religije u modernom svijetu
Draga braćo, jasno nam
je da je islam religija koja promoviše balans umjerenost i harmoniju u svim
aspektima ljudskog života. Uzmimo za primjer post, post ne samo da doprinosi
fizičkom napretku, već nam pomaže da učvrstimo svoj duh, odnosno da duhovno
budemo jači. Dakle, kad muslimana pogode životni izazovi u današnjem modernom
dobu, obadva aspekta su neophodna svakom insanu (duhovni i fizički)
Promjene u ovom svijetu
je realnost ovog svjeta i ljudskog života, međutim brze promjene donose sa
sobom i modernosti, čak i prije nego smo u mogućnosti da se prilagodimo na nove
promjene, mi se suočimo sa još jednom fenomenalnom promjenom ili razvojom. Ali
isto tako ne možemo poreći da je modernost u službi čovjeka i da nas služi u
tehnološkom napredku.
Međutim modernost je takođe donjela sa sobom i valove
koji bi potencijalno mogli ugroziti vrijednosti i identitet ovog ummeta. Na
primjer, određeni način života koji su ne važeće vrijednosti i morala a koji se
mogu primjetiti je kao jedan od uznemirujućih efekata te modernosti. Slično
tome je i da je cilj da čovjek živi samo radi jednostavnog zadovoljavanja
strasti kroz ovosvjetske užitke se takođe ubraja u modernost ljudskog života.
Kao muslimani, kojima je data uputa i vjerovanje, i
taj iman i vjera usađuje visoko povjerenje kod vjernika kad se susretne sa
modernim iskušenjima. Mi vjerujemo da je ovaj svijet povjeren nama od strane
Allaha dž,š, i naša obaveza je da upravljamo s tim. A kada Gospodar tvoj reče melekima: "Ja ću na Zemlji
namjesnika postaviti!" – oni rekoše: "Zar će Ti namjesnik biti onaj
koji će na njoj nered činiti i krv proljevati? Zato mi nebi trebali gledati na
modernitet u cjelokupnosti kao vražiji ili šejtanski. Kao halife i namjesnici
na ovoj Zemlji moramo ustvari da se borimo i nosimo s tim iskušenjima i
preusmjeravati ih u našu korist.
Trebamo iskoristiti sve što se može iskoristiti i
okoristiti s istim. Ali ove stvari zahtjevaju od nas duhovnu zdravost. Zamisli
ako je moguće duhovnost da se odgaja i njeguje, onda je takođe moguće da bude izvor naše snage.
Tako isto nećemo biti pometeni i zbrisani sa
sadašnjom modernizacijom koja nas je okupirala. Poslušajmo ovaj hadis poslanika
a,s, kada kaže: Nemojte biti od onih
koji kažu; Ako drugi rade dobro i mi ćemo! A ako oni čine grijehe i mi ćemo!
Buditi čvrsti i postojni, pa ako jedni kažu mi ćemo raditi dobro i vi činite
dobro, a ako kažu mi ćemo činiti zlo onda vi nemojte griješiti. Imam
Tirmizi od Huzefe r,h.
Ovo je draga braćo polod duhovnog blagostanja, zdravlja i čistote. Jer uspjet će samo oni
koji dođu pred Allaha sa čistim srcem kako kaže uzvišeni u suri Šuara 88-89: Na Dan kada
neće nikakvo blago, a ni sinovi od koristi biti, samo će onaj koji Allahu srca
čista dođe spašen biti." Dini islam
nas ne uči da se zatvorimo i izoliramo od ovog svijeta ili zajednice i
realnosti ovog svijeta, kao što isnam ne uči svoje sljedbenike da se
izdvoje potpuno iz ovog svijeta ili da
sve vrste izazova odbiju kako bi spasili i očuvali svoju religioznost i
duhovnost. Islam nas uči da izgrađujemo svoja sela koji su izolirani od drugih
ljudi, na osnovu imana i vjerovanja koje mogu biti sačuvani jedino na taj
Takve tvrdnje su protiv islama, islam je došao da
unapredi i da reformiše ljude i zajednice pa i sisteme. Pa ako bi mi otvorili
stranice naše historije, mogli bi naći da su naši preci uspjeli da očuvaju i
izgrade duhovnost a koja je ujedno izgradila i velike civilizacije. Oni su
doprinjeli cijelom čovječanstvu. I ove civilizacije su građene na imanu i
vjerovanju, na takvaluku i bogobojaznosti. Postigli su fenomenalan napredak i
razvoj. Oni nisu činili nagodbu u fundementalnim islamskim principima. Ustvari
ti fundementi su doprinjeli cijelom čovječanstvu kao cjelini.
Draga braćo, islam nas uči da budemo dio javnog
života, ne da se zatvaramo u svoje jazbine. Islam nas uči da gradimo ljudsku
civilizaciju koja će unapredit ljdski život, koja će mu pomoći da duhovno bude
jači i stabilniji.
The role of
religion in the modern world
Let us strengthen our resolve to increase our taqwa to Allah
s.w.t by obeying His commands and abstaining from what Allah has prohibited
upon us. May Allah grant us strong faith (iman) as a source of strength to face
the various challenges in life?
Dear brothers, it is clear to us that Islam is a religion
that promotes balance and harmony in all aspects of human life. Take fasting
for example; not only does it contribute to our physical well-being; it also paves
way for us to cultivate our spiritual strength as well. Thus, when Muslims are
faced with many challenges of living in today's modern world, both aspects are
indispensable to the individual.
My dear brothers, change is a reality of this world and in
human life. However, the rapid rate of change currently brought by modernity is
unprecedented in human history. Even before we are able to adapt to a new
change or master a newly found science, we are confronted with yet another
phenomenal change or development. We cannot deny that modernity has served us
in technological progress; and in the flow of knowledge and information in this
borderless reality.
However, modernity has also brought along waves that could
potentially threaten this ummah’s values and identity. For example, certain
lifestyles that are void of values and morals can be seen as one of the
troubling effects of modernity. On a similar note, the notion that the purpose
of this life is simply to pursue worldly happiness and the satisfaction of human
desires through worldly pleasures –or Hedonism – is also deemed to be among the
main features of modern humans today.
As Muslims, we are surely guided by our faith, and this
faith instils a high sense of self-confidence in facing any of these new changes
and challenges. As Muslims we believe that this world is entrusted to us humans
by Allah s.w.t. It is thus our duty to manage it well. Thus as Muslims, we
should not see modernity as wholly evil and destructive. And as God’s appointed
caretakers of this world, or Khalifah, we should instead face these changes and
challenges, by shaping them to our advantage. We should then reap whatever we
can of its benefits and rewards. We should not be desolate by our fate, but
instead be resilient to whatever that is imminent.
My dear brothers, this
would require our spiritual well being! Imagine if spirituality can be grown
and nurtured, it can also be a source of our strength. At the same time, we
will not be easily washed away by the currents of modernity that has engulfed
us currently, let us reflect upon a hadith of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w: Do
not be “followers” who say: If others do good, we will do good and if they
commit a sin, we will commit a sin. Be firm in your stand, if others do good
then you should also do good, and if others commit a sin then do not transgress
yourselves. [Hadith reported by At-Tirmizi from Hathaifah r,a]
This, my dear brothers, is
the fruit of a spiritual well being. This is also the kind of spirituality that
we wish to build as a fortress to protect our family, and ourselves so that we
could achieve success in this world and the Hereafter. Allah s.w.t says in
surah As-Shu’ara’ verse 88: "The Day whereon neither
wealth nor sons will avail, but only he (will
prosper) that brings to Allah a sound
When we speak about the importance of spiritual well being
as a fortress, this should not mean that we imprison ourselves from the
realities of life. Islam does not teach its followers to isolate themselves
from the world and society, or reject all of the changes on the basis of
‘preserving’ one’s religiosity or spirituality. This particular strand of
spirituality is obsolete and stagnant. It teaches Muslims to build their own villages,
which are isolated from other people, on the grounds that faith and religion
could be preserved by doing so.
Such claims are against the teachings of Islam. Islam came
to develop and reform. And if we are to open the pages of our history, we would
find our ancestors have succeeded to nurture the kind of spirituality that built
great civilisations. These then contributed towards humanity as a whole. And
these Islamic civilisations were built on the foundations of faith and taqwa.
We would find that while they achieved phenomenal progress and developments,
they did not compromise on fundamental Islamic principles. In fact, upon
scrutiny, these principles actually contributed to the progress of humanity as
a whole.
My dear brothers, Islam is a religion that teaches its
followers to engage and be part of public life. It teaches us to build a human
civilization that prioritises human development, equipping him with strong
spiritual values, and the drive to continuously reform all aspects of human
life, no matter the challenges.
May Allah s.w.t grant us a clear understanding and a strong
determination to continue to be the people who bring mercy to this world, armed
with spirituality and a pure heart?
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