Jul 17, 2015

Bajramska poruka 2015 / The message of Eid Al-Fitr 2015

Bajramska poruka 2015

110830_Eid_5Kaže Allah dž,š, u suri Earaf 43: I oni će govoriti: Hvaljen neka je Allah, koji nas je na Pravi put uputio; mi ne bismo na Pravome putu bili da nas Allah nije uputio. Zatim kaže u suri Ibrahim 7: I kad je Gospodar vaš objavio: Ako budete zahvalni, Ja ću vam, zacijelo, još više dati; budete li nezahvalni, kazna Moja doista će stroga biti. Zatim kaže u suri Bekare 152: Sjećajte se vi Mene, i Ja ću se vas sjetiti, i zahvaljujte Mi, i na blagodatima Mojim nemojte neblagodarni biti!

Gospodaru! Mi ti se zahvaljujemo na tvojim darovima i blagodatima koje si nam podario. Počastio si nas sa najboljom Knjigom, odabrao si nam najboljeg poslanika i podario si nam uputu. Hvalati Gospodaru, jer zaista Ti zaslužuješ svu slavu i zahvalu, zahvaljujemo Ti se Gospodaru i javno i tajno. Hvala Ti Gospodaru na podarenom vjerovanju u Tebe, počastio si nas sa postom mjeseca ramazana, obavljanjem noćnog namaza i učenjem časnog Kur'ana.

Danas je dan veselja i radosti, danas je dan bajrama, dans je dan zahvalnosti. Ovo je i nagovještaj za prestanak posta, osjećamo se sretno i zahvaljujemo Ti se na toj blagodati. Allah dž,š, ne želi da mi poteškoća imamo kad se Njemu pokoravamo, počastio nas je s postom radi naše koristi.

Danas smo se okupili ovdje u božijoj kući, osjećamo dvije stvari u našim srcima i dušama, jedna je zadovoljstvo što smo ispostili mjesec ramazan i ispunili svoju vjersku dužnost, te suosjećajnost i solidarnost među nama. Mi smo ljudi od vjere, mi smo Allahovi robovi. Ono što nas zadovoljava jeste ono s čim je Allah dž,š, zadovoljan. Mi smo braća i sestre po vjeri, (kao što i uzvišeni veli; zaista su samo vjernici braća) osjećamo se sretnim i veselim kad smo zajedno, ne ovisno o boji kože, jezika, rase i etničkog porjekla.

Zato dragi muslimani i muslimanke podjelimo ovu radost jedni s drugima, učvrstimo svoju vezu sa Allahom kako bi učvrstili i vezu jedni sa drugima. Budimo ujedinjeni, i budimo zajedno sa svim svojim manama i nedostatcima opet smo jedni drugima najpreči, o Allahovi robovi!

Islam je vjera robovanja Allahu dž,š, ali ibadet u islamu nije puko sakupljanje vjerskih rituala, islam je kompletan način življenja. Ibadeti su da nas drže konstantno povezanim sa Allahom dž,š, te tako da budemo povezani i jedni s drugima. Ljudi koji su odani Bogu dž,š, su dobri prema svojim suprugama, djeci i komšiluku te sa svim stvorenjima.

Ako obavljamo vjerske dužnosti a drugi nisu mirni od naših ruku naših riječi i djela onda mi nismo naučili niti smo uzeli pouku iz onoga što obavljamo. Ako klanjamo a drugima činimo nepravdu, ili ne obraćamo pažnju na one kojima je potrebno pomoći, ili posmatramo šta se dešama u našem komšiliku gdje muslimani pate po čitavom svijetu, ako tako radimo onda naš namaz nije ostavio nikakav utjecaj na nas! Ako posmatramo dešavanja i ne pokušavamo učiniti promjenu, onda smo zaista promašili svrhu namaza, i nismo razumjeli svrhu namaza.

Stvarno obavljanje ibadeta je da čini promjene na čovjeku, pojedincu i zajednici. Transformiše ih u stvarna bića i realnost, kaže uzvšeni u suri Šura 36-39: Sve što vam je dato – samo je uživanje u životu na ovom svijetu, a ono što je u Allaha – bolje je i trajnije za one koji vjeruju i u Gospodara svoga se uzdaju; za one koji se klone velikih grijeha i razvrata i koji, kad ih ko rasrdi, opraštaju; za one koji se Gospodaru svome odazivaju, i koji molitvu obavljaju, i koji se o poslovima svojim dogovaraju, a dio od onoga čime smo ih opskrbili udjeljuju, i za one koji se odupiru onima koji ih ugnjetavaju.

Zaista mi je čast i drago vas vidjeti danas ovdje, želim vam hairli bajramske dane, molim Allaha da vam ukabuli post, i sve vrste ibadeta koje ste radili i koje ćete raditi nakon ramazana. Moramo zajedno raditi, moramo graditi svoju zajednicu i svoj centar. Obaveza nam je da otklonimo sve vrste nesporazuma oko nas i oko naše uzvišene vjere islama koji se gomilaju u glavama naših komšija.

Moramo nastaviti graditi mostove razumjevanja sa drugima da bi održali mir i solidarnost u ovom društvu. A sve to možemo uspjeti sa mudrošću, znanjem edukacijom, radom i djelovanjem itd.

Istina ja da dans ima dosta propagande protiv islama i muslimana, ali moramo biti zahvalni Allahu da postoji veliki broj onih koji imaju drugačije i pozitivno mišljenje o islamu i muslimanima. Ono što trebamo svi uraditi je da obratimo pažnju na slijedeću goneraciju muslimana koji odrastaju ovdje. Njima treba visoka i kvalitetna islamska edukacija. Mi ih moramo zaštiti od loših utjecaja, od droge, nasilja, nemorala, lošeg karaktera, i od svake vrste devijacije i utjecaja koji utječe i cilja naše mlade.

Mi ih moramo podučiti, dati im nadu, dati im ljubav, dati im pažnju i uraditi sve najbolje za njihovo sutra da ostanu na Allahovom putu. I zbog toga se nadamo da će naša nova zgrada kulturni centar biti od velike pomoći da sačuvamo našu omladinu. Sa investiranjem u novu zgradu mi ustvari investiramo u našu djecu, u našu omladinu, za naš dini islam.

Poslanik a,s, je rekao: Iskoriti pet stvari prije drugih pet: mladost prije starosti, zdravlje prije bolesti, bogatstvo prije siromaštva, slobodno vrijeme prije zauzetosti, i život prije smrti. Imam Tirmizi.

Bajram Šerif Mubarek Olsun!

The message of Eid Al-Fitr 2015

110830_Eid_5Praise to Allah, who has guided us to this; and we would never have been guided if Allah had not guided us. Al-A’raf: 43. And [remember] when your Lord proclaimed, 'If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor]; but if you deny, indeed, My punishment is severe. Ibrahim7. Remember Me and I shall remember you, and give thanks to Me and be not ungrateful. (Al-Baqarah 2:152)

O Allah, We thank You for all Your gifts and favors to us. You sent to us the best Book, chose for us the best human being as a Prophet, and gave us the best guidance that You chose for us. O Allah, we thank You, You deserve all thanks. We thank You in private and in public. O Allah, We thank You with love and with our free choice. O Allah, we thank You that You blessed us with faith in You. You made it easy for us to fast in the month of Ramadan, to pray in its nights, and to recite Your Glorious Book.

Today is the day of Eid, and Eid is the day of thanks. It marks the end of the month of fasting. We feel happy and we give thanks to Allah that we obeyed His commands; we fasted during the month of Ramadan. Allah’s commands are good for us. They are for our benefit. Allah does not want to put any burden on anyone, but He gave us fasting for our own benefit.

Brothers and sisters: As we gather here today, there are two feelings that are clearly uppermost in our hearts and minds: the feeling of joy and satisfaction on the completion of our religious duty, and the feeling of brotherhood, sisterhood, and solidarity among ourselves.

We are the people of faith. We are the servants of Allah. What pleases us is that which pleases our Lord. We are brothers and sisters in faith. We feel happy when we come together in the name of our faith, representing diverse colors, races, and ethnic backgrounds. 

Let us keep this spirit of Eid among us always. Let us strengthen our bond with our Creator and with each other. Let us be more united. Let us all become more and more committed to righteousness in our own lives, in the lives of our families, and in the society in which we live.

Islam is the religion of worship, ibadah. But worship in Islam is not a mere collection of rituals. It is a whole way of life. Worship helps us to remain conscious of Allah and of our own selves. It makes right our relations with every person and with everything. The people of worship are the people who are good to their families, to their children, to their parents, to their neighbors, to their co-workers, and to the world at large. The people of worship make everything right and everything good. 

Worship sets aright our relations with our Creator, with our own selves, with our families and with others. If we worship, but others are not safe and secure from our words and our actions, then we have not learned anything from our worship. If we pray and do injustice to others, if we pray and ignore the cries of the poor and those in pain, if we pray and do not care for those who are suffering in our neighborhood and around the world, then our prayers have not done us any good. If we pray but we do not try to change the injustices and oppressions in this world, then we have not realized the true meaning of our worship.

The real ibadah or worship is that which changes the people. It transforms them into the real people of Allah. The people of Allah are described in the Qur’an: So whatever thing you have been given - it is but [for] enjoyment of the worldly life. But what is with Allah is better and more lasting for those who have believed and upon their Lord rely: And those who avoid the major sins and immoralities, and when they are angry, they forgive; And those who have responded to their lord and established prayer and whose affair is [determined by] consultation among themselves, and from what We have provided them, they spend. And those who, when tyranny strikes them, they defend themselves! Ash-Shura 36–39.

I am pleased to see so many of you here today. I wish you a very happy Eid. May Allah bless you; accept your prayers, your fasting, your charity, and all your good deeds. We must work together. We must continue building our community center.

We have to remove misunderstandings about us and about our faith from the minds of fellow Americans. We must continue building the bridges of understanding with others to keep this society just and peaceful, diverse and pluralistic. I remind you and myself to face the challenges with courage, confidence, and wisdom.

It is true that there is a lot of anti-Islamic propaganda today, but we should be thankful to Allah that there are still a very large number of people who have goodwill towards us and who want to know more about our faith. Let us build on this trust. Let us use whatever freedom we have and whatever opportunities we find to help others to know us, to know about the universal values of Islam.

We must pay special attention to the next generation of Muslims growing up here. They need good upbringing and extensive Islamic education. We must protect them from the wrong influences of drugs, violence, immoral behavior, and the evils that are affecting youth and eating them up. We must give them knowledge, give them hope, give them love and care, and do our best to keep them on the path of Allah, and this is why we hope that our new building will help us save our youth. So by investing in this new building we are investing in our youth.

Let me close this khutbah with a hadith of the Prophet a,s. Amr ibn Maymun Al-Awdi reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said, Take advantage of five things before five others: your youth before your old age, your health before your illness, your riches before your poverty, your leisure before your work, and your life before your death” (At-Tirmidhi).

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