Potreba za požurivanjem Allahu u ovom vremenu
muslimani se susreću sa jedinstvenim izazovima, ustvari može se reći da
smo na raskrsnici u smislu naše budućnosti. «Islam i muslimani će, ili
nastaviti uspješno putovanje pozitivnih integracija sa svojim širim
društvima, ili će biti prisiljeni na asimiliraciju i gubike bilo kakavog
značajnijeg islamskog identiteta». Pitanje koje se pojavljuje svakom od
nas je; Kako da se suočimo sa takvim izazovima?
odgovora je dato na ovo pitanje od različitih organizacija i učenjaka,
da bi muslimani bili omogućeni da se odupru tim izazovima. Kako god,
postoji opasna tendencija da se zaboravi na najmoćniju silu koja može
odgovoriti svim vrstama izazova, a to je: pomoć od Allaha dž,š.
znamo da tražimo pomoć od individualaca i pojedinaca, raznih sistema,
zakona, kampanja ili političara, ali istovremeno zaboravljamo da tražimo
pomoć od Allaha, Gospodara univerzuma.
je da je muslimanima naređeno da se maksimalno pripreme za bitku, bila
to bitka, ideološka, fizička bitka, ili emocionalna ili čak moralna.
Allah dž,š, kaže u suri Enfal 60: I protiv njih pripremite
koliko god možete snage i konja za boj, da biste time zaplašili Allahove
i vaše neprijatelje, i druge osim njih – vi ih ne poznajete, Allah ih
zna. Sve što na Allahovom putu potrošite nadoknađeno će vam biti, neće
vam se nepravda učiniti.
Ipak, glavna priprema je kada se suočavamo sa izazovima, da se vratimo Allahu dž,š. Kaže uzvišeni u suri Bekare 45: Pomozite sebi strpljenjem i molitvom, a to je, zaista, teško, osim poslušnima.
se vratiti Gospodaru sa uspostavljanjem Njegovog Gostodarstva u svim
sferama, uspostavljanje Njegovog zakona. On je Gospodar univerzuma,
Stvoritelj svega i on je Jedini koji obezbjeđuje nafaku. Zato njega
trebamo veličati, onako kako samo njemu dolikuje, zahvaljivat Mu na onaj
način samo kako njemu dolikuje. Kada to uradimo, mi smo ispunili i
dokazali našu izjavu da Ga volimo, takođe vraćanje Gospodaru znači i
ponovno uspostavlanje ljubavi prema Poslaniku a,s.
pravilo je da pogađa različite ljude sa različitim iskušenjima, kako bi
ih napomenuo i podsjetio na realnost i stvarnost ovog života. Te da bi
se eventualno ili čak potpuno vratili Allahu dž,š. Allah dž,š, kaže u
suri Earaf 168: I Mi smo ih po Zemlji kao narode raspodijelili: ima ih
dobrih, a i onih koji to nisu; i u dobru i u zlu smo ih provjeravali da bi se opametili.
aspekt ovog života je stvorio Allah dž,š, da bi iskušao insana, ko god
položi ovaj ispit bit će nagrađen Džennetom a ko ga ne položi bit će
kažnjem Džehennemom. Kaže uzvišeni u suri Ali Imran 185: Svako
živo biće će smrt okusiti! I samo na Sudnjem danu dobićete u potpunosti
plaće vaše, i ko bude od vatre udaljen i u Džennet uveden – taj je
postigao šta je želio; a život na ovome svijetu je samo varljivo
naslađivanje. Takože uzvišeni veli u suri Earaf 94: I
Mi nijednog vjerovjesnika u neki grad nismo poslali, a da stanovnike
njegove neimaštinom i bolešću nismo kaznili da bi se pokajali.
Moramo biti vrlo pažljivi, obazrivi kada reagujemo na izazove, tako da ne bi bili kao oni o kojima Allah kaže u suri Enam 43: Trebalo
je da su poslušni postali kad bi im kazna Naša došla! Ali, srca njihova
su ostala tvrda, a šejtan im je lijepim prikazivao ono što su radili.
Ovo je napomena muslimanima da obnove svoju vezu sa Allahov dž,š, kaže uzvišeni u suri Nor 31: I svi se Allahu pokajte, o vjernici, da biste postigli ono što želite.
muslimani su dužni da uče svoju vjeru, kako bi saznali šta trebaju a
šta ne trebaju da rade, i tako će se vratiti Allahu dž,š., i Koji će nam
podariti skoru pobjedu.
obožavanje Allaha i pokornost Allahu dž,š, u vremenu kušnji i
fitneluka, zbunjenosti i nejasnoća, slijedi velika nagrada za one koji
ustraju u pokornosti kao da su učinili hidžru poslaniku a,s. Ma'kil ibn
Jessar r,a, prenosi da je poslanik a,s, rekao: Nagrada pokornosti Allahu u vremenu kušnji je isto ko da se učini hidžra meni. Imam Muslim.
Kaže uzvišeni u suri Ali Imran 160: Ako
vas Allah pomogne, niko vas neće moći pobijediti, a ako vas ostavi bez
podrške, ko je taj ko vam, osim Njega, može pomoći? I samo u Allaha neka
se pouzdaju vjernici!
The need to flee to Allah in these times
Muslims are facing unprecedented challenges. In fact, it can be said
that we are at a crossroads in terms of our future. Islam and Muslims
will either continue the successful journey of positive integration with
their wider societies, or be forced to assimilate and lose any
meaningful Islamic identity. The key question that should and has been
asked by everyone is: how do we face such challenges?
variety of answers have been put forward by various Muslim leaders and
organizations throughout the years to enable Muslims to stand up to
these challenges! However, there is a dangerous tendency to forget or
undermine the most powerful tool in responding to any challenge: the
receipt of help from Allah.
sometimes try to search for help from individuals, systems, laws,
campaigners or even politicians, yet simultaneously forget to seek help
from the Lord of all of these entities. It is true that Muslims are
indeed commanded to make the material preparations for their battles —
whether these battles are ideological, physical, emotional or moral.
Allah says: “And make ready against them all you can of power,
including steeds of war to threaten the enemy of Allah and your enemy,
and others besides whom, you may not know but whom Allah does know. And
whatever you shall spend in the Cause of Allah shall be repaid unto you,
and you shall not be treated unjustly.” Al-Anfal 60.
Yet, the main preparation, which underlies all others, when facing any challenge, is to return to Allah: “And seek help through patience and prayer, and indeed, it is difficult except for the humbly submissive [to Allah].” Al-Baqarah 45.
need to return to Allah by establishing His lordship in all matters; He
is the master of the universe, He is the creator of everything and He
is the only provider. We must glorify Him as He should be glorified,
establish His majesty over the creation and exalt Him as He should be
exalted. Once we do this, we actualize and prove our claim that He is
the most beloved and most feared. Going back to Allah also means to
re-establish our love for our Prophet and take him as our leader in all
our affairs:
is an established divine rule that Allah afflicts different people with
different calamities in order to remind them of the reality of this
life, that they may either return to Allah or establish a damning proof
against their own selves. “And We tested them with good [times] and bad that perhaps they would return [to obedience].” Al-Araf 168.
aspect of this life is created by Allah to test human beings whereby
whoever passes the test will be admitted to Paradise and whoever fails
the test will be admitted to the fire of hell.
“Every soul will taste death, and you will only be given your [full] compensation on the Day of Resurrection. So he who is drawn away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise has attained [his desire]. And what is the life of this world except the enjoyment of delusion.” Ali Imran 185.
Allah says in the Qur’an, “And We sent no Prophet unto any town (and they denied him), but We seized its people with suffering from extreme poverty (or loss in wealth) and loss of health and calamities, so that they might humble themselves (and repent to Allah).” Al-Araf 94.
should be very cautious how we act in response to calamities. Let
Muslims not be as those whom Allah condemned in the Qur’an, when He
said: “When Our Torment reached them, why then did they not believe with humility? But their hearts became hardened, and Satan made fair-seeming to them that which they used to do.” Al-An’am 43.
This is a reminder for all Muslims to renew their relationship with Allah and to go back to him in repentance. “And turn to Allah in repentance, all of you, O believers, that you might succeed.” An-Nuur 31.
Muslims should learn more about their Deen in order to know what they
should and should not do. As a result, they will be able to turn to
Allah who will bring victory for us all.
fact, worshiping Allah When turmoil is rampant and society is plagued
with fitnah, confusion and trails is a merit of great eminence and the
rewards of doing so have been likened to the astronomical reward of
making Hijrah. Maʿqil b. Yasar reported: The Messenger of Allah said, “The reward of worship performed at a time of trials is equal in reward to an emigration to me.” Imam Muslim.
Allah should aid you, no one can overcome you; but if He should forsake
you, who is there that can aid you after Him? And upon Allah let the
believers rely.” Ali Imran 160.
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