‘’Postimo li ili gladujemo’’
druga ramazanska poruka
Draga braćo, insan ili
čovjek ne zna niti može znati, jer mu je sve ograničeno, koliko blagodati i
dobra nam donosi mjesec ramazan!. U ovim mubarek danima u kojima se nalazimo,
samo je milost božija, iz hadisa znamo da je prva ramazanska trećina ''rahmet''
druga ''magfiret'' a treća spas od ''Džehenemske vatre''. A milost božiju tebaju sva stvorenja. Kaže
uzvišeni u suri El-Earaf 156: A milost Moja obuhvaća sve.
Sva stvorenja uživaju u blagodatima
neizbrojivim, svi postoje i opstaju zahvaljujući Allahovoj dž,š, milosti. Od
svih Njegovih stvorenja samo je čovjekov, samo je naš odlazak s ovog svijeta
nazvat povratkom, samo je nas Allah dž,š, počastio razumom, dao nam slobodu
izbora, samo naš odlazak s ovog svijeta nije kraj, to je u stvari povratak.
Uzvišeni kaže u suri Isra 70: Mi smo
sinove Ademove, doista, odlikovali; dali smo im da kopnom i morem putuju, i
opskrbili ih ukusnim jelima, i dali im velike prednosti nad mnogima koje smo
stvorili. A u suri Bekare 156 uzvišeni nam kaže; one koji, kada ih kakva nevolja zadesi, samo kažu: "Mi smo
Allahovi i mi ćemo se Njemu vratiti!
Šta će nam se desiti kad se vratimo,
uzvišeni kaže; On će vas obavjestiti o
onome što ste radili. Kad je Allah dž,š, postavio čovjeka kao namjesnika
(halifu) na Zemlji, nije ga ostavio da se sam snalazi, nije ostavio čovjeka da
luta po Zemlji po dunjaluku, dao mu je uputu – hudu – objavio objavu, poslanika
mu poslao, put pravi mu pokazao, naredio mu šta treba da čini, kako bi se
U ovim danima a koji se zajedničkim
rahmetom i magfiretom zovu, prilika je da preispitamo svoj odnos prema uputi,
prema objavi, jer na Dan kad se sretnemo sa svojim Gospodarom, tada će nam
svima biti potrebna Njegova Milost i rahmet.
Kaže uzvišeni u suri El-Earaf 156: A milost Moja obuhvaća
sve; daću je onima koji se budu grijeha klonili i zekat davali, i onima koji u
dokaze Naše budu vjerovali.
Da bi se milosti na ahiretu domogli,
potrebno je da se od grijeha udaljimo. Samo je vjera u srcu, samo je strah od
Allaha dž,š, takvaluk, snaga koja nas može od grijeha udaljiti, a temeljni
ramazanski ibadet post radi toga je naređen.
Njegov cilj je; Da biste se grijeha klonili. Da vam vjeru vašu
osnaži. Mi samo radi Allaha dž,š,
postimo, jer ako bi nas neko vidio da ne postimo niko nas ni ukorio ne bi. Naš
post je iskazivanje poslušnosti i traženje Njegovog zadovoljstva.
Da bi taj post bio
rezultat našeg veselja, potrebno je da taj isti post osnaži našu vjeru, da
učvrsti naše korake na uputi i istini,
da nas osnaži u borbi protiv grijeha, da nas učini odlučnim pri susretu sa
Ramazan je došao u
naše domove, kad ode, ne bi smjelo da ostane sve isto kako je i bilo, kad ode
ne bi smjelo da nismo napredovali u životu, kad ode ne bi smjelo da činimo iste
grijehe i u istoj mjeri.
Vjera u ramazanu
osnažena i žudnja za milošću koja će se djeliti na ahiretu, kad ode ne bi
smjelo da ne govorimo s bratom muslimanom, da ljude oko sebe bihuzurimo, da
nekome zlo mislimo ili da mu zavidimo. Vjera u srcu osnažena kroz post i žudnja za milošću božijom, ljubav u srcu se
usadila i da mu pomogneš zove te.
Postač istinski nije
onaj koji ostavlja hranu i piće od zore do mraka, istinski postač je onaj kome
post vjeru osnaži. Evo nas u posebnim danima u kojima je sama milost božija, da
bi se promjenuli potrebno je da razgovaramo sa sobom, da vidimo gdje smo i
možemo li biti bolji.
U tom razgovoru nemoj
zanemariti Allahov robe ono što ti Allah govori, jer to što ti On govori je
radi tvog vlastitog dobra, a On nam govori da će Njegova Milost biti data i
darivana i onima koji budu u Njegove ajete vjerovali.
On uzvišeni nam
naređuje da postimo, pa ako i nakon ramazana se vratimo starim stopama, starim
navikama, ako se u toku ramazna ne oslobodimo ni jedne od tih loših navika, ni
jednog grijeha, onda smo mi u ramazanu samo gladovali, nismo postili.
Jer post ima zadaću da
poslje posta ima i rezultat. Uzvišeni nam veli u suri Mu'minun 1: Ono što žele – vjernici će postići. A
to su oni koji u Njegove ajete budu vjerovali, a Njegovi su ajeti oni koji nam
zabranjuju ili naređuju.
Allah dž,š, nas doziva
i to nam je prilika da se odazovemo i da se pokajemo u suri Az-Zumer 53
uzvišeni kaže: Reci: O robovi moji koji
ste se prema sebi ogriješili, ne gubite nadu u Allahovu milost! Allah će,
sigurno, sve grijehe oprostiti; On, doista, mnogo prašta i On je milostiv.
Ovo je prilika da se
pokajemo, otvorene su kapije i nemoj ih ti zatvoriti kad ih je uzvišeni
otvorio, već budi od onih koji će se odazvati tom veličanstvenom pozivu!
Imamsedin Juni – 09 – 2017 / 14 - Ramadan - 1438
we fast or starve''
II message of the month of Ramadan
Dear brothers, insan, or man, does not know and can not know, because it's all
limited for him, how many blessings and goodness brings us the month of
Ramadan! In these blessed days, it is only the grace of God; from the hadith we
know that the first third of Ramadan is a ''Rahmah'' second is ''maghfirah''
and the third rescue of '’Hellfire fire''. And the grace and mercy of God is
needed to all creatures. He says in Surah Al-Aaraf 156: And My mercy encompasses everything.
All creatures enjoy the countless of benefits and blessings; all exist and survive by the grace of Allah. Of all His creatures only man, only ours departure from this world called “return”, just us Allah honored by reason by the intellect, he has given us freedom of choice, just our departure from this world is not the end, it is in fact return. Almighty says in Surah Al-Isra 70: And We have certainly honored the children of Adam and carried them on the land and sea and provided for them of the good things and preferred them over much of what We have created, with [definite] preference. And in Surah Baqarah 156; Who, when disaster strikes them, say, "Indeed we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return”.
What will happen to us when we get back, exalted says; He will inform you of what you're use to do. When Allah set up a man as regent or deputy (caliph) on Earth, He did not leave him to fend for himself, He did not leave a man to wander or straggle on the earth, He gave his instructions -huda- He send revelation and the Prophet, He showed him the right path, and ordered him what to do, in order to be saved.
In these days and they have common name rahmah and maghferah, is an opportunity to rethink its attitude toward instruction and huda, to think about revelation, because on the day we meet our Lord, then we'll all be in need of His grace and Rahmah.
He says the sublime in Surah Al-Earaf 156: But My mercy encompasses all things. So I will decree it [especially] for those who fear Me and give zakat and those who believe in Our verses.
In order to be under the grace of Allah s,w,t, on the Day of Akhirah, we need to avoid and abstain from the sins. Only the faith in the heart, only the fear of Allah, the takvaluk, forces that we can avoid from the sin, that is why Ramadan is there to help us to avoid and to learn how to restrain from the sin.
His goal is; to attain piety. To help to strengthen your faith! We fast only for the sake of Allah, because if someone sees us not to fast none will say anything to us. Our fasting is the expression of obedience and seeking His pleasure.
To have a result and to feel happiness we need and it is necessary that the fasting makes our faith stronger, to strengthen our steps on the truth, to make us stronger against the sin and in facing the Satan.
Ramadan has come into our homes, when Ramadan goes, it should not be everything same as it was, when Ramadan goes it should not be that we have not progressed in the life, when Ramadan goes we should not commit the same sins and to the same extent.
Faith in Ramadan strengthened and longing for the grace that will be shared in the hereafter, when Ramadan goes there should not be that we do not talk with our brother Muslims or to the people around him, or envy him.
The truly fasting person is not the one that leaves food and drink from dawn to dusk; the true fasting person is the one whose fasting strengthens his faith. Here we are in the special days in which is the grace of God, and to be able to change our selves we need to talk with ourselves, to see where we are and whether we can be better.
In that talk, do not ignore o Allah's servant, what Allah says, because it what he says is for your own good, and He tells us that His Grace will be given and gifted to those who in His verses believed.
He commands
us to fast, but if after Ramadan, we return to the old rates, old habits, if
during Ramadan we do not liberate ourselves of any of these bad habits, any
sin, then we are in Ramadan only starving, we were not fasting.
Because fasting has a task that after fasting there is result. Almighty tells us in Surah the Believers 1: What they want - believers will achieve. And these are they who in His verses believe, and His verses are those who prohibit something or order something.
Allah calls us and this is our chance to respond and to repent in Surah Az-Zumar 53 He says: Say: O my Servants who have wronged themselves, do not despair of the mercy of Allah! Allah will surely forgive all sins; He is the Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
This is an opportunity to repent, the gate is open do not close them when God opened them, but be of those who will answer this magnificent call!
Imamsedin Juni – 09 – 2017 / 14 - Ramadan - 1438
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