Jun 5, 2015

Ramazan 2015 / Ramadan 2015

Ramazan 2015

shieldZahvala Allah dž,š, salavat i selam na Allahovog poslanika Muhammeda a,s. Drage džematlije; postoji osnovna razlika između djela obožavanja i rituala ljudske religije! U religiji napravljenoj ljudskom rukom rituali nisu ništa više nego došaptavanje te kreacija ili stvaranje pokreta koji obavljaju obožavatelji! Imam Šafija je rekao; Djela ibadeta (obožavanja) se opravdavaju sa koristima i interesima stvorenja!

Neuki ljudi poste ramazan, ali je njihov post samo tradicija i običaj. Post za druge pak vrsta tradicije i običaja koje su nasljedili od drugih. Zbog ovog možeš vidjeti loše stvari u ramazana, poroci, grijesi, veselja, provođenje noći gledanjem tv. Ovo je ramazan za neke ljude! To je postao njihov folklor i trend, tradicija koja nema nikakve veze sa ibadetom!

Allah dž,š, kaže u suri Bekare 183: O vjernici! Propisuje vam se post, kao što je propisan onima prije vas, da biste se grijeha klonili. Riječ ''da biste'' ukazje na očekivanje. Allah dž,š, nam pokazuje svrhu posta u spomenutom ajetu, a to je, da biste se zaštitili, da bi bili bogobojazni. U ajetu 14 iz sure Taha Allah dž,š, kaže: Uistinu! Ja, Ja sam Allah! Nema boga osim Mene! Zato Mene obožavaj i obavljaj salat namaz, da Me se sjetiš. Svrha (namaza) je dakle da Ga se sjećamo! Zatim kaže uzvišeni u suri Alek 19: Nikako! Ne poslušaj ga, a učini sedždu i približi se. Svrha (sedžde) je približavanje Allahu dž,š.

Naš gospodar je Allah dž,š, i mi smo Njegovi robovi, no, međutim kad nam šta naloži i naredi da radimo On nam ukazuje na svrhu tog čina, kao što je namaz; Nikako! Ne poslušaj ga, a učini sedždu i približi se. Značenje sedžde je ustvari približavanje Allahu dž,š. Uistinu! Ja, Ja sam Allah! Nema boga osim Mene! Zato Mene obožavaj i obavljaj salat namaz, da Me se sjetiš. Svrha obavljanja namaza je približavanje Allahu dž,š.

Osoba koja obavlja namaz ima viziju! Jer ljudi rade prema svojim vizijama, npr; kada čovjek počini neki kriminal! On je to uradio zbog neke koristi, ali on nije vidio da će zbog toga biti uhapšen (kažnjen). Ono što je on vidio je uživanje i rahatluk do kraja života. Zbog toga on je ustvari slijep, drugim riječima; najvažnija stvar u životu je rad, koji se ustavri gradi na viziji i viđenju, a viđenje se temelji na nuru ili svjetloću, a namaz je nur i svjetlo.

Pogledajmo sada POST: O vjernici! Propisuje vam se post, kao što je propisan onima prije vas, da biste se grijeha klonili. Bekare 183.

Pogledajmo ZEKAT: Uzmi od dobara njihovih zekat, da ih njime očistiš i blagoslovljenim ih učiniš, i pomoli se za njih, molitva tvoja će ih, sigurno, smiriti. – A Allah sve čuje i sve zna.. Tevba 103.

Pogledajmo HADŽ: Allah je učinio da Kaba, Časni hram, bude preporod za ljude, a tako i sveti mjesec i kurbani, naročito oni ogrlicama označeni, zato da znate da je Allahu poznato ono što je na nebesima i ono što je na Zemlji, da Allah, zaista, sve zna. Maide 97.

Zato draga braćo post je zlatna prilika da se pomirimo sa Gospodarom. Od Džabira, r.a., pripovijeda se da je rekao: Jedanput se Allahov Poslanik, s.a.v.s., popeo na minberu i tri puta izgovorio amin. Onda je rekao: Dođe mi Džibril i reče: - Muhammede, ko dočeka starost jednog od svojih roditelja, pa umre i uđe u Džehennem, Allah ga je udaljio od svakog dobra. Reci: Amin - pa sam ja rekao: Amin. Zatim je rekao: - Ko dočeka mjesec ramazan, pa umre, a ne zasluži oprost grijeha i uđe u Džehennem, Allah ga je udaljio od svakog dobra. Reci: Amin – pa sam ja rekao: Amin. Džibril je još rekao: - U čijem se društvu ti spomeneš, pa taj na tebe ne donese salavat, a onda umre i uđe u Džehennem, Allah ga je udaljio od svakog dobra. Reci: Amin – pa sam ja rekao: Amin'' (Taberani, Mu'džemu'l-kebir).

Ramazan je mjesec poslušnosti, pokajanja i tevbe, obavljanja namaza u džamiji, kontrolisanju srca, očiju i sviu udova, to je mjesec kontroliranja jezika; Vjerovanje unutar čovjeka nemože biti ispravno sve dok mu srce ne bude ispravno, ali njegovo srce nemože biti uspravno sve dok njegov jezik ne bude uspravan. Imam Ahmed i Imam Bejhaki.

Ovo je mjesec takođe kontrolisanja ruku, da ne diraju ono što im je zabranjeno, nogu da ne hode po mjestima koja nisu uredu, kuće i činjenja grijeha u njoj. Zaista ovo je zlatna prilika!

Najgori insan je onaj koji obavlja i ispunjava obaveze bez znanja njihove svrhe!. Allah dž,š, nam naređuje da ostavimo hranu i piće tokom posta, zašto?

Takođe nam naređuje da ostavimo intimni odnos u danima ramazana, zašto? Kad nam Allah naredi da nešto napustimo kao hranu i piće, te intimni odnos tokom ramazanskih dana, koja su ustvari uobičajna, On uzvišeni nas trenira da napuštamo ono što je zabranjeno. Jer kad si u stanju da ostaviš ono što ti je dozvoljeno onda sigurno to možeš uraditi i kad je u pitanju haram zabranjena stvar.

Zato je ramazan prilika pokajanja i vraćanja Allahu. Kad Allah zavoli nekog Svog roba pozove Džibrila i kaže mu: Ja volim tog i tog, pa ga voli i ti – i Džibril ga zavoli. Potom Džibril kaže stanovnicima nebesa: Allah voli tog i tog, pa ga volite i vi – i oni ga zavole. Tada ga zavole i stanovnici Zemlje. Hadis Kudsij.

Ramazan je onda kad se ti vratiš Allahu, to je mjesec kajanja; Allah se više obraduje pokajanju Njegova roba, nego što bi se netko od vas obradovao pronalasku svoje izgubljene deve u pustinji bez vode i plodova. Muttefekun alejhi.

Prvi dan ramazana vrati se Allahu i iskrenom pokajanju; poslanik a,s, je rekao; Ko god posti ramazan vjerujući i nadajući se nagradi, Allah će mu oprostiti prijašnje grijehe. Takođe je rekao: Ko god obavlja noćni namaz vjerujući nadajući se nagradi, Allah će mu oprostiti prijašnje grijehe.

Dakle, noćni namaz u toku ramazana je od velike važnosti. Napravimo dnevni plan tokom ramazana u skladu sa ramazanskim planom, ali nemoj da pravimo plan u skladu sa našim planovima. Drugim riječima kazato; nemoj da propuštamo teravih namaz zbog neke večere odnosno iftara, jer je teravija suština ramazana.

Obavljajmo namaze u džamiji koliko smo u mogućnosti, slušajmo Kur'an i učimo Kur'an. Najveći stepen učenja Kur'ana je kad ga ti učiš ili slušaš dok ga neko uči, zato je ramazan velika prilika.

Molim Allaha da nam podari svoju milost i da nam podari kabul u onome što radimo, da budemo iskreni i da nam ovaj ramazan učini mubarekom i blagoslovljenim, amin.

Ramadan 2015

shieldPraise be to Allah, the Lord of Creations, peace and blessings be upon our prophet Muhammad a,s, the faithful and the honest.

Dear brothers, there is a fundamental difference between the acts of worship and the rituals in man-made religions. In man-made religions, rituals are no more than whispers and certain movements done by worshipers. They are nonsense, but what about acts of worship? Imam Shafi’i, may Allah have mercy on him, said: Acts of worship are justified by the interests of the creatures. Ignorant people fast in Ramadan, but their fasting is a traditional and a social one. Fasting for some people is a kind of traditions and customs inherited from one generation to another. That is why you see bad things in Ramadan, vices, sins, open parties, feasts, spending nights watching T.V. This is Ramadan for some people; it has become part of their folklore and traditions that have nothing to do with worship.

Almighty Allah says: O you who believe! Observing As-Saum (the fasting) is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become Al-Muttaqun (the pious). Al-Baqarah: 183.

May” here indicated expectation. Allah the Almighty shows us the reason of fasting in the above-mentioned. Ayah: so worship Me and establish prayer for My remembrance. Ta-Ha: 14. The purpose is remembrance: But prostrate and draw near to Allah! Al-Alaq: 19. The purpose is drawing near to Allah.

Our Great Creator is Allah and we are His servants, yet, when He orders us to do something He gives us the reason or the purpose of doing so e.g. prayer: But prostrate and draw near to Allah! Al-Alaq: 19. The meaning of prayer is drawing near to Allah: So worship Me, and perform As-Salat for My Remembrance. Taha: 14.

The person who performs prayer has a vision. People act according to their visions, for example, when a man commits a crime, he does so because he thought that such a crime would bring him a great benefit, but he did not see that he would be arrested. All he saw was the fortune that he would enjoy for the rest of his life, forgetting all about the crime. Therefore, he is blind. In other words the most serious thing in life is work, which is based on vision, vision is based on light, and prayer is light.

Look how acts of worship are justified; this is a favor from Allah: Fasting: O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous. Al-Baqarah: 183

Az-Zakat: Take Sadaqah (alms) from their wealth in order to purify them and sanctify them with it, and invoke Allah for them. Verily! Your invocations are a source of security for them, and Allah is All-Hearer, All-Knower. At- Tawbah: 103

Al- Hajj: Allah has made the Ka'bah, the Sacred House, standing for the people and [has sanctified] the sacred months and the sacrificial animals and the garlands [by which they are identified]. That is so you may know that Allah knows what is in the heavens and what is in the earth and that Allah is Knowing of all things. Al-Maida: 97.  Because of the Favor of Allah all of the ritual acts of worship are justified by the interests of people.

Dear brothers, fasting is a golden opportunity to reconcile with Allah. The Prophet ascended the steps, and said: The Prophet, May Allah have His Peace and Blessings upon him, ascended the minbar, he said, Amen, then he ascended the second step and said, Amen, and he ascended the third step and said, Amen. His Companion- may Allah be pleased with them, asked him: O Messenger, why did you say ameen? He said, Jibreel came to me and said, May his nose be rubbed in dust (a sign of humiliation), who attains Ramadan and is not forgiven by it, so I said: Amen.

It is the month of worship, repentance, and reconciliation with Allah, praying in Masjid, praying Night prayer, praying al-Fajr in the Masjid, and controlling the heart, the eye. It is the month of controlling the tongue: The faith inside everyone can never stay straight unless his heart stays straight, and his heart can never stay straight unless his tongue stays straight. Related by Imam Ahmad in his Musnad.

This is the month of controlling the hand from hitting other people, the feet from going to a forbidden place, the house from committing a sin and the job from getting money illegally. It is the month of reconciliation with Allah and of true repentance; this is really an opportunity.

Dear brothers, the most miserable person is the one who performs acts of worship without knowing the purpose. Allah the Most high orders us to abstain from eating and drinking throughout the day, why? He orders us to abstain from having sexual relation throughout the days of Ramadan, why?

When Allah orders you to abstain from eating and drinking during the days of Ramadan though they are usually, He is training us to avoid doing what is forbidden. When you are able to stop doing what is allowed, definitely you can avoid doing the forbidden things. That is why Ramadan is the time of reconciliation with Allah: When a servant turns back to Allah, a caller calls those in the heavens and earth to congratulate him as he has reconciled with Allah.

Ramadan is when you get back to Allah; it is the month of repentance: Allah is happier with the repentance of His slaves than the lost one who finds his way, the sterile one who begets children, and the thirsty one who reaches a fountain of water.

The first day in Ramadan, turn with true repentance to Allah and reconcile with Him. The Prophet said: Whoever fasts Ramadan out of faith and expecting reward from Allah, Allah forgives all his past sins. He said in another Hadith: Whoever performs night prayer out of faith and expecting reward from Allah, Allah forgives all his past sins.

So, Night prayer in Ramadan is extremely important. Dear brothers, we should plan our daily life in Ramadan according to the schedules of Ramadan, we should not plan Ramadan according to our schedules. In other words, we should not miss the taraweeh prayer one day because we have iftar in a distant restaurant, or because we are invited to some relatives’ house. Traweeh prayer is essential in Ramadan.

We should be in a Masjid performing prayer and listening to the Qur’an. The highest level of reciting the Qur’an is when you recite it or listen to it during prayer. So Ramadan is an opportunity.

Ramadan is your opportunity to reconcile with Allah, to call yourself to account and get back to Allah to be purified of your sins like a newborn baby. However, accomplishing these things requires a strong will to control yourself. Straightness is the basis of fasting, and I hope that we are all far from the social fasting, which is part of folklore. For us, Ramadan is the month of worship, repentance, piety, forgiveness and being safe from hell. The more we are sure of Allah's forgiveness, the more we are keen to keep worshiping Him. O Allah, accept our fasting and save us from Hell.

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