Apr 17, 2015

Uputa – Božanski dar! / Guidance - The Divine Gift!

Uputa – Božanski dar!

2d849-imam2bsedinNa početku možemo rijeći da riječ na arapskom 'hidajet' znači uputa, svakako Allah je Taj koji daruje uputu ljudima, i zbog toga kažemo da je uputa Allahov dž,š, dar, koji On uzvišeni stavlja u srca, kome hoće. Kaže uzvišeni u suri Bekare 120: Reci: "Allahov put je jedini Pravi put! I rekao je u suri En'am 71: Reci: "Allahov put je – jedini Pravi put, i nama je naređeno da Gospodara svjetova slušamo.

Uputa je spomenuta na mnogim mjestima u Kur'anu kao i u mnogobrojnim hadisima. To je ustvari zasluga koja čovjeka uzdiže i pravi razliku između čovjeka i životinje! Kur'an opisuje one koji nemaju smjernice ili koji su neupućeni koji su na nivou životinja, u smislu da teže samo za strastima i tjelesnim potrebama. Hidajet ili uputa je konstantno povezana sa duhovnim uzdignućem.

Kur'an sam po sebi je uputa, Allah dž,š, kaže u suri Bekare 185: koji je putokaz ljudima i jasan dokaz Pravoga puta i razlikovanja dobra od zla. Jer uputa je vitalna uloga u našem životu. Uputa razdvaja one koji su odani svom Gospodaru i one koji su odani strastima, one koji znaju od onih koji neznaju i koji su izgubljeni.

Kur'an čini jasnim uslove i kvalifikacije za postizanje upute, na samom početku u suri Fatiha vjernicima je preporučeno da traže uputu odnosno hidajet direktno od Allaha dž,š, kaže Uzvišeni: Uputi nas na Pravi put, na Put onih kojima si milost Svoju darovao, a ne onih koji su protiv sebe srdžbu izazvali, niti onih koji su zalutali! 

Kur'an takođe pojašnjava da su oni koji su upućeni i koji osjete tu slast, ne spavaju, niti su lijeni, niti su zagovornici zla, već su pobožni i odani svom Gospodaru. Takođe Kur'an spominje da oni koji traže uputu će biti uzdignuti ida će im njihovu uputu povećati. Dakle, dvije činjenice koje trebamo uzeti u obzir: Hidajet ili uputa je Božiji dar, i daje Ga kome On hoće. I ljudi bi trebali biti kvalifikovani sa bogobojažnjošću da bi zadobili taj dar!

Naravno, ljudi se razlikuju u prihvatanju smjernica ili upute, neki ljudi su spremni i prilično su brzi u prihvatanju upute, dok opet drugi su sporiji. U hadisu se spominje da postoje tri kategorije ljudi u prihvatanju upute: 1- Oni koji prihvate uputu i okoriste se njome te pomažu i drugima! 2- Oni koji pomažu drugima ali se oni ne okoriste od upute! 3- I oni koji su kao jalovo zemljište, niti prihvataju uputu niti pomažu drugima da je prihvate!

Ebu Musa El-Eš'ari r,a, prenosi da je Poslanik a,s, rekao: Primjer upute i znanja, s kojima me je Allah poslao, jeste kao primjer (obilne) kiše koja padne na zemlju (različite kvalitete). Dobra (plodna) vrsta zemlje primi vodu, te iz nje izraste bujna trava i bilje. Neplodna zemlja primi i zadrži vodu, pa Allah od nje da korist ljudima, te je oni piju, poje (stoku) i (zalijevaju) biljke. (Treća vrsta) jesu doline i ponori koji, niti vodu zadržavaju, niti na njima trava raste. To je primjer onoga koji je podučen i upućen u spoznaju vjere Allahove i koji se okoristio onim s čime me je Allah poslao, pa ga je spoznao i (druge) podučavao, kao i primer onoga koji zbog toga nije ni glavu podigao i nije prihvatio Allahovu uputu s kojom sam poslat. Imam Muslim.

Putevi stjecanja upute i hidajeta
  1. posjedovanje jake veze sa Allah dž,š, imati strahopoštovanja u javi kao i u taji, u javnom kao i u privatnom životu. 2- tražiti znanje i očistiti svoj nijet u svakom djelu i poslu, da isključivo bude samo u ime Allaha. 3- Striktno slijeđenje i pokoravanje Allahu dž,š, u svim naredbama i zabranama!
Kaže uzvišeni u suri Enfal 24: O vjernici, odazovite se Allahu i Poslaniku kad od vas zatraži da činite ono što će vam život osigurati; i neka znate da se Allah upliće između čovjeka i srca njegova, i da ćete se svi pred Njim sakupiti; kome Allah dž,š, podari uputu on je veliko dobro postigao, veliko bogatstvo je zadobio, nešto vrijedno! Taj božiji dar koji se naziva uputa treba dobro paziti i čuvati, umri ali to čuvaj! Ako bi to čovjek na momenat izgubio, bio bi izgubljen! Da bi očuvali taj dar, trebali bi biti zahvalni na tom poklonu Allahu dž,š, Koji namje to i podario. Kaže Allah dž,š, u suri Ibrahim 7: I kad je Gospodar vaš objavio: 'Ako budete zahvalni, Ja ću vam, zacijelo, još više dati; budete li nezahvalni, kazna Moja doista će stroga biti.

Kada se imam Šafija požalio na nemoć pamćenja, napisao je svome učitelju Veki'i r,h: Požalio sam se Veki'i na loše pamćenje, pa me je uputio na ostavljanje grijeha! Jez znanje je Allahovo svijetlo, a Allahovo svijetlo se ne daje griješniku!

Guidance - The Divine Gift!

2d849-imam2bsedinFirst of all, the Arabic word ‘hidayah’ means guidance. The verb ‘yahdi’ means 'to grant guidance'. Of course, it is Allah who grants guidance to people, thus hidayah is a God-given gift, which He places in the heart of whomever He wants to give guidance. Almighty Allah says in Surah Baqarah 120: Indeed, the guidance of Allah is the (only) guidance. And in surah Al-An-am 71: Say, Indeed, the guidance of Allah is the [only] guidance; and we have been commanded to submit to the Lord of the worlds.

Hidayah is mentioned in so many places in the Qur’an and the hadith. It is in fact the merit that elevates Man and makes him distinguished from animals. Thus, the Qur’an describes those who lack guidance and those who are cut from their Lord as being degraded to the level of animals in the sense that they will be looking only for fulfilling the lusts and needs of the flesh. Hidayah is always associated with the spiritual elevation a person feels when Almighty Allah helps him offer a good deed or fined a way to his problems.

The Qur’an itself is described, before all, as Huda (guidance) as Allah said in surah Al-Baqarah 185: guidance for the people and clear proofs of guidance and criterion. hidayah plays a vital role in our lives. It separates those who lead an animalistic life from those who are liked to their Lord, those who know their way from those who are lost in the jungle.

The Qur’an makes it clear that there are certain conditions and qualifications to gain hidayah. In the very beginning of Surat al-Fatihah believers are indirectly instructed to seek guidance from Allah. Almighty Allah says in verses 6 and 7: Guide us to the straight path. The path of those upon whom You have bestowed favor, not of those who have evoked [Your] anger or of those who are astray.

The Qur’an also clarifies that those who gain guidance and feel its sweetness are not the sleepy, the lazy or the advocates of the evil, but it is the pious and the devout who spend their all for the sake of Allah. Almighty Allah speaks of the Qur’an as being (a guidance unto those who ward off - evil.) Again the Qur’an states that those who seek guidance will be elevated in guidance and given more of it. Thus, two facts are to be considered; hidayah is the divine gift which Almighty Allah gives to whomever He loves and people should be qualified with piety and Allah fearing in order to gain it.

Of course people differ in regards to their reception of guidance; some people are ready and fast in achieving guidance while others are too slow. In the hadith, the prophet categorizes people, in respect of receiving and accepting the guidance he brings, into three categories: 1- those who benefit the guidance themselves and help others get it, 2- those who just help others but are not able to practice it themselves, 3- and those who are like barren land, they do not accept guidance nor do they help people find it.

Abu Musa reported that the prophet said: The similitude of that guidance and knowledge with which Allah, the Exalted and Glorious, has sent me is that of rain falling upon the earth. There is a good piece of land which receives the rainfall readily and as a result of it there is grown in it herbage and grass abundantly. Then there is a land hard and barren that retains water and the people derive benefit from it and they drink and make the animals drink.

Then there is another land, which is barren neither water is retained, nor is the grass grown. And that is the similitude of the first one who develops the understanding of the religion of Allah and benefits from the knowledge with which Allah sent me. He acquires the knowledge of religion and imparts it to others. [Then the other type is] one who does not pay attention to [the revealed knowledge] and thus does not accept guidance of Allah with which I have been sent. (Reported in Sahih Muslim.)
The Ways to Gain Hidayah:

1- Having a deep and strong relation with Allah, resorting to Him for needs and fearing Him in secret, as well as in public. 2- Seeking knowledge and purifying one’s intention for Allah in every word and deed. 3- Strict obedience to Allah and following His commands and teachings.

A Muslim should always be eager to gain hidayah and spend his life asking Allah for it. The one who is granted hidayah is really the successful and the happy person, simply because he will find him leading a peaceful life. Seeking hidayah is the command of Allah and His messenger.

Allah says in Surah Al-Anfal 24: O you, who have believed, respond to Allah and to the Messenger when he calls you to that which gives you life. And know that Allah intervenes between a man and his heart and that to Him you will be gathered.

When Allah grants you guidance, then you are gifted with something very precious. You should care for it, die but never lose it, for the moment you lose it, you lose yourself, you lose your heart and you lose your soul…

To keep this ni`ma (blessing), a Muslim should always show gratefulness to Allah for it, since Allah says in Surah Ibrahim 7: And [remember] when your Lord proclaimed, If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor]; but if you deny, indeed, My punishment is severe.

Imam Ash-Shafi`e wrote in this: To Wakee I complained my inability to memorize! He instructed me to give up any sin. He also said: Knowledge is a Divine light Which Allah grants not to a sinful man.
So, a Muslim should keep himself remote from disobedience as far as he can so as to gain hidayah, find his/her way and lead his/her life in peace and tranquility. May Allah purify our hearts and guide us to the best of deeds in this world and in the afterlife, amen!

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