Jun 19, 2015

Ramazan – kapija Allahove milosti / Ramazan – kapija Allahove milosti

Ramazan – kapija Allahove milosti

ram1Poslanik a,s, je najavio radosne vijesti u ovom mubarek mjesecu, prva njegova trećina je MILOST druga OPROST a treća SPAS od Džehennemske vatre. Kako se i navodi u hadisu poslanika a,s. Zato vjernici koji se trude da sačuvaju Allahova naređenja tokom ovog mubarek mjseca, sa postom i obavljanjem namaza noću (teravije), njih će Allah dž,š, nagraditi sa imunitetom (otpornošću), spasom (bera'a) od Džehennema, i bit će obradovani sa Džennetom.

Cijela duhovna strukture ljudi je izgrađena na principu ČIŠĆENJA, dakle nemoguće je da se insan očisti i da poboljša svoj duhovni položaj bez potpunog pročišćenja, fizičkog i duhovnog. A post je zapravo početak čišćenja. Prvi stepen ili korak je zajednički post, pokušaj da sam sebe oslobodiš od svoje duše, svog nefsa njenih naređenja, želja i kontrole. Dok si god pod kontrolom svoga nefsa ostat ćeš načist!
Zbog toga prvi stepen posta je da upotpuniš svoj ego ili svoje ''ja'' tako da bi bili u stanju preuzeti kontrolu nefsa i staviti je pod svoju vlastitu kontrolu, i tako se odricai jela, pića i seksulanih kontakata u ramazanskim danima.
Prvi korak je da ostaviš ono što ti je halal i dozvoljeno svaki dan u danima ramazana. Konzumiranje hrane i pića te seksualni kontakt je dozvoljeno halal, ali u ramazanu ono što je dozvoljeno postaje zabranjeno da se čini u ramazanskim danima. To je osnova principa čišćenja, ali veći cilj je da se traži još veća čistoća!
A da bi postigao veći nivo čistoće, trebao bi da se očistiš od grijeha, moraš paziti svoj jezik, svoje oči, svoj sluh, svoje ruke, noge i sve ostale udove na svom tijelu. Sve se mora paziti i čuvati od grijeha. Npr; ako jezik ne kuša hranu tokom ramazanskih dana onda isto tako bi trebao da kuša izgovaranje ružnih riječi, itd.
Druga etapa našeg čišćenja je čišćenje od svih zabranjenih stvari i djela, a grijesi nas čine fiziči nečistim duhovno lakšim, moramo se pomicati ka većem duhovnom stanju, ali je i ono ipak nedovoljno. Treća etapa se tiče našeg srca; Moramo voditi brigu o našem srcu. Ebu Hurejre r,a, prenosi da je poslanik a,s, rekao: da je Allah kazao: Post pripada meni i Ja ću za njega posebno nagraditi! Postač ostavlja jelo i piće, i seksualni nagon radi Mene. Post je štit (od Džehennema), postač ima dvije radosti, jedna je kad se iftari a druga kad se sretne sa Allah dž,š, na Kijametskom Danu. Miris iz usta postača je draži Allah od mirisa miska. Imam Buhari.
Ko to može biti čist? Sve, osim Allaha i Njegovog zadovoljsta mora se usaditi u naša srca. Svaki put kad si sam sa sobom, možeš vidjeti svoje srce, i možeš provjeriti jesi li s Allahom, sa svojim Gospodarom ili si s nekim drugim?! Kad god se preispitaš i prekontrolišeš svoje srce i nađeš se s Allahom dž,š, onda se možeš nadati dobrom. Tada ti dolazi nur od Allaha koje ulazi u tvoje srce i tada možeš osjetiti užitak i slast vjerovanja.
Zato je važno za svakog vjernika da kontroliše svoja djela. Bez kontrole naših djela možemo biti gubitnici.. svako djelo počinje sa zamišljanjem ili idejom, ali šejtan je oprezan i zna prirodu čovjeka, u svako smišljeno djelo on stavlja svoj trik i zabludu. Ko god je u mogućnosti da se kontroliše i da kontroliše svoje razmišljanje, može se sačuvati od šejtana. A ko to nije u mogućnosti njegova glava će biti puna šejtanskih ideja.
Ko god je pod šejtanskim utjecajem i kontrolom takav rob nemože biti poslušni Allahov rob (mislim iskreni). Zato mi kao muslimani moramo razmišljati o ovome i moramo se mi sami kontrolisati a ne neko drugi da pritišće dugmad a mi da radimo kao programirani ili kao roboti.
Zato kad ramazan dođe i ode mi tek tada osjećamo žalost, ovaj mjesec nam daje i nudi mnogobrojne užitke, kroz povećanu pokornost i poslušnost Allahu dž,š, te činjenje ibadeta, ove dvije stvari su ustvari izvor svake sreće. Zato poslanik a,s, kaže: I radost mojih očiju je u namazu.
Allah dž,š, nam je poslao knjige i poslanike. Sažetak tih poruka je, da ljudi trebaju da kontrolišu sebe. Zato Allah naređuje da se klanja pet puta na dan, plus sunneti pred toga. Ali je pet vremena kada je Allah dž,š, propisao u njima da se obavi namaz, i kao dodatak tome sunneti takođe, tako da ova vremena nas stalno napominju na kontrolu naših udova. Allah dž,š, kaže u hadis kudsiju: O Moji robovi, Ako vi koračate Meni Ja trčim prema vama.
U ovom mubarek mjesecu postoje i specijalne prilike. Jedna je povećanje ibadeta i robovanja, a druga je odanost Allahu dž,š. U njemu je propisan naćni namaz (teravija) te kijamu lejl koji je takođe vrsta noćnog specijalnog namaza s kojim se dodatno približavamo Allahu dž,š. Imamo priliku tokom ramazana koju nemamo u drugom vremenu. Onaj ko uspije da se kontroliše tokom mjeseca rmazana će biti u mogućnosti da se kontroliše i nakon ramazana preostalih 11 mjeseci.
Sve je bilo malo pa poraslo, dobro i loše, dobre navike i loše navike, za sve to postoji početak. A svaki početak je težak, ali budi saburljiv i ustrajan te nastavi. Ako znaš da je nešto ispravno onda nastavi pa makar bilo i teško, sve poteškoće se mogu prevaziće sa jakim imanom i vjerovanjem, a jako vjerovanje je kod onih koji se kontrolišu ne samo u ovom mjesecu već konstantno.
Molim Allaha dž,š, da nam podari samokontrole i da uspijemo ostavriti svoj cilj, amin.

Ramazan – kapija Allahove milosti

ram1The Prophet (s) gave good tidings about this month. The first third of this Ramadan is the days of mercy for all people,first ten days, the second ten days are the days of forgiveness of Allah, and the last one-third, is freedom from Hell for believers. Allah freeing them from Hell!
Therefore, believers who try to keep the Lord’s orders during the days of Blessed Ramadan by fasting and during the night by praying Tarawih and night prayers (tahajjud), may be rewarded by Allah giving them immunity, safety (bara’a) from Hell, and they have been given good tidings of Paradise.
The whole spiritual structure of mankind is built on cleanliness, and it is impossible for a person to improve his spiritual station without first attaining complete cleanliness, physically and spiritually. Fasting is a beginning for spiritual cleanliness. The first step is the common level of fasting: trying to free yourself from your nafs' commands and control. As long as you are under the control of your nafs you remain unclean.
Therefore the first level of fasting is to compel our ego so that we may take control from its hands and put control in our own hands-therefore we abstain from eating, drinking and sexual contact in the daytime.
The first step is to avoid what is halal (permitted) on every day except during Ramadan. Eating and drinking and having sexual intercourse are halal; but in Ramadan, the permitted thing becomes haram--forbidden--during the daytime. That is the basic level of cleanliness, but it is of a higher purpose to seek even greater cleanliness.
To attain greater cleanliness, the second step is to try to be clean from sins: you must guard your eyes, your tongue, your ears, your hands, your feet and all the parts of your body from wrongdoing. You must tell yourself, "O my tongue! Just as you are keeping yourself from tasting food and drink, yet still you must be careful. Don't say anything that is prohibited."
That second step--to clean ourselves from all prohibited actions and sins makes us physically and spiritually lighter; we may move toward higher spiritual stations. Yet it is not enough.
The third step is for hearts: you must attend to your heart. Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "Allah said: The Fast is for Me and I will give the reward for it, as he (the one who observes the fast) leaves his sexual desire, food and drink for My Sake. Fasting is a screen (from Hell) and there are two pleasures for a fasting person, one at the time of breaking his fast, and the other at the time when he will meet his Lord. And the smell of the mouth of a fasting person is better in Allah's Sight than the smell of musk." [Bukhari]
How can it be clean? Everything except Allah Almighty and His Pleasure must be put out of your heart. Every time you are by yourself, you can look into your heart to see if you are with your Lord or with someone or something else. Whenever you examine your heart and find yourself with Almighty Allah, you must deem yourself fortunate. At that time divine light will enter your heart, and you may reach the true pleasure of faith.
Thus it is important for every believer to control his or her every action. Without guarding our actions we are destined to lose. And every action begins with a thought. Satan is well aware of the nature of mankind. In every kind of thought he has put some of his tricks. Whoever is able to control his thoughts, may be safe from Satan’s promptings; but whoever is unable to control them will have his mind filled with evil ideas and falsehood. Whoever is under Satan’s control cannot be an obedient servant to his Lord. As Muslims and believers this must be our first concern--to control ourselves. If you find any of Satan’s control affecting yourself, in either actions or thoughts, you must strive to make them clean.
When Ramadan comes to an end, we may find ourselves "crying for Ramadan". This month gives so much pleasure to us, through our increased obedience and worship of Allah. These two are the source of all true happiness--obedience and worship. For that reason the Prophet (s) "and the delight (leasure) of my eyes is prayer--salaat".
Allah Almighty sent us His messages through His prophets. The summary of those messages is that people should take control of themselves. Therefore Allah Almighty orders prayers five times a day, plus Sunnah worship as well. There are the five times of prayer which Allah Almighty makes obligatory on His servants, but the Prophet (s) did Sunnah-prayers by day and by night also, so that those times of praying are always putting control on our limbs and on our hearts. Allah Almighty says in a hadith qudsi, "O My servant! If you take one step toward Me, I take ten toward you." Therefore we are in need to be active for His Sake. Make your steps firmer on the Straight Path and more powerful, day-by-day.
It is this holy month of worshipping which will cause you to move toward Allah Almighty. "When Ramadan comes... a caller calls out every night: 'Oh seeker of Good, draw near! Oh seeker of Evil, desist!' " [An-Nasa'i]. Therefore, this month presents a special opportunity: one for increased worship and increased devotion. In it are prescribed tarawih and the night prayers by means of which one may move ever closer to Allah. We have an opportunity during Ramadan more than at any other time. The one who is able to control himself during Ramadan is going to be able, with Allah’s support, to take control of himself for the other eleven months. Everything begins small and grows, good things and bad things, good habits and bad habits; for each one we have a beginning. And the beginning is difficult, but you must be patient and continue; if you know that something is right, you must continue to keep on that way, even though it may be so difficult. Difficulties may be overcome by a strong faith and strong faith is with those people who are able to control themselves. Therefore make a firm and continuous intention to increased devotion, not only for this month, Ramadan, but make it continuous always.

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