Značaj dobrog društa
Ebu-Hurejre, r.a., prenosi da je Allahov Poslanik, a.s., rekao: “Čovjek je vjere svoga prijatelja; zato pazite sa kim se družite!” Imam Ebu Davud i Tirmizi.
Izabrati i imati dobrog prijatelja je od velike važnosti i značaja, zbog mnogih razloga; Ljudi ne mogu živjeti sami:
Svaki pojedinac mora živjeti sa ljudima, i mora se vezati i povezivati s
njima, a kad se čovjek povezuje sa ljudima ona ili utječe ili bude pod
utjecajem drugih.
Oni ljudi s koji se družiš i koji su ti prijatelji neminovno je pasti u jednu od dvije kategorije:
ili će biti dobar, koji će i druge potpomagati u dobru i u ostvarivanju
onoga što je Allah dž,š, naredio, ili će biti loš, koji će pomagati u
zlu i koji će i druge potpomagati da to isto čine, i koji će gledati i
zadovoljavati šejtana.
Kad je poslanik a,s, poslat sa misijom da uspostavi ISLAM,
on to nije mogao uraditi sam, umjeto toga Allah dž,š, mu je odabrao
društvo i ashabe koji će biti sa njim i koji će ga podržavati da se
misija ispuni.
Poslanik a,s, nam navodi dobar primjer u hadisu kog bilježi imam Bahari i Muslim od Ebu Muse el-Ešarija r,a: Primjer
dobrog druga i lošeg druga je kao primjer prodavča miska i onoga koji
puše u kovački mijeh; prodavač miska ili će ti ga pokloniti, ili ćeš ga
od njega kupiti, ili ćeš barem od njega osjetiti lijep miris, a onaj
koji puše u kovački mijeh ili će ti spaliti odjeću, ili ćeš od njega
osjetiti ružan miris.
Poslanik a,s, objašnjava vrijednost dobrog prijatelja, tako da nema nimalo sumnje, kada je rekao; Čovjek je vjere svoga prijatelja; zato pazite sa kim se družite! Ovo
znači da će osoba biti na istoj frekvenciji na istoj metodologiji kao i
njegov prijatelj, na istom putu,istog ponašanja kao i njegov prijatelj.
moramo biti obazrivi, pažljivi koga ćemo uzeti za prijatelja! Ako ti je
prijatelj dobar i hairli, koji će i tebe pozvati ka dobru, te i ukazat
na dobro, kao i da će ukazat na greške, prekriti greške, i neće ih
iznijeti u javnost. Ebu Hurejre r,a, prenosi hadis u kojem Allahov Poslanik a,s kaže: “Ko otkloni mu’minu (vjerniku)
teškoću od dunjalučkih teškoća, Allah će njemu otkloniti teškoću od
teškoća Sudnjega dana. A ko olakša onome koji je u nevolji, Allah će
njemu olakšati i na dunjaluku i na ahiretu. A ko sakrije (sramotu) muslimana, Allah će sakriti (njegovu sramotu) i na dunjaluku i na ahiretu. Allah pomaže Svome robu onoliko koliko on pomaže svome bratu.” Imam Muslim.
postupaju iskreni vjernici! Koji neće odati svog prijatelja, a ako neko
nekog oda tu nema prijateljstva, a neznam za iskrenost i vjeru? Ovo je
prijeko potrebno za iskreno uspostavljanje prijateljstva i ovo je važano
stanovište kako se islam uspostavlja. Razlog zbog kojeg gradimo
prijateljstvo je ustavri da pomognemo jedni drugima da uspostavimo islam
u našim svakodnevnicama.
se potpomažemo u dobročinstvu i da sprečavamo griješenje. Možemo naći
lijep primjer u poslaniku Musau a,s, kaže Musa a,s, kako nam Kur'an
bilježi u suri Taha 29-34: i podaj mi za pomoćnika iz porodice
moje, Haruna, brata mog; osnaži me njime, i učini drûgom u zadatku mome,
da bismo Te mnogo hvalili, i da bismo Te mnogo spominjali.
وَاجْعَل لِّي وَزِيرًا مِّنْ أَهْلِي ﴿٢٩﴾ هَارُونَ أَخِي ﴿٣٠﴾ اشْدُدْ بِهِ أَزْرِي ﴿٣١﴾ وَأَشْرِكْهُ فِي أَمْرِي ﴿٣٢﴾ كَيْ نُسَبِّحَكَ كَثِيرًا ﴿٣٣﴾ وَنَذْكُرَكَ كَثِيرًا ﴿٣٤﴾ إِنَّكَ كُنتَ بِنَا بَصِيرًا
a,s, je želio da mu bude njegov brat pomagač, zaštitnik i prijatelj!
Ovako bi trebali vjernici postupiti, da budu braća po vjeri, a braća po
vjeri su iskreniji i privrženiji jedan drugom nego ređena braća po krvi.
Enes ibn Malik r,a prenosi da je Allahov Poslanik a,s,rekao: "Kod koga se nađu tri stvari osjetit će slast imana: 1- da mu Allah dž,š, i Njegov Poslanik budu draži od svega drugog, 2- da voli čovjeka samo u ime Allaha, 3- da mrzi povratak u nevjerstvo -nakon što ga je Allah dž,š od toga spasio - kao što mrzi da bude bačen u džehennemsku vatru. Imam Buhari i Muslim.
Kaže uzvišeni u suri Furkan 27-29: Na Dan kada nevjernik prste svoje bude grizao govoreći: "Kamo sreće da sam se uz Poslanika Pravoga puta držao. Kamo
sreće, teško meni, da toga i toga za prijatelja nisam uzeo, on me je od
Kur'ana odvratio nakon što mi je priopćen bio!" – a šejtan čovjeka
uvijek ostavlja na cjedilu.
وَيَوْمَ يَعَضُّ الظَّالِمُ عَلَىٰ يَدَيْهِ يَقُولُ يَا لَيْتَنِي اتَّخَذْتُ مَعَ الرَّسُولِ سَبِيلًا ﴿٢٧﴾ يَا وَيْلَتَىٰ لَيْتَنِي لَمْ أَتَّخِذْ فُلَانًا خَلِيلًا ﴿٢٨﴾ لَّقَدْ أَضَلَّنِي عَنِ الذِّكْرِ بَعْدَ إِذْ جَاءَنِي ۗ وَكَانَ الشَّيْطَانُ لِلْإِنسَانِ خَذُولًا
Zatim uzvišeni kaže u suri Zuhruf 67: Tog
Dana će oni koji su jedni drugima bili prijatelji postati neprijatelji,
samo to neće biti oni koji su se Allaha bojali i grijeha klonili.
الْأَخِلَّاءُ يَوْمَئِذٍ بَعْضُهُمْ لِبَعْضٍ عَدُوٌّ إِلَّا الْمُتَّقِينَ
The Importance of good companionship
The Messenger of Allah said: "A person is upon the religion of his close friend, so beware whom you befriend."
Choosing and having good companions is extremely important for many reasons and from many aspects. Mankind cannot live alone;
every individual must live and interact with others, and when
interacting with others one either influences or is himself influenced.
Those people whom you sit with
and make your friends are inevitably going to fall into one of two
categories. They will either be good individuals - who guide and
encourage you towards what is good and help you to accomplish that which
Allah has ordered, or they are going to be bad - encouraging you to do
what is pleasing to Satan, that which misleads you, and leads you to the
When the Prophet was sent with the mission to establish Islam,
he did not do it on his own. Rather, Allah chose for him companions who
accompanied him and who carried the Message until it was complete.
The Prophet gave a good similitude regarding this. He said: "The case of the good companion and the bad companion is like that of the seller of musk and the blower of the bellows (iron-smith).
As for the seller of musk, he will either give you some of the musk, or
you will purchase some from him, or at least you will come away having
experienced its good smell. Whereas the blower of the bellows will
either burn your clothing, or at least you will come away having
experienced its repugnant smell." Al-Bukhari and Muslim.
The Prophet explained the matter of good companionship, so that no room is left for doubt or confusion, when he said: "A person is upon the religion of his close friend, so beware whom you befriend." Abu Dawud and At-Tirmithi.
means that a person will be upon the same methodology as his friend,
the same path as his friend, the same nature, manner and behavior as his
friend. So we must be careful whom we befriend. So if your companion is
good, he will pull you towards that which is good. He will order us
with what is good and forbid us from what is evil. If he observes us
committing sins he would warn us, if he becomes aware of our
shortcomings he would advise us, and if he finds a fault in us he would
cover it and not disclose it to others. About this, the Prophet
said: “…Whoever conceals (the fault of) a Muslim, Allah will conceal his fault on the day of Judgment.” Abu Dawud
should you see a fault in your brother, you should wish to remove that
fault from him and not expose it to the people. This is what is required
by brotherhood and again stresses the importance of choosing friends
who are upon the correct way, who are loyal, and who hide your faults
whilst ordering you with good and forbidding you from evil, who stand
beside you and support you, and co-operate with you upon all that is
principle is important from the standpoint of how the religion is to be
established, and from the standpoint of what brotherhood is and what it
does. Indeed, the reason that one takes a companion is to help him
establish Islam, and to help him worship Allah. We find a good example
in the Prophet Musa a,s, the one whom Allah chose and spoke to. When
Allah sent him to Pharaoh, he (Musa) said as Allah informs us saying: "And appoint for me a helper from my family, Harun - my brother; increase my strength with him, and let him share my task (of conveying Allah's Message and Prophet hood), that we may glorify You much and remember You much." Taha 29-34.
a,s wanted his brother to support him and help him, protect him and
accompany him. This is exactly what the believers do for one another.
For the thing that binds the believers together and makes them brothers
is the bond of faith. The Prophet said: "There are three
characteristics; whoever has them will taste the sweetness of faith:
That Allah and His Messenger are more beloved to him than all else, that
he loves a person and does not love him except for the sake of Allah,
and that he would hate to revert to unbelief just as he would hate to be
thrown into the Fire." Al-Bukhari and Muslim
the connection between the believers is based upon faith and sincere
brotherhood. Beware against taking any companion if such companionship
is based upon other than this, for if you were to do that you would then
bite your hands in grief. Just as the unjust ones will bite their hands
in grief Allah Says: "And (remember) the Day when the wrong-doer (oppressor, polytheist etc.) Will
bite at his hand, he will say: ‘Oh! Would that I had taken a path with
the Messenger. Ah! Woe to me! Would that I had never taken so-and-so as
a friend! He indeed led me astray from the Reminder (the Qur’an) after it had come to me. Surah Al-Furqan 27.
And Allah Says: "And whosoever turns away from the remembrance of the Most Beneficent (Allah), We appoint for him Satan to be a Qareen (intimate companion) to him." Surah Az-Zukhruf 36.
all of the physical togetherness that you see around you, which is
based upon other than faith will be wiped away on that Day, and it will
be a source of misery and torture for them. Allah Says: Close friends, that Day, will be enemies to each other, except for the righteous. Surah Az-Zukhruf 67.
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