Apr 24, 2015

Kada ćemo se konačno ujediniti? When will we finally unite?

Kada ćemo se konačno ujediniti?

Živimo u takvom vremenu u kojem svjedočimo veliki porast islamofobije, i to je izazov za nas! Kroz historiju, znamo da kroz jedinstvo koje nam Allah podari smo izlazili kao uspješni. A da bi bili u mogućnosti se nositi sa ovakvom vrstom izazova današnjice, onda nam je neophodno da se ujedinimo! Kaže uzvišeni u suri Tevba 71: A vjernici i vjernice su prijatelji jedni drugima: traže da se čine dobra djela, a od nevaljalih odvraćaju, i molitvu obavljaju i zekat daju, i Allahu i Poslaniku Njegovu se pokoravaju. To su oni kojima će se Allah, sigurno, smilovati. Allah je doista silan i mudar.

Draga braćo! Naš Gospodar je Jedan Gospodar, naša Knjiga je jedna Knjiga (Kur'an) naš poslanik je jedan poslanik, a mi smo jedan ummet jedan narod koji je jedne i iste vjere! Pa zašto se onda ne ujedinimo na tim istim pricipima?! Različitost draga braćo, će uvjek postojati, ali nam je preko potrebno da stanemo zajedno i da se ujedinimo! Ako se ne ujedinimo, stalno ćemo biti slabi, podjeljeni i u rasulu! Ujedinjenost nam je najpotrebnija, više danas nego ikad. Kaže Allah dž,š, u suri Asr: Tako mi vremena, čovjek, doista, gubi, samo ne oni koji vjeruju i dobra djela čine, i koji jedni drugima istinu preporučuju i koji jedni drugima preporučuju strpljenje.  

Islam je sveobuhvatni i kompletni način i sistem života, naša religija nas uči da budemo miroljubiv narod, i da se brinemo o drugima, što i radimo. Mi brinemo o ovoj zemlji, kao da je naša kuća, naša domovina. Moramo vjerovati u sebe, pomagati jedni druge i doprinositi društvu u kom se nalazimo. Osim toga moramo posjedovati dobre manire i karakter, jer to je od velike važnosti u islamu. Kaže Allah dž,š, u suri Fussilet 46: Ko čini dobro, u svoju korist čini, a ko radi zlo, na svoju štetu radi. A Gospodar tvoj nije nepravedan prema robovima Svojim.

Poslanik a,s, je kazao: Nema ništa teže na vagi na kijametskom dana kao što je lijep karakter.  Imam Ebu Davud. Allah dž,š, nas je postavio ovdje sa razlogom! Ne smijemo se bojati izazova, dugo smo bili razjedinjeni, dug period, ali sigurno je došlo vrijeme da se ujedinimo ili možda nije još?!

Mi smo sredinski ummet draga braćo, umet sredine, kaže Uzvišeni u suri Bekare 143: I tako smo od vas stvorili pravednu zajednicu da budete svjedoci protiv ostalih ljudi, i da Poslanik bude protiv vas svjedok. I Mi smo promijenili kiblu prema kojoj si se prije okretao samo zato da bismo ukazali na one koji će slijediti Poslanika i na one koji će se stopama svojim vratiti – nekima je to bilo doista teško, ali ne i onima kojima je Allah ukazao na Pravi put. Allah neće dopustiti da propadnu molitve vaše. A Allah je prema ljudima zaista vrlo blag i milostiv.

Dužnost svakog muslimana je da prenese poruku islama! Ali se ovo može odraditi samo onda kada smo jaki, i ujedinjeni. Allah dž,š, naređuje svim vjernicima da se pridržavaju dini islama i da budu ujedinjeni, i da ne budu podjeljeni i razjedinjeni! Kaže Uzvišeni u suri Ali Imran 103: Svi se čvrsto Allahova užeta držite i nikako se ne razjedinjujte! I sjetite se Allahove milosti prema vama kada ste bili jedni drugima neprijatelji, pa je On složio srca vaša i vi ste postali, milošću Njegovom, prijatelji; i bili ste na ivici vatrene jame, pa vas je On nje spasio. Tako vam Allah objašnjava Svoje dokaze, da biste na Pravom putu istrajali.

Islam nam daje pravac i svrhu života! Naše vjerovanje nas uči da budemo dobre komšije, da poštujemo druge, da živimo moralnim životom, da radimo itd. Šta više, kad nas islam uči da izbalansiramo svoj život, da damo svakom njegovo pravo i hak, da budemo pravedni, i da svakako obožavamo Stvoritelja!

Svi smo mi svjedoci kako se islam predstavlja u medijama u negativnom smislu! Dakle susrećemo se sa velikim izazovima, ali zato moramo koristi mudrost i hikmet, naš intelekt kada se susrećemo sa takvom vrstom iskušenja. Ako bi mi stavili naše nesuglasice i podjelu iza naših leđa, i pokušali raditi zajednički, ne samo da ne bi bili jaki, već bi prosperirali i uznapredovali, a ne nazadovali! Pet je prstiju pa nisu isti, različitost je za očekivat, ali se mora poštovat.

Poslanik a,s, kaže: Musliman je muslimanu brat, ne čini mu nepravdu niti ga ostavlja na cjedilu, na milost i nemilost drugih! Imam Muslim. Imamo zaltan primjer u ashabima r,a, koji su prolazili kroz različita iskušenja i tegobe, sve zbog dini islama. Oni su žrtvovali sve kako bi mi imali ovo danas. Ali mi to ne smijemo zaboravit, jer i mi moramo puno više radit, puno više žrtvovat, da očuvamo ovaj din i da ga izdržimo na tom putovanju. Kaže uzvišeni u suri R'ad 11: Allah neće izmijeniti jedan narod dok on sam sebe ne izmijeni.

Priznajem da se nemože od nas uvjek očekivati da se slažemo jedni s drugima, ali se moramo ujediniti kad je u pitanju zajednička korist i interes, moramo paziti na prioritete koji će nas okupiti. Kaže Uzvišeni u suri Hudžurat 10: Vjernici su samo braća, zato pomirite vaša dva brata i bojte se Allaha, da bi vam se milost ukazala.

Bit ćemo pitani na Sudnjem Danu šta smo mi uradili da sačuvamo svoje porodice od vatre? Zato, na nama je da se trudimo, da radimo svi za islam, jedino na taj način ćemo pronaći mir, uspjeh i zadovoljstvo. Zato islam zagovara jedinstvo i zajednicu.

Kao zaključak da bi uspjeli biti efektivni moramo pomagati jedni druge i ostati ujedinjeni, možda se nećemo složiti u nečemu ili oko nečeg, ali moramo ostati zajedno, to nam je imperativ, više produktivnosti više ostvarenja naših ciljeva. Poslanik a,s, kaže: Ako se jedan dio tijela razboli, čitavo tijelo boluje od nesanice i temperature. Imam Buhari i Muslim.

Molim uzvišenog Allaha dž,š, da nam pomogne i da nam olakša da nam se srca zbliže, da budemo milostivi jedni naspram drugih, Amin ja Rabbel Alemin!
When will we finally unite?

We live in such times where we are witnessing an extraordinary surge in Islamo-phobia these are challenges. Throughout history we know that through our unity were given Allah’s tawfīq (guidance, success) to be able to confront our challenges and come out successful. Therefore in order to deal with these new challenges, we have to come together and unite sincerely for the sake of Allah. Allah said in Surah At-Tawba 71: The Believers, men and women are protectors of one another: they enjoin in the good and forbid the evil: they observe their prayers, pay zakat and obey Allah and His Messenger. On them will Allah pour His Mercy for Allah is exalted in Power, the All Wise?

We have one Lord, one Qur’an, one Prophet; we are one ummah and have same religion. Why then can we not unite upon these principles? Differences will always exist but surely we need to come to the realization that unless we work together and unite, we will always be weak, disunited and at total loss. Unity is of paramount importance to us and we need it more now than ever before. Allah said in Surah Al-Asr: By time, indeed, mankind is in loss, except those who believe, do righteous deeds and advise each other to truth and patience.

Islam is a comprehensive and complete way of life. Our religion teaches us to be peace-loving people and to care about others, which we do. We care about this country, as this is our home. We need to be an asset to our communities and ourselves. We must believe in ourselves, help one another and contribute to the societies in which we live. In addition, we need to exhibit good character and manners, as this is paramount in Islam. Character is a form of da’wah in itself, alongside doing good deeds and actions. Allah said in Surah Al-Fussilet 41: Whosoever does righteous good deeds, it is for (the benefit of) his own self; and whosoever does evil, it is against his own self. And your Lord is not at all unjust to (His) slaves

And the Messenger of Allah said in a hadith: There is nothing heavier than good character put on the scale of a believer on the day of Resurrection. Imam Abu Dawud. Allah has put us here for a reason. We have been disunited for far too long and surely the time has come for us to wake up and act before it is too late. 

We are ummatul-wasatah, the ummah of balance [middle path] as mentioned in the Qur’an. We made you to be a community of the middle way, so that (with the example of your lives) you might bear witness to the truth before all mankind. To each [community] we have given a direction, which it follows, so compete [all together] in [the performance of] good deeds. Whosesoever you may be, God shall certainly gather you all [for Divine Judgment]. God certainly has power over all things.

It is a duty upon every Muslim to convey the message of Islam to all people. This can only be achieved if we are strong, cohesive and united. Allah has commanded all the believers to adhere to His religion and to be united, and not to be divided. Allah said in surah Ali Imran 103: And hold fast, all of you together, to the Rope of Allah (this Qur’an), and be not divided among yourselves. And Allah said in surah Al-Anfal 46: And obey Allah and His Messenger, and do not dispute (with one another) lest you lose courage and your strength departs, and be patient. Surely, Allah is with those who are the patient.

Islam gives us a direction and purpose in life. Our faith teaches us to be good neighbors, to respect others, to lead a righteous, moral life, to work hard and also be focused in life. Moreover our faith encourages us to maintain a balance in life, give everyone their due rights especially our families, to be just and to enjoy our lives, uphold good manners and most importantly worship our Creator.

We all are aware how regularly Islam is negatively portrayed in the media. In terms of this, we have so many challenges ahead of ourselves and therefore we must use hikmah, our intellect and sound reason when dealing with matters concerning us. More importantly, if we put our minor differences aside, unite and work together for the sake of Allah, we will not only be stronger but we will also prosper, Insha’Allah. Five fingers are not the same so differences are expected and should be respected.

The Messenger of Allah said in hadith: A Muslim is the brother of another Muslim. He does not oppress him, nor does he leave him at the mercy of others. Imam Muslim.

We have the best example from the companions who went through so much hardship and difficulty for our faith. It is due to the sacrifices they endured for us that we are Muslims today, and all praise is for Allah. We must never forget this, as there is so much work yet for us to carry out as we go on our journey of Islam. Allah said in surha Ar-Ra’d 11:“Allah will not change the condition of the people, until they change what is in themselves.  

I acknowledge that we cannot always be expected to agree with one another on every point but where there are clear differences we need to agree to disagree and work on our commonalities. The main thing is that we should work to our strengths, set our priorities and get everyone to play their part for the ummah. 

Allah said in surah Hujurat 10: The Believers are but a single Brotherhood so make peace and reconciliation between your two (contending) brothers; and fear God, that you may receive Mercy.

Allah will ask us on the Day of Judgment what we did to save our families, our communities and ourselves from the Hell Fire? We must continue to strive, unite and work conscientiously for Islam as only through this way will we find true peace, success and contentment. This is why Islam strongly advocates the importance of unity and working with the Jemaah. Working together will only bring dividends to us and make us stronger.

In conclusion, in order to be fully effective we need to support one another and be united. We may not agree with each other on every single angle but together we will be effective, more productive and can achieve our goals, Insha’Allah. We need to be motivated, positive and continue to be people of hope, iman and action. The Prophet described the ummah as one body; if one member becomes sick then the other members of this one body will take of the sick one. “The Believers in their mutual love, mercy and compassion are like one body, if one organ complains, the rest of the body develops a fever. Imam Bukhari and Muslim.


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