Iskorištvanje prilika prije nego bude kasno
sam po sebi je prilika, a sam život je pun bezbrojnih prilika i
mgućnosti koje su nam konstantno otvorene te ih Allah dž,š, stavlja na
raspolaganje svojim robovima jednih iza drugima. Postoje sve vrste
mogućnosti u svim poljima. Neke od njih promjenu tok cijelog ljudskog
života, dok druge utječu na drastične promjene za one koji ih iskoriste.
Neke mogućnosti se nikada ne ponove. Jedan od naših predaka je rekao: ''Ako se vrata dobra otvore ispred tebe, onda požuri da uđeš na njih, jer ti neznaš kada će se ta vrata zatvoriti''.
može biti i pokornost Allahu dž,š, ili neko hairli djelo s kojim možeš
izgraditi ummet i zajednicu. Može da bude neka visoka pozicija, koju
takođe možeš iskoristit u služenju vjere i ummeta, takođe može da bude
trgovina, kao što je poslanik a,s, rekao: ''Kako je lijep imetak u rukama dobrog čovjeka''. Imam Ahmed.
Prilike i mogućnosti su se rasprostranile po cijelom dunjaluku. Poslanik a,s, je rekao: Ako bi nastupio Sudnji Dan a u ruci nekog od vas se nađe sadnica te mu bude ukazana prilika da je zasadi neka je zasadi.
Allahov poslanik a,s, je bio savršen primjer za sve nas kada je u
pitanju iskorištavanje ukazanih prilika za neko dobro djelo, takođe bi
podsticao i ashabe r,a, da pokazuju svoju pokornost Allahu dž,š,
upućivao ih te im davao i instrukcije!
Jedne prilike je Abdullah ibn Abbas r,a, jahao pored poslanika a,s, te mu poslanik a,s, reče: O
mladiću! Hoćeš li da te podučim nečemu!? Čuvaj Allaha i Allah će tebe
čuvat! Čuvaj Allaha i naći ćeš Ga pored sebe! A kad pitaš, pitaj Allaha,
a ako moliš za pomoć traži je od Allaha. Jedne prilike kad je
poslanik a,s, vidio Omera ibn Ebu Selamu r,a, kako kruži rukom po sahanu
po svim krajevima, tada mu poslanik a,s, reče: O mladiću, reci bismillah i jedi ispred sebe.
Ebu Bekr Es-Siddik r,a, je iskoristio priliku i postao je prvi čovjek koji je prihvatio islam. Poslanik a,s, je rekoa: Zaisa,
Allah me poslao vama, pa ste rekli, ti govoriž laži, ali Ebu Bekr je
rekao: Ti govoriš istinu, podržao me je sa svojim životom i imetkom,
zato ostavite moje ashabe.
ibn Affan r,a, je takođe iskoristio priliku kad mu je se ukazala u
Medini i kad je sastavio (spojio, kompletirao) Kur'an u jednu knjigu a
ostali ashabi su se s tim jednoglasno složili.
koji iskoriste ukazanu priliku odu daleko ispred onih koji to propuste.
Oni koji su to učinili i iskoristili su svakako Muhadžiri kao i
Ensarije, oni su daleko bolji od onih koji su došli kasnije njih. Oni od
njih koji su se borili u bitci na Bedru su daleko bolji od onih koji to
nisu. Isto tako oni koji su prihvatali islam, trošili svoj imetak i
život na Božijem putu, borili se sa poslanikom su daleko bolji od onih
koji su došli nakon toga. Kaže uzvišeni u suri Vakija 10-14: I oni prvi – uvijek prvi! Oni će Allahu bliski biti, u džennetskim baščama naslada, biće ih mnogo od naroda drevnih.
prilike prolaze brzo, razmisli malo o životu kako brzo prolazi, vrati
se nazad par godina svog života, koliko se čovjek promjenio, od
zdravlja, bolesti, imanja, bogatsva i siromaštva, od nesigurnosti do
sigurnosti itd. ِEbu Hurejre r,a prenosi da je poslanik a,s, rekao: Požurite
sa dobrim djelima prije nego vas zadese iskušenja koja liče na mrklu
noć. Čovjek će osvanuti vjernik a omrknut kao nevjernik, ili omrknut će
kao vjernik a osvanut kao nevjernik. Prodavat će din i vjeru za
ovosvjetske koristi. Imam Muslim, Ahmed i Tirmizi
ovoga naš poslanik a,s, je dao uputstva svom ummetu da iskoriste
ukazane prilike i požurivanje činjenja dobra prije nego bude kasno. Ibn
Abbas r,a, prenosi da je poslanik a,s, rekao: Iskoristi pet
stavri prije drugih pet! Mladost prije starosti. Zdravlje prije bolesti.
Bogatsvo prije siromaštva. Slobodno vrijeme prije zauzetosti i
preokupacije. Život prije smrti. Imam Hakim
svoj život, jer kad čovjek preseli, djela prestaju i tada nastaje
kajanje za propuštenim. Iskoristi svoje zdravlje, jer kad čovjek padne
na postelju postaje slab da bi uradio šta dobro, tada će želit da bude u
mogućnosti da posti i klanja, ali!? Iskoristi svoje slobodno vrije
prije nego što te dunjaluk na obuzme, ovosvjestke stvari i obaveze.
Iskoristi svoju mlados, prije nego ostariš, tvoje tjelo postane slabo i
iznemoglo. Iskoristi svoje bogatsvo i imetak, pomozi onome kome je pomoć
potrebna, daji zekat, djeli sadaku, prije nego izgubiš imetak ili otnae
iza tebe.
Svaka ukazan prilika je prednost ne važno kolika ona bila u tvojim očima. Poslanik a,s, je rekao: Nemojte omaložavati dobro djela, pa i ako sretneš svoga brata sa nasmijanim licem. Imam Muslim od Ebu Zerra r,a. Takođe poslanik a,s, kaže: Zaštitite se od Džehennemske vatre makar sa pola hurme udjeljene kao sadaka, a ako nemožete onda sa lijepom riječju. Takođe kaže a,s: Čovjek
može izgovoriti jednu riječ s kojom će uzvišeni biti zadovoljan a da to
i ne primjeti, s tom riječju Allah ga uzdiže na visoke stepenove.
iskorištava svaku priliku koja mu se ukaže da udjeli sadaku, ne
obraćajući pažnju na sumu, čini sve što je u njegovoj mogućnosti bez
obzira koliki je uspjeh, daje sve od sebe. Uzmimo za primjer poslanika
Jusufa a,s. Bez obzira kroz šta je sve prošao u zatvoru opet je služio
vjeri i pozivao je druge ka istini. O drugovi moji u tamnici, ili su bolji raznorazni bogovi ili Allah, Jedini i Svemoćni? Jusuf 39.
Pokajanje je takođe prilika koja je uvjek tu, ali niko nezna kada će doći kraj. Kaže uzvišeni u suri Ali Imran 133: Nastojte zaslužiti oprost Gospodara svoga i Džennet prostran kao nebesa i Zemlja, pripremljen za one koji se Allaha boje.
Allah dž,š, je dao pokajanje svojim robovim kako bi razmotrili situaciu
i kako bi se bili u mogućnosti vratiti Allahu dž,š. Poslanik a,s, kaže:
Melek na lijevoj strani (koji piše loša djela) čeka
šest sati prije nego upiše loše djelo. Pa ako se pokaje i zatraži
Allahov oprost Melek to ne zapisuje. A ako se ne pokaje niti traži od
Allaha oprost tada Melek zapiše kao jedno loše djelo. Ibn Hibban u Hiljetul evlija, i Albani, hadis je hasen.
postoje sezonske prilike koje nam se ukazuje. Tako postoji sezona Hadža
u kojoj se brišu svi grijesi, takođe prilika za obavljanje Umre. Sezona
mjeseca rmazana čiju su dani i noći blagoslovljeni. Poslanik a,s, kaže:
Obavlajnje namaza u mom mesdžidu (poslanikovoj džamiji) je
bolje za hiljadu puta nego obavljati namaz u drugim džamijama, osim u
haremu u Meki. Obavljanje namazu u Mekanskom haremu je bolje nego
obavljanje namazu bilo u kom drugom mesdždi za sto hiljada puta.
razumni muslima koji ima jaku odlučnost preuzima inicijativu u svoje
ruke, stvara sebi šanse, gleda da iskoristi svoje vrijeme na najbolji
način, tako da sve što bude radio bude mu od koristi na budućem svijetu.
Gleda da bude od koristi svojoj zajednici kao i šire cijelom ummetu,
jer kako god život je kratak.
Allah da nam podari berićeta u životu kog proživimo i da bude od
koristi ummetu i muslimanima, zajednici kojoj pripadamo, Amin.
Seizing Opportunities Before It Is Too Late
is an opportunity in itself, and it is, in its turn, full of countless
opportunities that are always open to man and that Allah makes available
to His servants one after another. There are opportunities of all types
and in every field. Some of them change the entire course of people’s
lives, while others effect drastic changes for those who seize them and
make the best of them. Some opportunities, however, never recur. One of
the righteous predecessors once said: “If a door to goodness
opens up before any of you, then hurry to go through, for you do not
know when it may be closed against you.”
opportunity may be an act of obedience to Allah or a pious act to build
the nation and help develop society. It may be a high status or
position, which can be used in the service of the religion and the
Ummah. It may also be trade, as the Prophet said: “How excellent good money is in the hands of a good man!”
in the life of nations extend across the length of life on earth itself
and will continue to occur till one’s last breath. The Messenger of
Allah said: “If the Last Hour comes while one of you is holding a
palm-tree cutting, then if he can plant it in the soil before the Last
Hour takes place, let him do so.” Allah’s Messenger was an
excellent example to emulate in his constant vigilance and illuminating
insight about seizing opportunities for good deeds; he would urge his
Companions to show obedience to Allah, prompt them to perform acts of
worships, and guide and instruct them.
Once he let Abdullah ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him and his father, ride behind him and said to him: “O young man! I shall teach you some words: Be
mindful of Allah, and He will be mindful of you. Be mindful of Allah,
and you will find Him before you. When you ask, ask Allah. When you seek
help, seek help from Allah.” In addition, when he once saw Umar ibn Abu Salamah’s hand wandering all over the plate, he said to him: “O young man! Say, ‘Bismi-llah’ (In the name of Allah), eat with your right hand, and eat from what is directly in front of you.”
Bakr as-Siddiq seized the opportunity and became the first man ever to
embrace Islam. Therefore, the Messenger of Allah said of him: “Indeed! Allah sent me to you, and you said, You have told a lie, but Abu Bakr said: You have spoken the truth.’ He supported me with his life and his wealth, so are you leaving for me my companion?” He said it twice, and Abu Bakr was never offended after this incident.
ibn Affan, may Allah be pleased with him, seized the opportunity of the
presence of the Prophet’s Companions, may Allah be pleased be with
them, in Medina to compile the verses of the Qur’an into an authentic,
standard book which the Companions unanimously approved and adopted. It
is through this authentic compilation that, Allah, saved the Muslims
from far-reaching evil and wide disagreement.
who seize opportunities and take the initiative go many stages and
levels ahead of others. The foremost Muslims who were the first to
embrace Islam, namely, the Muhajirun (those who migrated from Makah to
Medina) and the Ansar (the residents of Medina who helped the Muhajirun)
are far better than those who embraced it after them. Those from among
them who fought the Battle of Badr are better than others. Similarly,
those who embraced Islam, migrated, and strove in the cause of Allah by
offering their wealth and their lives before the Prophet’s victorious
return to Makah deserve more merit than those who did so after this
Allah says in surah Al-Waqiah 10-14: "And the forerunners, the forerunners. These will be those nearest (to Allah), in the Gardens of Delight (Paradise). A [large] company of the former peoples, and a few of the later peoples!
opportunities pass quickly; they are brief and short-lived. Just
reflect on the course of life of someone in his advancing years, and you
will see how quickly his conditions change from health to illness, from
affluence to poverty, from security to fear, from occupation to
idleness, and from youth to old age. The necessity to take opportunities
becomes all the more important in times of trials and adversities. The
Messenger of Allah said: “Hasten to do good deeds before you are
put to trials and tests that are as deluding as the dark of night. A
man would be a believer in the morning and a disbeliever in the evening,
or he would be a believer in the evening and a disbeliever in the
morning, abandoning his faith in exchange for some worldly goods.”
is for this reason that our Noble Messenger, instructed his Ummah to
seize opportunities and hasten to do good deeds before it is too late.
He said: “Take advantage of five [states] before [you get into] five [others]: your
youth before your old age, your health before your sickness, your
wealth before your poverty, your free time before your being busy, and
your life before your death.”
advantage of your life, for when you die, your deeds will come to an
end, your hopes will be shattered, and you will regret every lost
opportunity. Take advantage of your health, for whoever falls sick
becomes too weak to perform many good deeds and wishes he was only able
to fast and pray. Take advantage of your free time before you are
overcome with distractions and become preoccupied with worldly matters.
Take advantage of your youth before you get old, your body becomes heavy
and sluggish, and your strength declines. Take advantage of being rich:
help the needy, give alms to the poor, and give money to charity before
you waste your money or it leaves you.
opportunity, servants of Allah, is an advantage, no matter how
insignificant it may be in your sight. The Messenger of Allah said: “Do not belittle any good deed, even the act of meeting your brother with a cheerful face.” The Prophet also said: “Guard yourselves against Hellfire even by giving half a date as charity; and if you cannot afford that, then by saying a good word.” He also said: “A
man may utter a word which pleases Allah without realizing the full
extent of its outcome, and because of it, Allah raises him in degree.” This is the constant condition of a Muslim.
takes every opportunity to give, no matter how small the amount is, and
makes every possible effort, no matter how little it is. Take the case
of Prophet Yusuf (Joseph), peace be upon him. Despite the alienation and
the horrid oppression that he suffered while he was in prison, he
served the religion and called to the plain truth: "O two companions of the prison! Are many different lords (gods) better or Allah, the One, the Irresistible?" Yusuf: 39.
is an opportunity that is always available in one’s life, and nobody
knows when his life will come to an end. Allah says in surah Ali Imran
133: "And march forth in the way (which leads to) forgiveness from your Lord, and for Paradise as wide as are the heavens and the earth, prepared for Al-Muttaqun
(the pious)." Through repentance, Allah gives His servants the
opportunity to reconsider their situation and reflect on their
conditions so that they may quickly turn to Allah before He subjects
them to humiliation and puts them to trials and tests. The Prophet said:
“The angel on the left [who is charged with recording sins] waits
for six hours before recording the sin of a Muslim servant. If he
repents and seeks Allah’s forgiveness for it, the angel drops it. And if
he doesn’t ask Allah for forgiveness, the angel records it as one sin.”
spiritual seasons are also recurrent opportunities and great gifts
which only sensible people seize. There is the season of hajj, in which
sins are washed away, and there are plenty of opportunities for
performing ‘umrah, which makes amends for the servants’ sins and
misdeeds. There is also the month of Ramadan, with its marvelous days
and blessed nights. Living near the sacred sites is also a priceless
opportunity to multiply rewards. Indeed, rewards for doing good deeds
are multiplied in Makah and Medina. The Prophet said: “Offering
one prayer in my mosque is better than offering one thousand prayers
elsewhere, except the Sacred Mosque, and offering one prayer in the
Sacred Mosque is better than offering one hundred thousand prayers
elsewhere.” Even those who are inflicted with adversities have
the opportunity to gain manifold rewards if they show patience and
accept Allah’s will and decree.
sensible Muslim who has strong determination takes the initiative; he
creates his own chances and undertakes purposeful activities to gain
rewards and make the best use of his time and his life so that he can
benefit himself, increase his provision for the hereafter, and serve his
country and the Muslim Ummah at large. The truly successful are those
who consider every season in their lives an opportunity to purify their
souls and develop themselves.
take initiatives, race against time, and hasten to achieve high goals.
By contrast, if Muslims lack the initiative and are totally dependent on
others, they will lose significant opportunities and remarkable gains.
Their energy will fade away, and they will not have any positive impact
on their country or on the Muslim Ummah. To this end, O Muslims, we need
to base our life upon serious education.
should take advantage of all opportunities so that we can develop our
worldly life and achieve peace in the hereafter, the home that will
remain forever.
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