Apr 3, 2015

Tevekul – oslanjanje na Allaha dž,š / Tawakkul and Taking Precaution

Tevekul – oslanjanje na Allaha dž,š

photoAllah dž,š, kaže u suri Enfal 2 i 3: Pravi vjernici su samo oni čija se srca strahom ispune kad se Allah spomene, a kad im se riječi Njegove kazuju, vjerovanje im učvršćuju i samo se na Gospodara svoga oslanjaju, oni koji molitvu obavljaju i dio od onoga što im Mi dajemo udjeljuju. Jedna od bitnih karakteristima muslimana je da ima povjerenje u Allaha dž,š.

Tevekul; Oslanjanje je: Traženje zaštite i imati povjerenje u Allaha dž,š. Drugim riječima tevekul je: Poslušnost i pokornost Allahu dž,š, jer ne postoji ništa drugo nakon ispunjenih materijalnih potreba i ostvarivanje svojih ciljeva osim ostavljanje ostatak stvari Allahu dž,š. Drugim riječima uradi što je do tebe a ostalo prepusti svom Gospodaru.

U hadisu kog bilježi Imam Tirmizi i Imam Bejhaki, čovjek je upitao poslanika a,s: Hoćul je svezati (devu) pa se osnoniti (na Allaha) ili da je pustim pa da se oslonim na Allaha!? Poslanik a,s, reče: Sveži je (devu) pa se onda osloni na Allaha. Ovaj hadis nam ukazuje da oslanjanje bez opreza nije dozvoljen!

Tevekul je naše uvjerenje i stav da imamo povjerenje u Allaha dž,š, i da se On uzvišeni brine za nas. Kaže Allah dž,š, u suri Talak 3: Onome koji se u Allaha uzda, On mu je dosta. Allah će, zaista, ispuniti ono što je odlučio; Allah je svemu već rok odredio. Kur'an jasno kaže da tevekul nije opcijalan već uslov, kaže Allah dž,š, u suri Maide 23: A u Allaha se pouzdajte, ako ste vjernici!

Nezamislivo je draga braćo da mi kao ljudski rod krivimo katastrofe, sudbinu i ostale stvari, ali nikako mi da preuzmemo odgovornost za bilo šta! Svi kažemo šta bi, Božija odredba, tako Allah htio itd!!

Ali mi moramo poduzeti neku mjeru, Allah dž,š, je odredio na primjer zemljotres ili poplavu, ali nam je dao pamet i intelekt da ga koristimo i da se zaštitimo koliko je u našoj moći, pa onda što mi ne možemo onda se predamo Allahovoj volji.

No, međutim odmah se u startu predati i kazati eto to je Božija volja, to je samo izbjegavanje prihvatanja odgovornosti! U ovim stvarima su isti i oni koji su dobri i oni koji nisu, vjernici i nevjernici. Ibn Redžeb El-Hambeli r,h, kaže u svom Džamiul Ulum vel Hikem: Plod tevekula (oslanjanja na Allaha) je prihvatanje Njegove odredbe! Ko svoje potrebe ostavi Allahu i prihvati ono što mu dođe od Allaha, on se istinski oslanja na Allaha. Imam Hasan El-Basri kaže: Tevekul je rida! Oslanjanje na Allaha dž,š, je zadovoljstvo s Njegovom odredbom!

Pored ajeta koji su navedeni možemo zaključiti da je tevekul ustvari suočavanje sa svim stvarima i problemima koje čovjeka ne oslabljuju, niti osjeća da je gubitnik, ustvari sebe može smatrati pobjednikom jer se oslanja na beskrajnu moć Allaha dž,š.

Želim završti svoju hutbu sa ajetom i hadisom. Kaže Allah dž,š, u suri Ali Imran 159: A kada se odlučiš, onda se pouzdaj u Allaha, jer Allah zaista voli one koji se uzdaju u Njega. Omer ibn Hattab r,a, prenosi da je poslanik a,s, rekao: Kada biste se vi istinski oslanjali na Allaha, On bi vas opskrbljivao kao što opskrbljuje ptice: ujutro odlaze gladne, a predvečer se vraćaju site. Imam Tirmizi i Ahmed.

Tawakkul and Taking Precaution

photoEsteemed Muslims! Our Creator says in the Qur’an in surah Al-Anfal 2 and 3: The believers are only those who, when Allah is mentioned, their hearts become fearful, and when His verses are recited to them, it increases them in faith; and upon their Lord they rely. The ones who establish prayer, and from what We have provided them, they spend. Noting that one of the important characteristics of a Muslim is that of resignation, or rather, that they place their trust in Allah.

Tawakkul (Reliance) is: Seeking refuge in and trusting Allah -- after taking all precautions.” In other words, tawakkul is: Obeying Allah after there is nothing else left to do following the fulfillment of all material requirements for meeting one’s goal, thus leaving the rest to Allah.

Upon one of the companions of the Prophet saying: Oh Messenger of Allah! I release my camel into the desert and then I put my trust in Allah. The Prophet said: Tie your camel, and then put your trust in Allah. Imam Tirmizi and Imam Al-Bayhaqi. This indicates that tawakkul without precaution is not permissible.

Tawakkul is your belief and the attitude that you have about putting your trust in Allah to take care of all your affairs.

Allah says in surah At-Talaq 3: And whoever places his trust in Allah, Sufficient is He for him, for Allah will surely accomplish His Purpose: For verily, Allah has appointed for all things a due proportion.

The Qur’an makes it clear that Tawakkul is not an option but rather a requirement. Allah says in surah Al-Maidah 23: And put your trust in Allah if you are believers indeed.

Esteemed Muslims! It is darkness for human beings to blame the suffering and disasters one undergoes on fate and destiny without taking into consideration their own faults and oversight. For example, earthquakes certainly happen with the knowledge of Allah. However, it is never right for us to leave our wellbeing and safety in the hands of Allah and shuffle off our responsibility by saying, “This is what Allah has willed; it’s fate.” What falls upon our shoulders is to take the necessary precautions by using our intellect and skills.

To think that no matter what, the course of events would have played out as they did and to stop taking precautions in light of this is not an Islamic understanding. This is only an evasion of responsibility and an inability to face the unfortunate consequences of our own shortcomings.

To this end, there is no difference between the pious and non-pious, between the sinner and the pure person. For the rules of creation are the same for everyone. One who follows them will lead a comfortable life, and the one who does not will have to deal with the consequences. And what is left to be done after all precautions have been taken and we are faced with a calamity, is to exercise patience and countenance.

Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbali said: The fruit of tawakkul is the acceptance of Allah’s decree. Whoever leaves his affairs to Allah and then is accepting of what he is given has truly relied on Allah. Al-Hassan and others among the salaf defined tawakkul as ridhaa (acceptance). (Jami’ Al-‘Uloom wa Al-Hikam.

From the entire collection of these verses it can be concluded that tawakkul means that man, in the face of problems, does not experience a feeling of weakness and inferiority, but instead considers himself victorious by relying on the infinite power of Allah (s.w.t.). Thus, tawakkul is a hope-inspiring, energy-instilling and reinforcing factor, which increases perseverance and resistance.

I would like to conclude my khutbah with a verse from the Qur’an and a hadith. Allah the Almighty says in suratul Ali Imran 159: So pardon them and ask forgiveness for them and consult them in the matter. And when you have decided, then rely upon Allah. Indeed, Allah loves those who rely [upon Him].

Umar ibn Khattab narrated that our Prophet said: If you put your trust in Allah as you should, then Allah will provide you with subsistence, just as he does for the birds who leave their nests hungry and return full. Imam Tirmithi, Ahmed and Abu Dawud.

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