Mar 13, 2015

Izbjegavanje puta ne upućenih / THE NEED TO AVOID THE PATH OF MISGUIDANCE

Izbjegavanje puta ne upućenih

Kaže Allah, dž.š., u hadisu kudsijju kojeg od Poslanika a,s, prenosi Ebu Hurejre: Kaže Allah: Podijelio sam namaz između mene i mog roba na dva dijela. Pa kada kaže: Hvala Allahu, Gospodaru svjetova. Kažem: Zahvaljuje mi moj rob. Pa kada kaže: Milostivom, Samilosnom. Kažem: Čini mi pohvalu moj rob. Kada kaže: Vladaru Sudnjeg dana. Kažem: Predaje mi vlast moj rob. A kada kaže: Tebi se klanjamo i od Tebe pomoć tražimo! Kaže Allah: Ovo je između mene i mog roba a mom robu pripada ono što moli. Kada kaže: Uputi nas na pravi put, na put onih kojima si milost Svoju darovao, a ne onih koji su protiv sebe srdžbu izazvali, niti onih koji su zalutali! Allah kaže: Ovo je za mog roba a mom robu pripada ono što traži. Imam Muslim.

Njegova je volja da se mi razlikujemo od onih koji sljede stranputice, oni koji nisu u okviru islama. Njihova moda, njihovi oglasi, njihovo ponašanje, njihov moto i običaji, njihova odjeća i njihov ibadet itd. Svakako postoje neke stvari koje su zabranjene u imitaciji, neke druge koje su dozvoljene da ih preuzmemo ili kopiramo. No, međutim naš Gospodar želi da budemo daleko od onih koji idu krivim putem! Ova doyvoljena imitacija se odnosi draga braćo u dunjalučkim sferama ali nikako u vjerskim!
Poslanik a,s, je rekao: Slijedićete običaje onih koji su bili prije vas, pedalj po pedalj, aršin po aršin, sve dotle da kad bi oni ušli u gušterovu rupu, vi biste ih slijedili. Rekli smo: Božiji Poslaniče, jesu li to Jevreji i kršćani? Odgovorio je: A ko drugi!? Buharija i Muslim.

U drugom hadisu kog bilježi imam Ebu Davud da je poslanik a,s, rekao: Ko obnaša prijašnje narode, nije od nas! Jedne prilike kad je poslanik a,s, došao u Medinu i kad je židove vidio da poste dan ašure, pitao ih je zašto poste? Odgovorili su u ovom danu je Musa a,s, spašen od Faraona! Poslanik a,s, reče mi smo priči Musau a,s, nego vi, i rekao je sljedeće godine ćemo postiti 9 i 10 dan ašure. Poslanik a,s, nije želio da imamo isti način posta odnosno ibadeta. Zato kažemo; Gajril magdubi alejhim vele dalin. Ni na put onih koji su szrdžbu izazvali niti onih koji su zalutali.

Od nas se traži da budemo vjerni i poslušni poslaniku a,s, u svakom pogledu. Trebamo voditi brigu o ne ličenju i oponašanju onih koji ne slijede poslanika, (Vi u Allahovom poslaniku imate naj-ljepši uzor i primjer (Kur'an) onih koji odbijaju Kur'an kao uputu čovječanstvu (Huden li nas – uputa čovječanstvu) i onih koji odbijaju Allahovu Jednoću! Mi učimo suru Fatiha na svakom rekatu u namazu, i zbog toga bi trebali slijediti i sprovesti tu suru u praksu u svakodnevnom životu.

Isto tako i obavljanje namaza je od velike važnosti, kaže uzvišeni u suri Merjem 96: One koji su vjerovali i dobra djela činili Milostivi će, sigurno, voljenim učiniti. A koga Allah dž,š, zavoli on je doista u Allhovoj blizini.

S druge strane kad gledamo, Allah dž,š, je učinio ljudski skelet i tijelo prilagodnim da se pregiba i da pada Allahu na sedždu, jer je struktura tijela takva da se može jednostavno pokloniti Allahu. Tako da bi mogli od Njega uzvišnog tražiti pomoć, i tako konstantno biti u pokornosti i tijelom i dušom! Isti je slučaj i sa postom.Mevlana Dželaludin Er-Rumi r,h, kaže: Ne obavljaj namaz samo formalno ili kao formu! Ne posti samo zbog režima ishrane, tvoje oči trebaju da poste kao i tvoje uši ne treba postiti zbog stomaka, umjesto toga svi organi bi trebali postiti, tako da bi zaradio potpuni štit i zaštitu od vatre.

Takođe isti je slučaj i sa zekatom, kaže uzvišeni u suri Ali Imran 92: Nećete zaslužiti nagradu sve dok ne udijelite dio od onoga što vam je najdraže; a bilo šta vi udijelili, Allah će, sigurno, za to znati.

U suri Mudessir 40-47 Allah dž,š, kaže opisujući one koji su ušli u džennet i njihovo dozivanje sa stanovnicima vatre, šta vas je odvelo u SAKAR (Džehennem)? Rekoše: Šta vas je u Sekar dovelo? Nismo" – reći će – "bili od onih koji su molitvu obavljali. i od onih koji su siromahe hranili. I u besposlice smo se sa besposlenjacima upuštali, i Sudnji dan smo poricali, sve dok nam smrt nije došla.

Dakle, namaz je važan, i poslanik Ibrahim a,s, je rekao kako se spominje u suri Ibrahim 40: Gospodaru moj, daj da ja i neki potomci moji obavljamo molitvu; Gospodaru naš, Ti usliši molbu moju! 

Takođe od nas se zahtjeva da čuvamo svoj jezik, da ga ne ukaljamo ogovaranjem, ili čak da budemo prisutni na tim mjestima. Abdullah ibn Mesud r,a, kaže; sjedili smo sa poslanikom a,s, kad je jedna ćovjek otišao a drugi poče da priča o njemu, tada poslanik a,s, reče; Idi i operi svoja usta, ostalo ti je hrane iza zuba! Čovjek reče; Šta da očistim iza zuba, kad nisam ništa jeo?! Poslanik reče: Sad si ogovorio svog brata. Imam Muslim, Tirmizi i Ahmed.

Allah dž,š, kaže u suri Hudžurat 12: I ne uhodite jedni druge i ne ogovarajte jedni druge! Zar bi nekome od vas bilo drago da jede meso umrloga brata svoga – a vama je to odvratno. Imam Hasan El-Basri kaže: Ako hoćeš već da ogovaraš drugog! I ako u tome pronalaziš zadovoljstvo i ne možeš se zaustaviti u tome, onda ogovori svoju majku ili svog oca, tako da bi tvoja dobra djela bila prebačana (data) tvojoj majci i tvome ocu, a ne nekom strancu!.

Allah dž,š, kaže: Ono što žele – vjernici će postići, oni koji molitvu svoju ponizno obavljaju, i koji ono što ih se ne tiče izbjegavaju, i koji milostinju udjeljuju, i koji stidna mjesta svoja čuvaju. 

Dakle, ako već tražimo uputu i zaštitu od stranputice i naroda zalutalog, onda trebamo ustrajati na tome i nakon obavljenog namaza, jer ako jedno tražimo a drugo radimo i imitiramo narod koji je u zabludi, onda kakav je efekat!?


Imam Muslim recorded that Abu Hurairah r,a, said that the Messenger of Allah said: Allah said, I divided the prayer into two parts (halves) between Myself and My servant, one half is for me and one half for My servant. My servant shall have what he asks for.

When the servant says: All praise and thanks be to Allah, the Lord of all exists. Allah says: My servant has praised Me. – When the servant says: The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Allah says: My servant has praised Me. When servant says: The owner of the Day of Judgment. Allah says: My servant has glorified Me

If the servant says: You we worship, and you we ask for help. Allah says: This is between Me and My servant, and My servant shall have what he asked. If the servant says: Guide us to the straight path, the path of those on whom You have bestowed Your grace, not (that) of those who have earned Your anger, not of those who went astray. Allah says: This is for My servant, and My servant shall have what he asked

He wills that we do not resemble those who are astray, those who are not within the folds of Islam. Their fashion, advertisements, and behavior, their motto, clothes, religion and all conditions and habits as well. There are some instances where it is clearly forbidden to imitate and there are some instances where it is beneficial and permissible for us to borrow some ideas … Our Lord wills for us to stay away from them. Allah Almighty wills that we stand before Him in complete purity.

The prophet a,s, said: You will surely follow the ways, steps, or traditions of those who came before you, span by span and yard by yard (very closely) even if they entered into a lizard's hole you will enter it. The companions asked: O prophet, you mean the Jews and Christians?" He replied: Who else! Reported by Imam Bukhari.

In another hadith, he clearly prohibited imitation stating: If one imitates another nation or people, he will be from them." Reported by Imaam Abu-Daawud.

For instance, a Jew came on the 10th day of [the month of] Muharram and said, “We fast also. Moses was saved from the Pharaoh on this day. The Messenger of Allah said: We are closer to Moses than you are.”   (See Bukhari, Sawm, Muslim, Siyam, 127/1130)

He then turned to his Companions and said: Then we will add another day [of fast] to the 10th of Muharram,” to distinguish the Muslims from the Jews. He did not resemble them even in worship. “ghayri l-maghdubi alayhim” even in worship.

That is to say, we are required to be faithful to the state and manner of the Messenger of Allah in our every act and manner. ghayri l-maghdubi alayhim – We need to strive our utmost not to resemble those who do not follow him, those who reject Divine Unity and Oneness. We recite the Opening chapter of the Qur’an in every unit of our prayer. We need to put that chapter in practice in our day-to-day lives.

In the same way, the prescribed prayer is vital. Allah Almighty declares in surah Maryam 96: Indeed, those who have believed and done righteous deeds - the Most Merciful will appoint for them affection. Nearness… The Messenger of Allah also refers to it as ascension to the Heavens.

From another standpoint, Allah Almighty created the human being anatomically in a way allowing for the best possible prostration, created their skeletal structure to allow for the perfect prostration so that they may frequently and constantly prostrate before Him. So that we may seek help from Him, and in order that the servant constantly endeavor to realize our own ascension! That we may, in other words, realize togetherness with Allah Almighty. Of course this entails every form of worship along with the prescribed prayer. Fasting is the same.

Mawlana Jalal al-Din al-Rumi says: Do not perform the prescribed prayer merely as form. Do not observe the fast merely as a dietary regime. Your eyes need to fast. Your ears need to fast. The fast ought not be limited merely to the stomach,” he says. “All the limbs and organs need to fast so that this can enable the breaking of the fast to be a shield for you from the Fire.”

The prescribed annual alms, acts of charity, spending in the way of Allah… Allah Almighty declares in sura Ali Imran 92: You will never be able to attain godliness and virtue until you spend of what you love (in Allah’s cause, or to provide sustenance for the needy). You will never be able to attain nearness to Allah unless you spend of what you love, He says. In short, being able to draw near to Allah Almighty through acts of worship.

In the Qur’anic chapter from Surah al-Muddathir, those entering Paradise call out to those entering the fire of Hell known as Saqar, saying: What has brought you to the Fire? They reply: We were not of those who observed the prayer. Secondly, we did not show compassion and were not of those who fed the hungry.

Thirdly, we were of those people who followed those who plunged into falsehood and used to follow the heedless. We used to imitate them. And we also used to deny the Day of Judgment. Until death came upon us! Mudathir: 74:40-47

In short, the prayer is very important. Prophet Abraham had precisely such a concern. Offering the prayer in complete reverence… Performing a prayer that is Ascension. O my Lord! He says. Make me one who establishes the Prayer in conformity with its conditions, and (likewise) from my offspring (those who are not wrongdoers). Surah Ibrahim: 14:40.

Being able to attain the reality and essence of the prescribed prayer. So that we can perceive ourselves to be in the Divine presence, and being able to maintain the state we assume during the prayer outside the prayer also.

Good morality is demanded of us. To begin with, our tongue is not to be soiled with gossip and backbiting. Moreover, we are not even to be present in a place where there is gossip.

Similarly, Abdullah ibn Mas’ud, narrates: We were sitting with the Messenger of Allah when a man left and another person spoke about him after the he left, whereupon the Messenger of Allah said: Go wash out your mouth, for there are food remains between your teeth!” The man said: What should I clean from between my teeth? I haven’t anything remaining (between them). He said: You have backbitten your brother.”   (See Ibn Kathir, Tafsir, IV, 231). Allah Almighty declares in the Qur’anic chapter Hujuraat 12: Would any of you love to eat the flesh of his dead brother?

The Messenger of Allah refers to those who will come forth on the Day of Judgment with abundant acts of worship. Their deeds [of righteousness] will be taken from them and transferred to those against whom they engaged in backbiting. They will be given to those whose rights they infringed until at last the sins of the wronged person will be transferred to them and they will become one of the denizens of the Fire. (See Muslim, Birr, 59; Tirmidhi, Qiyama, 2; Ahmad, II: 303, 324, 372)

Hasan al-Basri says: If you seek to backbite another, if you derive pleasure from doing so and cannot break yourself loose from such a habit, then backbite your mother and father so that your good deeds can be transferred to your mother and father and not to a stranger.

Allah Almighty said in surah Al-Mu’minun 1-5: Certainly will the believers have succeeded: They who are during their prayer humbly submissive, and they who turn away from ill speech, And they who are observant of zakat, And they who guard their private parts.

So, think, what do ask from Allah and what do we do after that? Remain on the straight path!

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