli i tvrdi da voli poslanika a,s, će voljeti sve o poslaniku.

Zato učenjaci kažu da su najbolja druženja ona druženja na kojima se izučava hadis poslanika Muhammeda a,s, takva mjesta ne samo da su od velike koristi zbog izučavanja hadisa već i što se donose salavati na poslanika a,s, poslije svakog spomena poslanikovog imena.

Zar ne bi bilo lijepo da mi kao ummet poslanika Muhammeda a,s, i kao nasljednici Kur'ana i Hadisa da sve to iskoristimo u svoju korist? Da počnemo sprovoditi Kur'an i Hadis u djelo, praktično, da primjenimo svaki ajet i svaki hadis u praksi, da živimo po slovu Kur'ana i Hadisa. Da nam Kur'an i Hadis budu vodići!

Zato danas nam je najpotrebnije da se držimo neprekidnog užeta, Kur'ana i Sunneta. Da uymemo poslanika a,s, ya svog uzora, i da ga počnemo praktično slijediti, a ne samo teoretski. Molim Allaha dž,š, da nam pomogne da budemo iskreni, i da nam da razumjevanja. Amin.

The love for Prophet Muhammad a,s

2d849-imam2bsedinDear brothers; Allow me to begin the sermon today by sharing a story that depicts the love and care of the Sahabahs r.a toward our beloved Messenger, Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
In a hadith reported by imam Al-Bukhari, Saidina Umar ibn Al- Khattab once was walking with the Prophet s.a.w, and said: “By Allah, I love you O Prophet of Allah, more than anything else, except for myself” (which meant he loved himself more than Rasulullah s.a.w). And the Prophet replied: “O Umar, by Allah in whose hands my life lies, your faith will never be complete until you love me more than yourself.”

Allah said in surah Ahzab 6: The Prophet is more worthy of the believers than themselves. O Allah when we will reach this level?

Umar thus went to find solitude. After a brief a moment, he returned, and proclaimed to the Prophet: “O Prophet of Allah, now I love you more than myself.” The Prophet replied: “Now, O Umar”. It was at that moment, when Umar loved the Prophet over himself, that his faith became complete.

This story is proof that loving the Prophet a,s, is part of our deen (religion). It is part of the faith (iman) of a true believer, and a reflection of one’s understanding and appreciation of the religion.

We have often heard the phrase “Love Allah and Love Rasulullah”. However, do we truly understand the meaning of this phrase? What does it encompass? Is loving Rasulullah s.a.w, simply shown by tears (because we miss him) when we hear stories about the Prophet s.a.w? We should fear for not striving to understand the meaning of loving Rasulullah s.a.w. We should fear when the verses of love that we recite are simply rhetoric; devoid of any lasting impact in the lives of a mu’min.

Dear brothers; our love for Rasulullah s.a.w, will become a reality when it is able to leave a lasting impact in our lives, and there are several ways to achieve this. First: One’s love for Allah and His Messenger should reflect in the actions of a believer. Allah says in the Qur’an, in surah Ali- Imran verses 31 to 32: “Say, [O Muhammad], "If you should love Allah, then follow me, [so] Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful." Say, "Obey Allah and the Messenger." But if they turn away - then indeed, Allah does not like the disbelievers.”

Therefore, one who professes to love the Prophet s,a,w would surely try to emulate the Prophet and obey the commands of his Creator. He or she will try to ensure that his or her family life is in line with Islamic principles and values. Are all of the Prophet’s teachings adhered to? Are the Islamic obligations carried out in his/her family?

It is obedience to Allah and His messenger that will determine a believer’s success in this world and the hereafter. Adhering to the commands of Allah and His messenger will also deem one worthy of Allah’s mercy and guidance. Hence Allah s.w.t says in Surah Ali-Imran, verse 132: “And obey Allah and the Messenger that you may obtain mercy.”

It is without doubt that we all strive for Allah’s mercy. We hope for His Barakah and the blessings of our family. It is also clear from the verse recited earlier, that we can attain Allah’s mercy through full obedience to Him, and His messenger s.a.w.

The second way to attain sincere and pure love for the Prophet s.a.w, is to increase our study and research of the hadith of our Rasulullah s.a.w. We can also attain this love by increasing our selawat upon him.

The hadith of Nabi s.a.w, contains his teachings, his sunnah (prophetic way) and Rasulullah’s s.a.w, way of life. One who is in love will naturally want to know everything about his or her beloved. A true believer, who claims he loves the Prophet s.a.w, will thus love everything about Messenger of Allah.

On that basis, scholars are of the opinion that the best or most praiseworthy gatherings are those where the hadith of the Prophet s.a.w, are read. Such gatherings are not simply beneficial due to the reading and studying of Prophet’s hadith; but it has also the merits of making salawaat. This is due to the accompanying recitation of ‘Sallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam’, every time the Prophet’s name is mentioned.

Would it not be a great loss if we, the Prophet’s ummah, who inherited what he had left behind, meaning both the Qur’an and Sunnah, are not able to fully reap their benefits?

Let us start taking steps to appreciate the Sunnah of Rasulullah s.a.w better. Let us read and learn the books of hadith and sirah (history of the Prophet) compiled by our scholars, which discusses the noble and beautiful traits of our beloved Rasulullah s.a.w.

There are many books that compiled hadith on the Rasulullah’s mannerisms. We can then apply the beautiful and noble traits we have learned in our daily lives, truly emulating the Prophet s.a.w, and portraying ourselves as his Ummah. Let us reflect our love for Rasullulah s.a.w, in our actions and behavior.

May our love for our beloved Prophet s.a.w, be pure and sincere. May this love attain us the blessings of Allah. May we become the ummah of Rasulullah s.a.w, who are able to spread mercy and tighten the bonds of humanity. Amin Ya Rabbal ‘Alamin.

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