Najvažnija djela!
Imam Muslim bilježi hadis od Ebu Hurejre r,a, u kome prenosi da je poslanik a,s, rekao: Iman
se sastoji od sedamdeset i nekoliko ili šezdeset i nekoliko dijelova.
Najbolji njegov dio je izgovoriti "la ilahe illallah", a najmanji je
uklanjanje sa puta nečega što smeta prolaznicima, a i stid je jedan dio
El-Banna je rekao; Djela srca imaju prednost nad djelima udova, i ako
je potrebno obadvoje ako želimo postići potpunost. (poruka podučavanja).
Dakle, on navodi da su djela srca i udova važna, i da bi svako trebao
da pokuša da bude dobar u obadvije vrste djela. Ali kako god, djela srca
je prijoretnije i treba se više fokusirat, jer izvor i početak
vjerovanja je srce (odnosno u srcu) vjerovanje u Allaha dž,š, se nalazi u
srcu, akidet (vjerovanje) je fondacija i temelj onoga šta musliman čini
i radi.
Poslanik a,s, kaže: U
tijelu ima jedan organ, koji kada je dobar, bude dobro cijelo tijelo, a
kada je pokvaren, bude pokvareno cijelo tijelo, taj organ je srce.
Imam Buhari i Muslim. Srce nije ništa drugo do mjesto djela, osjećaja,
emocija, vjerovanja i nevjerovanja, namjera i želja. Ustvari srce je ono
što Allah kaže i poslanik a,s. Ebu-Hurejre r.a, prenosi da je Allahov Poslanik a,s, rekao: Zaista, Allah ne gleda u vaša tijela, niti u vaše likove, nego gleda u vaša srca i vaša djela. (Muslim)
Dvije stvari Allah govori o nama; Naša srca i naša djela! Koja se opet vežu na osnovu našeg nijeta i naše namjere. Zaista se djela vrednuju po namjerama. Buhari i Muslim. A namjera ili nijet leže u srcu.
Kroz Kur'an i hadis poslanika a,s, možemo razumjeti da djela srcem su od velikog značaja. Kaže Allah dž,š, u suri Bekare 165: Ali pravi vjernici još više vole Allaha. Poslanik a,s, je rekao: Žaljenje je kajanje. Imam Ahmed. Poslanik a,s, kaže: Onaj koji se kaje isto je kao da nema grijeha!. Ibn Madže.
Kaže Allah dž,š, u suri Šura 36: Bolje je i trajnije za one koji vjeruju i u Gospodara svoga se uzdaju; od Enesa r.a, da je rekao posalnik a,s: Ko pri sebi bude imao tri svojstva osjetit će slast imana: da voli Allaha i Njegovog Poslanika više od bilo koga, da čovjeka kojeg voli, voli samo radi Allaha i da prezire (mrzi) povratak u nevjerstvo, nakon što ga Allah iščupa iz njega, kao što mrzi da bude bačen u vatru.
S druge strane, grijeh srca je gori i opasniji nego grijeh udova. Od Abdullah ibn Mes'uda r.a, se prenosi da je poslanik a,s, kazao: U Džennet neće ući onaj koji u svom srcu bude imao i trunku oholosti. Ibn Madže.
je učinio grešku koja ga je izvela iz dženneta i udaljila ga od
Allahove milosti, zbog njegove arogantnosti i oholosti. Najgore djelo
ikad učinjeno je odbijanje vjerovanja u Allaha (ne prihvatanje Allaha za
Gospodara) nešto što čovjek radi sa svojim srcem. Zato se trebamo
fokusirati više na srce nego na tjelo. Šta se nalazi u našem srcu je
puno važnije i veći je prioritet, te se zbog toga trebamo i više
fokusirat na njega. To je ono što će se odraziti i što će utjecati na
ostatak našeg tjela, mi ne kažemo ni u kom slučaja da djela udova nidu
važna niti to negiramo, ustvari mi želimo samo da ukažemo na ono što je
važnije i vrijednije.
Suština djela: Isto tako možemo djela podjliti u kategorije; ona djela koja se vežu za formu, i ona djela koja se vežu za suštinu!
pojava muslimana koji održava svoju bradu koja je sunnet i praksa
poslanika a,s, i to je dobar primjer u sljeđenju poslanika a,s, ali
suština muslimana i njegovog izgleda je više od toga nego sami njegov
govoriti istinu, surađivati na iskrenošću, ili pomaganje onima kojima
je pomoć potrebna, je ustvari suština islama. Muslimanima i muslimankama
je naređeno da se lijepo oblače, ali čestitost ili čednost je više od
Kur'ana na ispravan način i lijepim melodičnim glasom je preporučeno i
obaveza, ali je važnije se ponašati po Kur'ana nego njegovo učenje.
Obavljanje pet dnevnih namaza je stroga obaveza koja se sastoji od
određenih radnji kao što su kijam, ruku i sedžda bez kojih namaz nebi
bio valjan, ali skrušenost u namazu, poniznost i prisutnost srcu su
važniji od toga. Allah dž,š, kaže u suri Ankebut 45: Kazuj
Knjigu koja ti se objavljuje i obavljaj molitvu, molitva, zaista,
odvraća od razvrata i od svega što je ružno; obavljanje molitve je
najveća poslušnost!
puta vidimo kako muslimani se fokusiraju samo na formu ali ne i suštinu
djela koja čine. Ne kažemo da forma djelal nije važna, ali moramo biti
obazrivi na prioritet djela a to je njegova suština.
The Most Important Deeds
As narrated by Abu Hurairah r,a the Prophet said: “Iman (faith) is some seventy (or some sixty) branches, the highest of which is (to testify that) there is no god but Allah, and the lowest is removing (any source of) harm from the road. And modesty is a branch of Iman.” (Muslim)
Hassan Al-Banna said: “The
actions of the heart takes precedence over the actions of the limbs,
though achieving excellence in both is required.” (Risalat
At-Ta`aleem, The Message of Teachings)
states that both the actions of the hearts and the actions of the limbs
are important and one should try to achieve excellence in both.
However, the actions that one does by the heart have more priority and
should take more focus. Faith originates in the heart; believing in
Allah starts in the heart; creed is the foundation of anything a Muslim
does. The Prophet said his very famous saying: “Indeed there is a
piece of flesh in the body; when sound, the whole body is sound and
when bad the whole body is bad. Indeed it is the heart” (Al-Bukhari).
heart is nothing but the set of actions, feelings, emotions, beliefs,
intentions, and spirituality one has. The heart is what Allah Almighty
considers as the prophet said: "Allah does not look at your appearances or your financial status, but He looks at your hearts and your actions." (Al-Bukhari)
Two things Allah considers about us: our heart and our deeds, which in turn are only considered, based on intention: "Verily deeds are by intention…" (Al-Bukhari and Muslim) and intention lies within the heart.
Throughout the Qur’an and the words of the Prophet the deeds of the heart has great values. Allah says: But those who believe are stronger in love for Allah. (Al-Baqarah 165) The Messenger said: “Remorse is repentance.” (Ibn Majah). Allah says: those who believe and on their lord they rely. (Ash-Shura 42:36)
The Prophet said: “Whoever possesses the (following) three qualities will have the sweetness (delight) of faith: To
love Allah and His Messenger more than anything else, to love people
only for the sake of Allah, and to hate to revert to disbelief as much
as hating to be thrown into fire" (Muslim) and many other examples.
On the other hand, the sins of the heart are more severe. The Prophet said: “He whose heart has the weight of a mustard seed of arrogance will not enter paradise.” (Ibn Majah and authenticated by Al-Albani)
Satan’s fault that drove him out of Allah’s mercy and admitted him to
the Fire was arrogance. The worst action ever is rejecting Allah and
disbelieving in Him, something that people do by their hearts.
Therefore, our focus should be more on the heart than on the body. What
resides in the heart is more important, takes more priority, and
requires more focus. It is what is going to affect the rest of the body.
It is needless to say that we are not, by any mean, belittling the
importance and the requirement of the actions of the body. Rather, we
are just setting the priority and hence giving the listener the first
tool to set priorities.
Essence of the Deeds: We
can also categorize the actions (or even parts of the actions) that we
do into two categories: those, which have to do with the form and
another, which is related to the essence.
example is the appearance of a Muslim. Men grow their beard following
the Prophet’s tradition. It is, indeed, an expression of the following
the Messenger. However, the essence of the Muslim identity is more than
just the appearance.
the truth, dealing with honesty, or helping the ones in need express
the essence of Islam more. Women and men are obligated to dress in a way
that reflects modesty. Yet, modesty is beyond clothing.
the Qur’an with proper rules and with beautiful voice is required, but
what is more required is following the guidance of what we recite.
Performing five daily prayers requires certain moves and words without
which it is invalid. However, humility, submissiveness, and the presence
of the heart are more essential. Abstaining from acts of disobedience
is the essence of prayers, Indeed Prayer forbids from obscenity and iniquity. (Al-Ankbut 45:29)
often we find Muslims focusing of the form or shape of the actions
neglecting both the essence of these actions and even more essential
actions. This important tool teaches us to put more focus on the essence
of the actions and on actions that are related to the essence of our
form and the shape are important. The Prophet here draws our attention
to the very important and very high priority of the deeds; that is their
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