Mar 27, 2015

Započni svoj dan sa bismilom! Start your day with Bismillah!

Započni svoj dan sa bismilom! ''BismillahiRahmaniRahim'' U ime Allaha Milostivog Samilosnog

dua101.jpgRekao je Allahov poslanik a,s, Bilo koje djelo koje je učinjeno a ne spomene se Allahovo dž,š, ime, to ili takvo djelo je ne potpuno. Osman ibn Affan r,a, je rekao: Postavljeno je pitanje poslaniku a,s, u vezi s ''Bismillom'' poslanik a,s, je odgovorio: To je jedno od Allhovih imena Allaha dž,š, a između toga i i Najvišeg imena udaljenost je koliko između crnila i bjelila očiju.

Abdullah ibn Mes'ud r,a, je rekao: Ko želi da ga Allah dž,đ, sačuva od devetnaest zebanija (čuvara Džehennema) neka uči bismillu, pa će mu Allah učiniti svako slovo štitom od njih. Ovo navode ibn Atijje i Imam El-Kutubi. Bismillu treba učiti prije svakog djela i prije svakog posla, radi berićeta! Bereket bismille: Osnova Kur'ana je Bismilla kako kažu neki učenjaci, a osnova cijelog Kur'ana je Fatiha, a osnova Fatihe je Bismilla.
Kad je Bismilla objavljena Džabir bin Abdullah prenosi: Kad je bilo objavljeno ''u ime Allaha Milostivog Samilosnog'' oblaci su se kretali prema istoku, puhanje vjetra je prestalo, mora su se smirila, stvorenja su se pripremala da poslušaju, šejtan je izbačen iz Dženneta u Džehennem, i Allaha se zakleo svojim Velčanstvom i rekao je: Ko god izgovoi ovo i spomene Moje Ime pri bilom kom činu, Ja ću mu zasigurno dati berićeta u tom djelu. Durul Mansur i Imam Ibn Kesir.

Učenje Bismille prije sbakog posla to je i poslanik a,s, radio, te je i nama preporučeno da to radimo. On a,s, savjetuje svoj ummet da spominju Allahovo ime, Allahovo ime se treba spominjati čak i u najmanjim ili nama nevažnim stvarima kao što je otvaranje i zatvaranje vrata, ulazak i izlazak iz kuće, prije ijela, pri ostavljanju nečega, prije kupanja ili bilo kog drugog djela!

Ljepota islama je u tome što islam nije samo džamija i medresa, islam je koncept života. Svako djelo i svaki postupak čovjekovog života je ustvari dio njegove vjere. Čak i biznis, trgovina i kupovina, ne samo to već i idenje u nužnik, i o tim stvarima islam govori i uči insana kako da se čisti i s čim da se očisti! A svakako idenje u nužnik samo zahtjeva da se traži zaštita od džina itd.

Svako djelo koje uradimo i spomenemo Allahovo dž,š, ime u tom djelu ima bereketa, i to djelo je potpuno, no međutim ako uradimo neko djelo a ne spomenemo Allahovo ime takvo djelo je ne potpuno i ako mi mislimo da smo ga upotpunili, ono je ne potpuno.

Tako ako postupimo na način kojim nas islam uči, bit ćemo nagrađeni z svako djelo bilo malo ili veliko (u našim očima). Abdullah ibn Abbas r,a, prenosi da je poslanik a,s, rekao: Ljudi su nemarni prema jednom ajetu u Kur'anu a koji nije objavljen nikom osim Sulejmanu a,s, i meni, a to je: Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim, ''u ime Allha Milostivog Samilosnog! Durrul Mansur. Poslanik a,s, kaže: Zaista šejtan sebe učini dozvoljenim hranu pri kojoj se ne spomene Allahovo dž,š, ime. Imam Muslim.

 The Blessings of Saying Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim

dua101.jpgIn the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. The Hadith states: Any important work that does not begin with Bismillah is imperfect.

Therefore Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim, in the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, should be read before beginning any project or work. The Barakah and blessings of Bismillah: Bismillah: The Essence Of The Qur'an According to some scholars, Surah Al-Fatihah is the essence of the entire Qur'an. And: Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim, In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, is the essence of Surah Al-Fatihah.

When Bismillah was revealed: Jabir (RA) is reported to have said that when: Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim, in the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, was revealed, the clouds gave way by moving to the East, the winds ceased blowing, the oceans became calm, the shayatin were pelted with fire from the heavens and Allah (SWT), swearing an oath by His honor, declared: Anyone who says this name of mine upon anything, I will surely impart barakah in that thing. Ad Durrul Manthur and Ibn Kathir.

Bismillah before doing anything: It is for this reason that Rasulullah used to recite: Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim, in the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, before doing any work. He (SAWS) also advised the ummah to do the same. For example, reading it before shutting the door, before putting out the light, before taking meals, before drinking water, before boarding any mode of transport.

The beauty of Islam: Islam is not confined only to the masjid and madrasah. It is a way of life. Each and every aspect of a Muslim's life is supposed to be deen (religion). It is for this reason that Rasulullah (SAWS) has shown the ummah simple little methods, which would render each and every worldly affair of his to become deen, and for which he will be rewarded. It is for this reason that saying: BISMILLAHIR-RAHMANIR-RAHIM, In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, before any action, will render that action into an ibadah for which the reader will be rewarded. Besides by saying: Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim: In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, before any action, one is suggesting that his every affair - whether small or big - can only be accomplished with the help and mercy of Allah.

Thus every activity of a person will become an ibadah. By doing this, he will draw closer to Allah and distance himself from the accursed Shaytan. And by not doing this he will deprive none other than himself. According to Ibn Abbas (RA) in Ad-Durrul Manthur, Rasulullah (SAWS) has said that people are unaware of the blessings of one ayah of the Qur'an which was revealed to no one other than Suleiman, and me and that is: Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim, In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. The Prophet said: “Verily the Satan deems as legal (for himself) the food that does not have the name of Allah mentioned upon it.” Reported by Muslim.

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