Adem a,s,
i Havva: ljudska priča
U prvom ajetu sure
En-Nisa uzvišeni kaže: O ljudi, bojte se
Gospodara svoga, koji vas od jednog čovjeka stvara, a od njega je i drúgu
njegovu stvorio, i od njih dvoje mnoge muškarce i žene rasijao. I Allaha se
bojte – s imenom čijim jedni druge molite – i rodbinske veze ne kidajte, jer
Allah, zaista, stalno nad vama bdi.
Draga braćo i sestre:
Priča o Ademu a,s, i Havvi, poslanik Adam a,s, i Havva nije samo "drevna
priča" u Kur'anu. To je od vitalnog značaja priča o našem ljudskom stanju,
priča koja potvrđuje praiskonsku nevinost, ljudsku slabost, žaljenje i kajanje;
borba za otkup, oprost i Božansku milost. To nije samo priča o dvoje ljudi koji
su izrodili ljudsku rasu nakon nepoštivanje njihovog Stvoritelja. To je priča
svakog ljudskog bića koji je ikada bio, koji jest i koji će uvek biti. To je
tvoja priča i moju priču.
To je priča našeg
porijekla i naše sudbine, odakle smo došli i kuda idemo. Priča o Adamu a,s, i
Havvi zaslužuje razmišljanje!. I nakon razmišljanja, zaslužuje da se nešto
poduzme, dobra djela koja će nas dovesti bliže Allahu dž,š.
Šta nam ovo kazivanja
govori? Prema Kur'anu, Allah dž,š, je rekao
melekima da će da Stvori namjesnika na Zemlji, predstavnika, ambasadora,
odnosno halifu. To je prva lekcija.
Mi smo ljudska bića prirodnog
svijeta, a ne predatori ili grabljivci i siledžije. Mi nismo ovdje na ovoj
planeti Zemlji samo da bi se hranili i uzgajali kao zvijeri. Naši životi imaju
veći smisao od toga. Dobili smo plemeniti odjeću: imenovani smo kao povjerenici,
staratelji, ambasadori, halife Allaha dž,š, Gospodara svjetova.
Kada su meleki upitali
Allaha dž,š, zar će Ti namjesnik biti
onaj koji će na njoj nered činiti i krv proljevati? Odgovor je bio: Ja znam ono što vi ne znate! [Bekare
Adem a,s, je bio podučen
svim stvarima, tj; znanje inspirisano od Allaha dž,š, znanje koje meleki nisu
znali. Šta više Allah dž,š, je naredio melekima se pokore Ademu a,s,. Iz ovoga saznajemo
da u našem najčistijem ljudskom obliku, služeći jednio Allahu dž,š, možemo biti
bolji u statusu od meleka.
Svi smo čuli o Iblisu
prokletom, kako je odbio da se pokloni Ademu a,s, jer je bio ponosan i ohol, on
je rekao: Ja sam bolji od njega, ja sam stvoren
od plamena vatre, a on je stvoren od prašine, blata oblikovanog!
Još jedna poruka: Moramo
izbjegavati sujetu i oholost koji nas vode da mislimo da smo bolji od nekog
drugog. Ako ikada čujete te riječi u vašim glavama, "Ja sam bolji od
njega ili nje," sjeti se odakle su došle!. Imajte na umu da je Iblis
bio prvi u povijesti koji se uzoholio. Ne dozvolite da mi sljedimo stopama šejtana.
On je "zakleti neprijatelj".
Čak i tada, Adem a,s, i
Havva su zaboravili. Oni su bili zavedeni, i oni su zaboravili da se paze došaptavanja
šejtanskih. koji zle misli unosi u srca
ljudi? I mi isto tako, da nastavimo konstantno bdijenje nad samim sobom i
svojih vlastitih želja, nefs el emmaretun bis su: nefs koji je sklon zlu.
Ovdje smo dakle, većina
nas padne pod šejtanski utjecaj. Kao ljudska bića i kao bani Adem, djeca Adema
a,s, ne možemo pobjeći od naše sudbine. Ne možemo pobjeći od iskušenja života
koji je Allah odredio za nas.
Dobra vijest je da, sve
dok gajimo i jačamo naš iman, i vjerovanje, našu vjeru u Allaha dž,š, dok se
čvrsto držimo Allhovo užeta, možemo inšaAllah, proći test iskušenja. Možemo
trijumfovati (pobjediti) nad nedaćama i možemo zaista zaslužuju plemenit status
koji nam je dodjeljen kao halifama.
Da rezimiramo: Mi smo
djeca Adema a,s, i Havve, imenovani i postavljeni kao ambasadori nad svim
Priča o Ademu a,s, i Havvi
je i naša priča. I mi smo takođe rođeni nevini, bez grijeha. I mi smo takođe,
sebi dopustiti da budemo ometeni i zavedeni, da postanemo neposlušni, da
zalutamo sa siraatul mustakim, sa pravog puta. Također ii mi padamo u griješno
ponašanje. I kao Adem a,s, i Havva, mi ćemo priznati naše greške. Ako smo
istinski vjernici, mi ćemo priznati naše greške iskreno, i traži oprost.
poslanik Adem a,s,
naučio nas je kako da počnemo ovaj proces sa ovom predivnom dovom, vrlo kratkom,
ali moćnom molitvom da svako treba učiti tokom činjenja ibadeta: Gospodaru naš, sami smo sebi krivi, i ako
nam Ti ne oprostiš i ne smiluješ nam se, sigurno ćemo biti izgubljeni.
Kao i svaki drugi poslanik,
Adem a,s, je bio je učitelj. Mi imamo mnogo važnih lekcija koje trebamo naučiti
od njega.
Naš put od rođenja do
smrti, od nevinosti do grijeha, zaboravnosti, grijeha, kajanja, i pronalaženje
Allahovg dž,š, oprosta i milosti, to su Ademske poruke života. Svakom ljudskom
biću je suđeno da uči iz ove lekcije.
Na žalost, neće svako
ljudsko biće pokušati da popravi svoje greške. Neće svi moliti za oprost i za
milost Allahovu. To su gubitnici. Nemojmo biti među njima!
Iznad svega, priča o
Ademu a,s, i Havvi ima sretan kraj. To je priča o nadi, o milosti koju uzdiže
iznad očaj. To je priča o poniznosti koja uništava ponos i oholost, to je
kazivanje o podizanju ljudskog duha u nebeske visine.
Putujmo kroz život, nadajmo
se Milosti Allahovoj, bojeći se Njegove srdžbe, i budimo zahvalni Njegovoj
ljubavi prema nama i Njegovom izdržavanja
Maj-12-2017 / Ša’ban-16-1438
Adam and Hawwa:
a (very) human story
In the
opening verse of Sura An-Nisaa’, Allah says: O mankind, fear your Lord, who created you from one soul and created
from it its mate and dispersed from both of them many men and women. And fear
Allah, through whom you ask one another, and the wombs. Indeed Allah is ever,
over you, an Observer.
Dear Sisters and Brothers: The story of Adam and Eve, Prophet Adam a,s, and
Hawwa is not just another ‘Tale of the Ancients’ in the Qur’an. It’s a vitally
important story about our human condition, a story that confirms primordial
innocence, human frailty, regret, and remorse; the struggle for redemption,
forgiveness and Divine Mercy. It’s not just the story of two people who gave
birth to the human race after disobeying their Creator. It’s the story of every
human being that ever was, is and ever will be. It’s your story and my story.
the story of our origin and our destiny, where we’ve come from and where we’re going.
The story of Adam and Hawwa deserves reflection. And after reflection, it
deserves action, good actions that bring us nearer to Allah.
What does the story
tells us? According to the Qur’an, Allah said to the angels that He was going
to create an Ambassador, a Vice-Regent, and a khaleefah, on earth. That’s the
first lesson.
We human beings are
not just the alpha-predators of the natural world, at the top of the food
chain. We’re not just here to feed and breed like the wild beasts of the earth.
Our lives have a greater meaning than that. We have been given a noble garment:
We have been appointed as Trustees, caretakers, ambassadors of Allah, the Lord
of the Worlds.
When the angels asked
whether Allah was going to create a creature that would create mischief and
shed blood, the reply was: I know what you do not know! [Baqarah 30]
a,s, would tell the angels the “Names of Things”, i.e. the knowledge inspired
by Allah, knowledge withheld from the angels. Further Allah commanded that the
angels bow down to Adam a,s. From this we learn that in our purest human form,
serving Allah alone, we can be higher in status than the angels.
We’ve all heard about
Iblis, how he refused to bow, because he was proud and he said: I am better than he
is, I am made of smokeless fire, and he is made of dust, mud molded into shape!
Another lesson: We
must avoid vanity and pride that leads us to think we are better than someone
else. If we ever hear those words in our heads, “I am better than him or her,”
remember where they came from. Remember that Iblis was the first one in history
to show the pride that comes before the fall. Don’t let us follow the
footsteps of Shaytaan. He is ”an avowed enemy”.
Even so, Adam a,s, and
Hawwa forgot. They were distracted, and they forgot to keep up their guard
against the whisperings of Shaytaan. The
one who whispers into the hearts of people? We too, have to keep a constant
vigil on the promptings of our own lower self, the lower nafs, the nafs al ammara bis su: The nafs that is inclined towards evil.
This is where we are
most vulnerable to Shaytaan’s influence. As human beings and as bani Adam, children of Adam, we cannot escape our
fate. We cannot escape the trials and tribulations of life that Allah has
decreed for us.
The good news is that
as long as we nurture and strengthen our iman, our faith in Allah, as long as
we hold fast to the rope which Allah stretches out for us, we can Insha’Allah,
pass the test. We can triumph over adversity and we can truly deserve the noble
status that confers us as khaleefahs.
To summarize:
We are
children of Adam a,s, and Hawwa, appointed as Allah’s ambassadors over all His
story of Adam and Hawwa is also our own story. We too, were born innocent, free
from sin. We too, allow ourselves to be distracted, to become disobedient, to
stray from siraatul mustaqeem, the
straight path. We also will fall into sinful behavior. And like Adam a,s,
and Hawwa, we will recognize our mistakes. If we are true believers, we will
acknowledge our faults honestly, and seek forgiveness. Prophet Adam a,s, taught
us how to begin this process with this wonderful prayer, a very short but
powerful prayer that everyone should recite during prayer: O My Lord! We have truly wronged our own souls, and if You do not
forgive us and have mercy on us, we will surely be among the losers.
every other Prophet of Allah, Adam a,s, was a teacher. We have many important
lessons to learn from him. Our journey from birth to death, from innocence to
distraction, forgetfulness, sin, regret, remorse, seeing and finding Allah’s
forgiveness and mercy, these are the Adamic lessons of life. Every human being
is destined to learn from these lessons.
not every human being will try to mend his or her sinful ways. Not everyone
will beg forgiveness and plea for Allah’s mercy. These are the losers. Let us
not be amongst them!
all, the story of Adam a,s, and Hawwa has a happy ending. It’s the story of hope,
of Mercy rising above despair. It’s the story of humility destroying pride and
elevating the human spirit to celestial heights. Let us travel through life,
ever hopeful of Allah’s mercy, fearing His anger, and being grateful for His
love by serving His creatures with gentle, loving care.
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