Jan 23, 2015

Postupati mudro to je sunnet poslanika a,s, - Acting wisely and graciously as the Sunnah of Rasulullah s.a.w.

Postupati mudro to je sunnet poslanika a,s,

Imam Sedin Agic Prošlog mjeseca Rebiul Evvela, govorili smo o poslaniku a,s, govorili smo kako nam je on a,s, nabolji uzor i da njega trebamo slijediti. Iskazujemo ljubav prema njemu a,s, te iskazujemo koliko nam fali, donosimo salavate i selame na njega, iščitavamo njegovu biografiju nadajući se d aćemo biti bolji vjernici.

Naše poštovanje i ljubav prema poslaniku a,s, naša srdžba i razočaranost i veliki šok za sve nas kada neko vrijeđa i ismijava poslanika Muhammeda a,s. Ta ljubav koja proizilazi iz našeg imana i vjerovanja te svjedočenja da je: Allah samo Bog i da je Muhammed a,s, Njegov rob i Njegov poslanik. Kako god, da li svi dijele isto mišljenje kada je u pitanju naše vjerovanje? Svakako ne!

Ljudi su podjeljeni i to je stvarnost, Kur'an nas obavještava da je raznovrsnost božija volja. Kaže Allah dž,š, u suri Nahl 93; Da Allah hoće, učinio bi vas sljedbenicima jedne vjere, ali, On u zabludi ostavlja onoga koga hoće, a na Pravi put ukazuje onome kome On hoće; i vi ćete doista odgovarati za ono što ste radili. Kao ljudi bi trebali biti mudri, i znati kako upravljati tom razlikom i živjeti sa njom, ako to nismo u stanju onda cijelo čovječanstvo propada.

Jer te razlike, i problemi koji nadolaze će biti neizbježni za sukob. Ono što nama treba jest kod ponašanja i fundementalni princip koji će biti prihvatljiv za sve. Kod koji će biti prihvaćen od civiliziranih zajednica. Kod koji dozvoljava da živimo zajedno u miru pored naših razlika. Ključni princip ponašanja je potpuno poštovanje, poštovanje tuđih ubjeđenja i vjerovanja, poštivanje religije, izbjegavanje vrijeđanja osjećaja bilo koje grupe. Kaže uzvišeni u suri Enam 108: Ne grdite one kojima se oni, pored Allaha, klanjaju, da ne bi i oni nepravedno i ne misleći šta govore Allaha grdili. – Kao i ovima, tako smo svakom narodu lijepim postupke njihove predstavljali. Oni će se, na kraju, Gospodaru svome vratiti, pa će ih On o onom što su radili obavijestiti.

I poslanik a,s, nam navodi primjer, u hadisu kog bilježi imam buhari, kada je grupa prolazila pored poslanika a,s, te rekla; ''As-Semu alejkum'' što znači; Neka je na tebe smrt. Aiša r,a, je ustala i rekla; Neka je na vas Allahovo proklestvo. Tada poslanik a,s, reče o Aiša Allah voli blagost i smirenost u svim stvarima. U drugoj predaji stoji da je poslanik a,s, rekao: O Aiša Allah je blag i voli blagost, i On daje i daruje sa blagošću ono što ne daruje sa grubošću.

Ovaj incident nam pokazuje kako je poslanik a,s, razlikovao dobro od zla. Ovo je jako važna razlika, Allah dž,š, nam pojašnjava u suri Fussilet 34: Dobro i zlo nisu isto! Zlo dobrim uzvrati, pa će ti dušmanin tvoj odjednom prisni prijatelj postati. 

U svjetlu ovog, kako mi trebamo reagovati kada vidimo i uočimo nešto loše? Kakav treba naš odgovor da bude? I ako u mnogim ajetima i hadisima nam je postavljeno pravilo, ali je naše pravo da reagujemo i odgovorimo. Ali kao ummet koji stvarno voli poslanika a,s, moramo reagovati kao on a,s, ali isto tako moramo biti postojni i čvrsti da odbacimo bilo kakvo ismijavanje, vrijeđanje našeg poslanika a,s, ali postojanost nikako ne znači agresivnost i nasilje.

Budi jak i čvrst, budi mudar u odgovoru. Zamisli da je poslanik a,s, uzvraćao istim riječima ili oštrijim ili čak da je uzvraćao nasiljem, ali to nikad nije činio, umjesto toga bi odabrao najmudriji i najbolji put i dogovoru, ništa ga nije moglo zbuniti niti odvratiti sa misije koju je bio dužan dostaviti a to je da bude dobar prema svakom, prijatelju i neprijatelju, upravo ta karekteristika je ustvari osvajala srca i prijatelja i neprijatelja.

Poslanički put nije bio lahak put, nije lahko uzvratiti na loše s dobrim, najlakše je slušati i slijediti naše emocije, i pustiti da srdžba iskaže naše emocije. Ovo je naš izazov, koji je postavljen u Kur'anu, kaže uzvišeni u suri Fussilet 35: To mogu postići samo strpljivi; to mogu postići samo vrlo sretni.
Strpljivost ovdje znači da mi muslimani trebamo duže razmislit, (ispeci pa reci) da razmislimo o čistoći našeg dina, ljepoti našeg karaktera, samo na takav načim možemo promjenuti percepcije i opažanja drugih, ali, isto tako moramo znati da se opažanja ne mjenjaju tokom noći!

Ono što se nalazi ispred nas i što nas vreba iza ćoška jeste IZAZOV. Tokom života poslanik a,s, je bio protjeran, bio je povrijeđen itd. Ali je poslanik a,s, koristio efikasniji pristup. To je taj islam kog smo mi naslijedili, to je njegova a,s, praksa i sunnet kojeg trebamo slijediti, to je taj put kojim trebamo ići, i znajte da smo na iskušenju, da oživimo ovaj sunnet ovu praksu i njegovo učenje te da postanemo praktični sljedbenici, praktična zajednica.

Da širimo dobrotu, da poštujemo, zato molim Allaha dž,š, da nam da, da budemo od onih koji će poštovati i praktikovati poslanikov sunnet u svim sferama našeg života, socialnog, ekonomskog edukativnog i svakog drugog.

Pozivajmo druge na onaj način na koji nam je zacrtan u Kur'anu u suri Nahl 125: Na put Gospodara svoga mudro i lijepim savjetom pozivaj i s njima na najljepši način raspravljaj! Gospodar tvoj zna one koji su zalutali s puta Njegova, i On zna one koji su na Pravome putu. 

Januar-23-2015 / 03-Rabiul Ahir-1436

Acting wisely and graciously as the Sunnah of Rasulullah s.a.w.

Imam Sedin Agic In the past month of Rabiulawal, we have immersed ourselves in the fragrance of the beautiful character and exemplary personality of Rasulullah s.a.w. We have been reminded to emulate him and follow in his footsteps. We proclaim our love for him, and express how much we miss him; we recite blessings upon the Prophet s.a.w and read stories about him, in our hope to become better believers.

My dear brothers, with our love and respect for him, we are angered, disappointed and shocked by acts, which insult, revile and mock our beloved Rasulullah s.a.w. These feelings stem from the love of his ummah for their Prophet s.a.w; our love to the beacon that enlightens our lives.

This love stems from our iman (faith), and begins with the shahadah that we proclaim; that there is no God but Allah and Prophet Muhammad s.a.w is His last Messenger. However, does everyone in this world share our belief? Obviously not! Humanity is diverse, and this is a fact. The noble Quran often reminds us that the diversity of humankind is a sunnah of God’s creation. Allah said in Sura Nahl 93: And if Allah had willed, He could have made you [of] one religion, but He causes to stray whom He wills and guides whom He wills. And you will surely be questioned about what you used to do. As humankind, we must therefore be wise in managing differences and living in this diversity. If we fail to do so, then humanity as a whole will crumble.

Because of such differences, problems and issues cannot be avoided. Therefore, what we need is a code of conduct and fundamental principles that are agreeable to all; a code of conduct that can be accepted by all civilized communities; a code of conduct that allows us to live together in peace and harmony despite our differences and diversity. A key principle and code of conduct is the need for mutual respect – respect for one’s beliefs, one’s religion, and refrain from hurting the feelings of any group. That is a key principle of Islam. Allah s.w.t says in surah Al-An’am verse 108: And do not insult those they invoke other than Allah, lest they insult Allah in enmity without knowledge. Thus We have made pleasing to every community their deeds. Then to their Lord is their return, and He will inform them about what they used to do.” 

The Prophet s.a.w himself led by example in this matter. In a hadith reported by Imam Al-Bukhari, a group of people walked past the Prophet s.a.w,and said: As-sam ‘alaikum which means “death be upon you”. Hearing that, Sayida Aisyah r.a stood up and said: death and the curse of Allah be upon you”. Allah’s Messenger s.a.w said: Be calm, O 'Aisha! Allah loves gentleness and calmness in all matters.” In a narration reported by Imam Muslim Rasulullah s.a.w said: Oh Aisha, verily Allah is the Most Gentle and loves gentleness, and He bestows gentleness upon what was not bestowed with harshness”.

This incident shows how Rasulullah s.a.w distinguished what is “good” from what is “bad”. This is an important distinction, which Allah s.w.t explains in Surah Fussilat verse 34: And not equal are the good deed and the bad. Repel [evil] by that [deed] which is better; and thereupon the one whom between you and him is enmity [will become] as though he was a devoted friend.”

In light of this, how should we react when we encounter what is bad? What should our response be? Whether in the hadith earlier, or in many other stories of the Prophet s.a.w, he had shown us that it is our right to react and respond. But as an ummah that truly love the Prophet s.a.w, we must aim to react and respond like him. Yes, we must be firm to reject mocking, ridicule, and insult, but firmness does not mean aggression, let alone violence. Be firm and be wise in our response. Reject such hurtful ideas and views at the level of ideas.

Just imagine for a second if the Prophet s.a.w responded unkindness with the same level of bitterness, or worse, with violence. He never did, and instead, chose a wise way to deal with hurtful expressions. He did not get distracted from his mission to do good to everyone. He broke the cycle of hostility and enmity.

The path of the Prophet s.a.w is not an easy one. It is not easy to return an evil act with kindness. It is a lot easier to listen to our emotions, and to let anger determine our reactions. However, this is our challenge set to us in the Quran. The Qur’anic verse read earlier continues in verse 35 Surah Fussilat: But none is granted it except those who are patient, and none is granted it except one having a great portion [of good].”

Patience here means that we, Muslims, always need to think long-term. We have to be persistent in upholding the nobility and purity of our religion, and the beauty of good character, and only this will change the perception others have of our religion. Remember, perceptions cannot be changed overnight.

At the same time, we need to maintain the need for mutual respect. Where we live, mutual respect is a gift that we have enjoyed, and we should be grateful to Allah for this great blessing.

Dear brothers; we therefore have a challenge before us. Throughout his life, Rasulullah s.a.w had been chased away, he had been hurt, and insults were hurled at him. But the Prophet s.a.w took a better and more effective approach. This is the Islam that we inherit. This is his sunnah that we must follow. This is the path that we should tread. Know that we are being tested by Allah s.w.t to enliven this sunnah. Defend our beloved Rasulullah s.a.w and his teachings by increasing our efforts to be an exemplary community. Spread goodness. Instill mutual respect. Let us become those who appreciate and uphold the sunnah of Rasulullah in all aspects of our lives; socially, economically, and educationally.

Let us be mature in dealing with today’s life’s challenges. Strive to display the way that is al-ahsan, i.e. the better approach. Indeed that is the challenge set for us in the Quran in Surah An-nahl verses 125: Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction, and argue with them in a way that is best. Indeed, your Lord is most knowing of who has strayed from His way, and He is most knowing of who is [rightly] guided

May we become such people? May Allah grant us wisdom and patience in holding on to the teachings of our religion?

January-23-2015 / 03-Rabiul Akhir-1436

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