Mar 20, 2015

Važnost i značaj dove / The Importance of Supplication

Važnost i značaj dove

Rekao je uzvišeni Allah u suri Bekare 186: A kada te robovi Moji za Mene upitaju, Ja sam, sigurno, blizu: odazivam se molbi molitelja kad Me zamoli. Zato neka oni pozivu Mome udovolje i neka vjeruju u Mene, da bi bili na Pravome putu. Dragi brate! Najvažniji i najvredniji trenutak u čovjekovom životu je kada se suočava sa insan sa svojim Gospodarom, Allahom dž,š. Doviti je najbolji put da budeš sam sa Allahom dž,š. Kaže poslanik a,s, u hadisu kog bilježi imam Tirmizi: Dova je srž (suština) ibadeta!.

Dova je znak jake veze između Allah dž,š, i Njegova roba. Distanciranje od namaza će dovesti do pogoršanja čovjekove veze sa Allahom dž,š, i tako će proizvesti ljenost u vjerskom životu. A posebno draga barćo u današnjem modernom svijetu! Gdje postoje mnoge stvari koje čine naša srca okrutnim, a odanost namazu je od velike koristi! Jedna od njih je da nam srce ne bude okrutna!

Živjeti sa namazom je skoro isto kao da vidimo svog Gospodara! Pa i ako mi Njega ne vidimo ipak smo sigurni i ubjeđeni da On nas Vidi! Kao što nam i poslanik a,s, kaže: Dobročinstvo ili ihsan je obožavanje (robovanje) Allaha kao da Ga vidimo jer i ako mi Njega ne vidimo On nas vidi. Namaz je jedna vrsta discipline koja nam pomaže i omogućava da budemo blizu svog Gospodara, i pomaže vjerniku da unapredi svoj život u duhovnom i fizičkom smislu.  Vrijeme je jedna velika blagodat, i to je veliki emanet koji nam je dat! A namaz je taj koji nam pomaže da očuvamo vrijeme u životu!

Uzvišeni kaže u suri El-Asr: Tako mi vremena, čovjek, doista, gubi, samo ne oni koji vjeruju i dobra djela čine, i koji jedni drugima istinu preporučuju i koji jedni drugima preporučuju strpljenje.

Svaki momenat i svako djelo insana koji  je uronjen i zadubljen u namaz on je pun obazrivosti. Allahova milost koja obuhvata vjernika je kao proljetni povjetarac, takvi na zaboravljaju za Allaha u bilo kojem vremenu, bez obzira na njihov angažman i zauzetost, njihova srca i njihova suština je sa Allahom dž,š.

Njihove ovosvjetske brige i obaveze ih ne zaustavljaju od spominjanja Allaha dž,š. U suri Nur 37 Allah dž,š, kaže: ljudi koje kupovina i prodaja ne ometaju da Allaha spominju i koji molitvu obavljaju i milostinju udjeljuju, i koji strepe od Dana u kom će srca i pogledi biti uznemireni.

Dok su u sticanju ovosvjetskih dobara  i prifita, nihova srca su sa Onim ko ih voli, Koji ih štiti i Koji ih nadzire i Koji Bdije na d njima! U ovakvom stanju oni koji se nađu oni zapravo manifestiraju ajet u kome Allah dž,š, kaže: Sjećajte se vi Mene, i Ja ću se vas sjetiti, i zahvaljujte Mi, i na blagodatima Mojim nemojte neblagodarni biti! Sura Bekare 152.

Ne zaboraviti Allaha je činjenica koju vjernik može pronaći kao poteškoću i da učini grijeh ili neki prijestup preko Allahovih granica. Vjernik razmišlja i meditira o vrijednostima koji su mu date kao strast da sačuva ljepotu stanja u kojem je sam sebe pronašao. Tako će biti obazriv da poduzme neke mjere ili da učini neki korak koji mu ne bi narušio njegov vlastiti mir u duši.

Imal veće sreće od zadobitka Allahove dž,š, Milosti, Onaj Koji nas čuje kada nas niko drugi ne čuje, Onaj koji nas vidi kad nas niko drugi ne vidi,  onaj Koji poznaje naše namjere kada niko ne zna šta smo naumili, Onaj Koji nam može pomoći kad nam niko nije u stanju pomoći, Onaj Koji se brine za nas kad nas svi napuste!

Namaz je brate dragi izvor ove ljubavi i milosti! Zato kažemo da je život sa namazom, život mira svjesti. Allah dž,š, kaže u suri Gafir 60: Gospodar vaš je rekao: "Pozovite Me i zamolite, Ja ću vam se odazvati! Oni koji iz oholosti neće da Mi se klanjaju – ući će, sigurno, u Džehennem poniženi."

Ebu-Hurejre r,a, prenosi da je Allahov Poslanik a,s, rekao:  Zaista, Allah ne gleda u vaša tijela, niti u vaše likove, nego gleda u vaša srca i vaša djela. Hadis bilježi Imam Muslim. Poslanik a,s, kaže: Molite Allaha uvjereni da će vam se odazvati, i znajte da Allah neće primiti dovu od nemarnog, odsutnog srca. Imam Tirmizi.

Dova je ibadet, kako kaže poslanik a,s, u svakodnevnim namazima učimo suru El-Fatiha, a ova sura obuhvata svakodnevni zikr i spominjanje Allaha dž,š. Fatiha je ključ Kur'ana, koja u sebi sadrži naljepše rečenice (ajete), Fatiha mjenje sve a nju nemože ništa zamjenuti. Ovo je jedan od dokaza koliko je vjernik povezan i koliko mora biti povezan sa namazom.

Da završim sa hadisom u kome poslanik a,s, kaže: Primjer onoga koji spominje Allaha i onoga koji ne spominje Allaha je kao primjer živog i mrtvog! Imam Buhari.

The Importance of Supplication (Du’a)

And when (O Messenger) My servants ask you about Me, then surely I am near: I answer the prayer of the suppliant when he prays to Me. So let them respond to My call (without hesitation), and believe and trust in Me (in the way required of them), so that they may be guided to spiritual and intellectual excellence and right conduct.” Surah Baqarah: 186.

Esteemed Muslims! The most valuable moment in human life is the time when one faces Allah and is alone with one’s Creator. Supplication is the best way to be alone with our Creator. “Supplication is the essence of worship.” Imam At-Tirmithi.

Supplication is a powerful connection between Allah and His servants. Distancing one’s self from prayer will lead to the deterioration of a person’s relationship with Allah, and thus cause indolence in their religious life. Particularly in today’s world, where there is so much that can cause our hearts to harden, a devotion to prayer is of even greater importance.

Living with prayer is living as if one can see Allah. Regardless of the fact that we cannot see Him, He can see us.  Prayer is a discipline that allows a human being to be together with Allah and helps a believer develop a life that is spiritually vigorous. Time is a great blessing and trust that has been given to humanity. It is prayers that allow a believer to keep time alive.
Allah said in sura Al-Asr: By time, Indeed, mankind is in loss, Except for those who have believed and done righteous deeds and advised each other to truth and advised each other to patience.

Every moment and every action of a person who lives a life immersed in prayer is laden with awareness. The mercy of Allah envelops a believer like a spring breeze. They do not forget Allah at any time of their day. No matter what they are engaged in, their heart and essence is with their Creator. Their worldly tasks and chores do not prevent them from the remembrance of Allah. [Are] men whom neither commerce nor sale distracts from the remembrance of Allah and performance of prayer and giving of zakat! They fear a Day in which the hearts and eyes will [fearfully] turn about. Sura An-Nur 37. 

While gaining worldly profits on the one hand, their heart is with He Who loves them, protects and watches over them. In this state, the believer physically manifests the verse. So remember Me; I will remember you. And be grateful to Me and do not deny Me. Baqarah 152 with their actions.
Inherent in not forgetting Allah is the fact that the believer will find it difficult to commit a sin or violate the boundaries that have been set by Allah. The believer contemplates the value that has been given to them and desires to protect the beauty of the situation in which they find themselves. They are aware that such a move will mean holding a to match to his own peace of mind.

Can there be a joy greater than attaining the love and mercy of the One Who can hear us when no one else can; the One Who sees us when no one else can; the One Who knows the intentions, thoughts and secrets we have, thoughts and secrets which nobody else is aware of; the One Who can help us when no one else possibly can; the One Who takes note of us when nobody else cares for us? Prayer is turning to the source of this love and mercy. In this regard, life with prayer is life with peace of mind. It is leading a life in which one comprehends what Allah Almighty says: And your Lord says, Call upon Me; I will respond to you. Indeed, those who disdain My worship will enter Hell [rendered] contemptible. Sura Ghafir 60. 

Allah does not look at forms or shapes He looks into our hearts. If one’s heart is filled with evil, then He will not value it. It is for this reason that Prophet Muhammad a,s, said: Allah does not accept the supplication of an unguarded heart. Imam At-Tirmithi. 

Supplication is the essence and spirit of worship. In the most comprehensive form of worship, the daily prayers, Surah Fatiha is read during each prayer cycle. Believers who perform their prayers read Surah Fatiha every day during their prayers; this is a part of the daily worship and encompasses all forms of dhikr, the remembrance of Allah. Surah Al Fatiha, which is regarded as the key to the Qur’an, contains the most beautiful sentences of prayer, and thus the Muslim is constantly immersed in prayers. This is proof of how much a believer must be continuously involved with prayer.

I would like to conclude my words with a hadith: “The difference between those who remember their Creator and those who do not is like [the difference between] the living and the dead.” Imam Bukhari.

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