Aug 5, 2016

Doći će svjetlo / There Will Come Light

Doći će svjetlo

Svi smo čuli Allahovo ime El-Afuv, ''Onaj koji prašta'' (Koji briše grijehe), i vrlo dirljiv kudsi hadis koji kaže: Allahov rob koji je počinio grije je rekao: Gospodaru, oprosti mi moj grijeh! A Allah dž, reče: Moj rob je počinio grijeh, i priznao da ima Gospodara Koji prašta grijehe i Koji kažnjava. Zatim čovjek ponovo učini grijeh, i reče; Gospodaru, oprosti mi moj grijeh! A Allah dž,š, reče; Moj rob je počinio grijeh i priznao je da ima Gospodara Koji prašta i Koje kažnjava! Čovjek ponovo počini grijeh i reče: Gospodarau, oprosti mi moj grijeh! A Allah dž,š, reče; Moj rob je počinio grijeh i priznao je da ima Gospodara Koji prašta i Koje kažnjava! Robe Moj! Radi kako hoćeš, zaista Sam ti oprostio! Imam Buhari i Muslim.

Dakle ovo nije karta za činjenje grijeha, kako to mogu neki razumit,  ali me ovo tako postaklo da mi ustvari uvjek moramo imati nadu da će nam Allah dž,š, oprostit i da će nas uputit i da ćemo biti bolji muslimani.

Koliko puta smo sjeli da prebrojimo svoje pogreške ili grijehe, da li smo možda primjetili koliko ustvari puno mi činimo grijeha tako da ustavri je to nemoguće haman i prebrojat! Možda mislimo da ne postoji način da nam Allah dž,š, oprosti, jer u našim mislima kruže misli da ustvari mi i ne zaslužujemo oprost..

Ovo nam pokazuje obim Allahove dž,š, Milosti, koju ljudski um i razum nemože ni zamislit. Kaže uzvišeni u suri Jusuf 87: ''I ne gubite nadu u milost Allahovu; samo nevjernici gube nadu u Allahovu milost."

Uzmi u obzir: Nada nije luksuz da učinimo svoje živote boljim! To je ustvari obaveza svakog muslimana i muslimanke, sastavni dio vjere. Nakon uočavanja da mi nesmijemo očajavati i gubiti nadu u Allahovu Milost, isto tako nam je potrebno da razumijemo da očajavanje u bilo kojoj formi je ne prihvatljivo u muslimanskom životu.

Kad je život i u najgoroj situaciji, osjećamo gorčinu u grlu, težinu u stomaku, koji raste i ide prema srcu i koji obuhvaća i preuzima kontrolu nad svim, financijsko opterećenje, poslovni problemi, komunikacijski problemi koji nam se čine kao vrhunac svih problema. Kako ćemo se oporaviti i osloboditi prekomjernog duga, otpuštanja s posla ili razvoda, ili problema sa djecom? Izgleda da naša budućnost ide nazad, lišeni smo nade, i izgleda poprilično ružno! Iskušenje da se odreknemo i da odustamo je uveliko poraslo, a krevet nam se čini za dobro opuštanje  i dugo ležanje, razmišljajući o ničemu.

Spomenut ću neka kazivanja koja će nam ukazati, da je gubljenje nade i očajavanje ustvari loše i da je u škripcu!!!

Hronike ili vjesti, od kojih je jedna od naj-ljepših koje se bilježe u Kur'anu o Musa a,s. Šta bi moglo biti naj-uznemiravajućije od neprijateljske vojske koja je za petama a more ispred. I onda kad su jedni druge vidjeli, ashabi Musa'a a,s, rekoše kako to spominje i Kur'an: Pa kad jedni druge ugledaše, ashabi Musaovi povikaše: Samo što nas nisu stigli! Neće! Reče on, Gospodar moj je sa mnom, On će mi put pokazati."

U istom dramatičnom škripcu, većina nas bi podlegla osjećajima potpune bezpomoćnosti. Naša srca nebi čak ni vidjela svrhu u nadi za izlaz. Ali Allah dž,š, kazuje Musau a,s, šta da čini: I Mi objavismo Musau: Udari štapom svojim po moru! I ono se rastavi i svaki bok njegov bijaše kao veliko brdo. (63). Ko je mogao zamisliti takav bjeg! Možda mi nekada ne vidimo izlaza iz problema, ali Allah dž,š, Vidi, jer je On taj Koji nas stavlja na kušnje.

Uzmi u obzir takođe kazivanje o poslaniku Junusu a,s, kojeg je riba (kit) pojela i koji je bio u njenom stomaku u sred mora, ali ipak nije ni on izgubio nadu i nije očajavao i odustajao od Allahove Milsosti. On je se konstantno molio, i od njega a,s, smo i naučili dovu koja je jedna od najboljih dova. U suri Enbija 87 Allah dž,š, kaže: I Zunnunu se, kada srdit ode i pomisli da ga nećemo kazniti – pa poslije u tminama zavapi: Nema boga osim Tebe, hvaljen neka si, a ja sam se zaista ogriješio prema sebi!" 

To je zbog nade i duboke iskrenosti njegovog obraćanja Allahu dž,š, pa ga je Allah dž,š, spasio. U suri Safat 143-144 Allah dž,š, kaže: I da nije bio jedan od onih koji Allaha hvale, sigurno bi ostao u utrobi njenoj do Dana kad će svi biti oživljeni.

A što se tiče našeg poslanika Muhammeda a,s, on je otišao do Taifa da ih obavjesti o uputi. Ali ga je njegov narod porekao te su ga protjerali i kamenjem gađali. Allah dž,š, mu je poslao Meleka da upita poslanika a,s, ako hoće da Taif uništi sa dva brda, ali je poslanik a,s, to odbio, jer je on a,s, imao nadu da će nekad jednog dana biti neko od njihove djece ko će prigrliti islam.

U kur'anskim kazivanjima je velika važnost, čak i u najcrnjim satima, nada poslanika a,s, je bila nepokolebljiva, jer su oni bili pomagani objavom. Dakle očaj nije naša opcija. Naša iskušenja i tegobe nikada neće biti kao što je bio slučaj s poslanicima a,s. To znajmo i smirimo se.

Razmišljaj o prirodi noći i dana, najcrnji sati dolaze neposredno pred zoru, dakle kad je život težak i osjećaš se kao da si u tami i pokušavaš da nađeš izlaz, znaj da će se novo svjetlo zadržati na najbližem horizontu.

Imamsedin August 5th, 2016 / 2nd, Dhul- Qa’dah 1437

There Will Come Light

We heard Allah’s divine name, Al-Afow, The Pardoner, and a very touching qudsi hadith that exemplified it: A servant [of Allah’s] committed a sin and said: O Allah! Forgive me my sin. And Allah said: My servant has committed a sin and acknowledged he has a Lord who forgives sins and punishes them. Then the man sinned again and said: “O Lord! Forgive me my sin. And Allah said: My servant has committed a sin and acknowledged he has a Lord who forgives sins and punishes them. Then the man sinned again and said: O Lord! Forgive me my sin. And Allah said: My servant has committed a sin and acknowledged he has a Lord who forgives sins and punishes them. [My slave!] Do what you wish, for I have forgiven you! (Bukhari and Muslim)

This is no free ticket to sin as you please. But it did make me realize we should always have hope that Allah will forgive our sins and guide us to become better Muslims.

How many times have we sat down to count our mistakes and recognized we’ve sinned so much we can’t even keep track anymore? We think that there’s no way Allah can forgive us now. To our minds, we don’t even deserve forgiveness.

This shows only the extent of Allah’s mercy, which no human mind can even imagine. And do not despair of Allah’s mercy. For, most surely, none despairs of Allah’s mercy except the disbelieving people. Yusuf 87.

Take note. Hope is no luxury to make our lives better. It is a Muslim obligation, part and parcel of faith. At All Points, Hope. Having established that we cannot despair of Allah’s mercy, we need also to understand that despair, in any form, is not acceptable in a Muslim’s life.

When life is at its worst, a sinister feeling in the pit of the stomach, growing and spreading and inching its way toward your heart, may threaten to take over. Financial burdens, work woes, and relationship troubles look like the pinnacle of all problems. How will we recover from excessive debt, a layoff, or problems with our kids or divorce? The future stare back, bereft of hope, and looks pretty ugly. The temptation to give up grows strong, and bed seems a nice place to lie down for a long time (covers overhead!) thinking about nothing at all.

Despair has set in. And its downhill from there-unless something’s done quickly to free us from it. So here are some stories to keep that despair at bay.

Chronicles of Hope: Among the very best hope narratives is the Qur’an’s account of Prophet Moses. What could be more distressing than an enemy army hot on your heels with nothing but sea in front of you? Then when the two multitudes saw each other, Moses’ companions said: ‘Indeed, we are most surely overtaken.’ (Moses) said: ‘No, indeed! Most surely, my Lord is with me! He will guide me! Ashu’ara 61-62.

In the same dramatic straits, most of us would succumb to feelings of utter helplessness. Our hearts would see no purpose in even “the hope” for a way out. Yet all along it was there, with Allah. He told Prophet Moses: “Strike the sea with your staff! Thus it split, so that each divide became as a great mountain.” Ashu’ara 63.

Who could have imagined such an escape? We may not always see the exodus from a problem. But Allah does, for He is the One who creates it.

Consider also the story of Prophet Yunus (Jonah). Trapped in the belly of the whale in the midst of the sea, he still did not lose hope in Allah’s mercy. He prayed with unfailing constancy. And from him we learn one of the greatest duaa: “There is no God but You! Highly exalted are you! Indeed, I was of the wrongdoers!” Al-Anbiya 87. It is because of his hope, and the deep sincerity of his prayer, that Allah saved him. “Yet were it not that he was one who highly exalted [God alone], he would have remained in its belly until the Day all are raised up.” Assafaat 143-144.

What of our own beloved Prophet Muhammad a,s? He walked to the mountain city of at-Taif to bestow them with divine guidance. But its people belied him and ran him out with stones.
Allah sent an angel with a question to the Prophet a,s. Did he desire to bring at-Taif’s twin mountains down upon it? The Prophet refused. He had hope that one day they or their children would enter into Islam.

The prophetic narratives of the Qur’an tell us something vital. In their bleakest hours, the hope of the prophets held unshakable, for they issued directly from mighty faith. Despair is not a Muslim option. Our own woes will never gather the weight of the prophets’. Nor shall our troubles mount to such heights. In that, let us take due comfort.

Think of the nature of night and day. The darkest hour comes just before dawn. So when life looms gloomy, and you feel as though you’re groping in total darkness, know that new light lingers just over the near horizon. 

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