Jan 9, 2015

Voljeti resula u svjetlu mevluda / Loving him in light of the Mawlid

Voljeti resula u svjetlu mevluda

Rekao je Allah dž,š, u suri Tevba 128: Došao vam je Poslanik, jedan od vas, teško mu je što ćete na muke udariti, jedva čeka da Pravim putem pođete, a prema vjernicima je blag i milostiv.

Allah dž,š, je obskrbio svoje robove sa poslanikom Muhammedom a,s, svjetlo upute cijelom čovječanstvu koji je osvijetlio i presvjetlio ovaj svijet, od dana kada je došao na njega pa do njegovog nestanka. Čovjek koji je osvojio srca sa svojom milošću i brigom, do te mjere da su ashabi r,a, žrtvovali svoje vlastite živote i imetke za njega a,s. Kaže uzvišeni u suri Ahzab 6: Vjerovjesnik treba biti preči vjernicima nego oni sami sebi.

Ebu Hurejre prenosi da je poslanik a,s, rekao: Nema ni jednog vjernika a da mu ja nisam najpreči među ljudima na dunjaluku i ahiretu. Ako želite učite sljedeće: Vjerovjesnik treba biti preči vjernicima nego oni sami sebi. Rekao je Poslanik a,s: Tako mi onoga u čijoj je ruci moja duša, ni jedan od vas neće vjerovati sve dok mu ja ne budem draži od njega samog, njegovog imetka, njegove djece i svih ljudi. Imam Buhari i Muslim.

Vjera ne može biti usavršena bez voljenja Muhammeda a,s, najdražeg stvorenja Stvoritelju dž,š, ta ljubav se manifestuje u svojoj najsavršenijoj formi od onih koji ga vole, njegovih ashaba. Jer ih je Allah dž,š, odabrao d abudu njegovi ashabi i da budu pomagači u širenju njegove a,s, misije.

Ta ljubav i odanost se najbolje pokazuje kod Urve As-Sakafija r,a, koji se dogovarao sa poslanikom a,s, na Hudejbiji, kada je rekao: O ljudi, takomi Allaha, služio sam kraljevima, cezarima, Kisri i Nedžašiji. Tako mi Allaha, nisam vidio kralja koga ljudi poštuju na način kako Muhammedovi ashabi poštuju Muhammeda a,s. Kada pljune neki od ashaba bi hvatali poslanikovu pljuvačku i brisali se po licu i koži. A ako im šta naredi oni bi se natjecali da to urade i izvrše. A ako bi uzimao abdest oni bi se svađali za ostatak vode, a ako bi pričali spuštali bi svoje glasove u njegovom a,s, prisustvu.

Ova ljubav i poštovanje prema vođi i lideru, pečatu svih poslanika i vjerovjesnika, kojeg je Allah dž,š, poslao kao ''milost svjetovima'', koji je predvodio ashabe r,a, koji su ga a,s, tretirali na najbolji način i koji se nisu suprostavljali njegovim naredbama niti zabranama. Dok su se drugi odricali od pričanja iz straha da ne poviše svoje glasove iznad njegovog a,s, a drugi opet nisu mogli pogledati mu u oči iz respekta i poštovanja prema njemu a,s.

Više od toga imaamo primjer Hubejba r,a, koji je bio mučen i prije nego su ga Kurejšije pogubile upitali ga; Da li bi volio da je sad na tvome mjestu Muhammed a da si ti spašen i da si sa svojom suprugom i djecom? Na to je odgovorio; Tako mi Allaha dž,š, ne bi volio da budem sa svojom porodicom a da je Muhammed umjesto mene, ne bi volio ni da trn ubode Muhammeda.  Ebu Bekra r,a, je ujeo škorpion dok je poslanik a,s, spavao na njegovoj nozi, ali se nije mrdnuo da ne bi uznemirio poslanika a,s. Sa'd ibn vekkas i Talha bin Ubejdullah r,a, su riskirali svoj vlastiti život da bi žaštitili poslanika a,s, u bitci na uhudu.

Žena koja je izgubila oca, brata i muža, nije pitala za njih, već je njena jedina briga bila, kako je poslanik a,s? Najbolji dan, kako su neki od njih rekli je bio kada je poslanik a,s, ušao u Medinu, a najteži dan je bio kada je preselio na ahiret a,s. Njihova najbolja manifestacija i iskazivanje ljubavi prema poslaniku a,s, je bila u obavljanju svih naredbi i ostavljanju svih zabrana, tako se iskazuje ljubav, ''ljubav na praktičan način'', ne samo teoretski kako je to danas rasprostranjeno, kroz razne skupove, poeziju itd, jednog godišnje, nama danas treba praksa i na praktičan način pokazati odanost i poštovanje prema poslaniku a,s.

Dan u kom se poslanik a,s, rodio je blagoslovnjen dan, i poslanik a,s, nam dao instrukcije kako da ga takvog prepoznao kada je upitan o postu svakog ponedjeljka, Katade prenosi da je poslanik a,s, rekao: U tom danu sam se rodio i u tom danu je počela objava. Imam Muslim.

Zato nam je preporučeno od strane poslanika a,s, da postimo regularno svakog ponedjeljka, sedmično djelo koje će nas približiti Allahu dž,š, u odnosu na jednogodišnje obilježavanje. Moramo se potruditi da pokažemo svoju ljubav prema poslaniku a,s, sa žrtvovanjem naših života, živjeti i umirati na onome s čime će Allah i poslanik a,s, biti zadovoljni. Kaže uzvišeni u suri El-Hašr 7: Ono što vam Poslanik kao nagradu da – to uzmite, a ono što vam zabrani – ostavite; i bojte se Allaha jer Allah, zaista, strahovito kažnjava.

Poslanik a,s, je iskazao veliku želju da se sretne sa svojom braćom, pa kad bi uitan zar mi nismo tvoja braća?

Prenosi Ebu Hurejre r,a, da je poslanik a,s, rekao: Volio sam da smo vidjeli našu braću.” Rekoše: “Nismo li mi tvoja braća, o Allahov Poslaniče?” Vi ste moji ashabi, a moja braća su oni koji još nisu došli na ovaj svijet.” Rekoše: “Kako ćes poznati one koji još nisu došli, od tvog ummeta, o Allahov Poslaniče?” Reče: Reci mi, kada bi čovjek imao konje s bijelim biljegom na čelu, da li bismo ih mogli prepoznati među potpuno crnim konjima? Rekoše: “Mogli bismo, Allahov Poslaniče.” On reče: Naša će braća doći svijetlih (bijelih) lica i čisti od abdesta, a ja ću ih predvoditi na Havd (vrelo Poslanikovo). Od mog Vrela neki ljudi će biti odgonjeni kao što se odgone izgubljene deve. Dozivat ću ih: ‘Dođite ovamo!’ – no bit će mi rečeno: ‘Promijenili su se, doista, poslije tebe, o Poslaniče’ – a ja ću im kazati: ‘Daleko bili, daleko bili!’” (Hadis bilježi imam Muslim, Ibn Madže, Malik, Ahmed, El-Nesai i drugi). 

 Loving him in light of the Mawlid

“There has certainly come to you a Messenger from among yourselves. Grievous to him is what you suffer; [he is] concerned over you and to the believers is kind and merciful.” Surah At-Tawbah 128. 

Allah the Most Merciful truly blessed His servants with the coming of His beloved Messenger, a light of guidance for mankind who illuminated this world from the day his blessed being entered it to the day it departed. A man who endeared the hearts towards him with his compassion and concern, to the extent that his beloved companions would lay down their lives for him, thus enacting the words of the Most High:The Prophet is more worthy of the believers than their own selves Al-Ahzab 6.

A statement that was epitomized by his devoted companions throughout his blessed life. Faith cannot be complete without loving the greatest of mankind and most beloved to the Creator, the Prophet Muhammad a,s. This love was manifested in its most complete and total form by those that loved him the most – his companions. For Allah the Most Wise chose them from the souls of all of mankind to be the ones to be blessed by his companionship and to aid him in his mission.

This love and devotion is perfectly illustrated in the observations of Urwa Ath-thaqafi following his negotiations with the Prophet during Hudaybiah, he said: O people, by God I have served as a representative to kings, I have been a representative to Caesar, Kisra and Najashi. By God, I have never seen a king whose people venerate him the way the companions of Muhammad venerate Muhammad. He does not spit except that it lands in the hand of one of them who rubs it on his face and skin. If he commands them they race to fulfill his command. If he makes ablution they fight for the remains of its water, if they speak they lower their voices in his presence and they do not gaze at him intently out of reverence for him.”

This love and respect for their leader, the seal of the Prophets, sent by Allah as a mercy to mankind led some of his beloved companions to swallow his blessed blood upon treating him and being unable to dispose of it suitably. Others refrained from speaking out for fear of raising their voices above his, while some could not bring themselves to even look him in the eye out of such awe and respect.

Furthermore we have Khubayb who whilst being mutilated alive before his execution by the Quraish and asked  “Would you like Muhammad to be in your place and you be saved?” Responded, “By Allah, I would not like that I be secure with my family and children while Muhammad is so much as pricked with a thorn.” We have his closest friend Abu Bakr As-Siddiq being bitten by a scorpion yet not flinching so as not to disturb his beloved Prophet, as he lay asleep on his thigh. We have Sa’d b. Abi Waqqas and Talha b. Ubaidillah risking their lives in protection of the Prophet at Uhud. We have the female companion afflicted with the calamity of losing her father, her brother and her husband, yet her only concern was the well being of the Prophet. The greatest day for them, as one of them mentioned, was the day the Prophet entered Medina and the darkest day was the day his blessed soul returned to its Creator. Yet the greatest manifestation of their love for the Prophet was in their eagerness to obey his every order and abstain from his every prohibition, for that truly shows one’s love.

The day the blessed Prophet was born was indeed a blessed, joyous day and the Prophet himself instructed us on how to recognize this great day when asked regarding fasting on Monday, he said: It is [the day] I was born and revelation was sent down to me.” Narrated by Abu Qatada Ansari. Recorded in Sahih Muslim

Thus we are encouraged by the Prophet to engage in a regular, weekly act of worship that would bring us closer to our Lord, as opposed to a yearly celebration of his birth. We must strive to show our love for the Prophet as demonstrated by his companions, through obedience, and not by slogans. The companions showed their true love for the Prophet by sacrificing their whole lives, living and dying to do that which pleased Allah and His Messenger and obeying Allah’s command: And whatever the Messenger gives you – take it, and whatever he forbids you from – refrain from it Al-Hashr 7.

The Prophet conveyed to his companions an earnest desire to meet his brothers. When questioned: “Are we not your brothers?” He replied: “No, you are my companions but my brothers are those who have not yet come.” The companions asked: “How will you recognize those from your community that have not yet come, O Messenger of Allah?” He replied: “Does not a man who has horses with white legs and white blazes on their foreheads recognize them from amongst horses that are totally black?” They replied: “Of course O Messenger of Allah.” He continued: “As such they will come on the Day of Rising with white marks on their foreheads, hands and feet from wudu, and I will precede them to the Hawdh.

Some men will be driven away from the Hawdh as if they were straying camels and I shall call out to them, ‘Will you not come? Will you not come? Will you not come?’ And it will be said, ‘they changed things after you,’ so I shall say, ‘Then away with them! Away with them! Away with them! Al-Muwatta.

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