Oživljavanje nekoliko preostalih noći ramazana
je zadnja hutba u ovom mubarek mjesecu, nalazimo se u zadnjoj trećina
ramazana, u jednoj od tih noći je svakako i noć kadr, koja je
najodabranija noć! Lejletul kadr je noć odredbe, Allah dž,š, je objavio
suru kadr u kojoj kaže: Mi smo ga počeli objavljivati u Noći
Kadr, a šta ti misliš šta je Noć Kadr? Noć Kadr je bolja od hiljadu
mjeseci, meleki i Džibril, s dozvolom Gospodara svoga, spuštaju se u
njoj zbog odluke svake, sigurnost je u njoj sve dok zora ne svane.
zamisli dragi brate, kolika je nagrada za one koji provedu tu noć u
ibadetu? U predajama se spominje da je ibadet ili učinjeno djelo u toj
noći bolje i vrednije od 1000 mjeseci, što odgovara oko 83 godine
ljudskog života. Ono što je važno napomenuti kada govorimo o ovakvoj
brojci je da ustvari nama niko ne garantuje da ćemo živjeti toliko, a i
da znamo da ćemo živjeti toliko, treba se zapitati hoćel naš život i
djela biti kvalitetna? A šta god od ibadeta uradimo u toj noći piše se
ogromna nagrada, to je razlika velika.
Dovoljno nam govori i hadis poslanika a,s u kom kaže: Ko god provede noć kadr u ibadetu vjerujući i nadjući se nagradi bit će mu oprošteno.
Imam Buhari i Muslim. Koliko god se mi trudili i tragali za noći kadr,
mi ustvari tragamo i tražimo Allahovo dž,š, zadovoljstvo. Zato dok
tragamo za lejletul kadrom neka nam nije ne bude samo ibadet i
pronalazak te noći, već nek nam nijet bude da steknemo Allahovo
razloga jer je gospodar te noći ustvari Allah dž,š, jer kad tražimo
zadovoljstvo Davaoca te noći On će nas nagraditi i više nego što ta sama
noć nosi u sebi. Svakako se nadamo da ibadet koji činimo neće biti i
trajati samo dok je ramazana, nego da nastavimo i poslije ramazana.
što još možemo kazati da ustvari neznamo jel ovo naš jedan od
posljednih ramazana! Niko od nas nezna ko će od naših porodica dočekati
sljedeći ramazan. Svi nestrpljivo očekujemo dolazak bajrama, ali isto
tako sa nestrpljenjem trebamo se potruditi u ovih preostalih par dana
ramazana i da damo svoj maksimum u činjenju dobrih djela. Dobro bi bilo
da uzmemo u praksu poslanikovu metodu pa da probudimo svoje ukućane da
klanjaju noću u ovih par zadnjih noći ramazana.
dove, i oživimo ove preostale noći sa povećanim ibadetom, budimo
skrušeni u traženju noći kadr, zamolimo Allaha da nas digne na visoke
stepenove, a na sedždi bi bilo dobro da učimo dovu koju je poslanik a,s,
preporučio; O Allahu Ti zaista praštaš i voliš da praštaš pa mi oprosti.
svoju slabost i traži od Allaha da te ojača, jer zaista to je vrijeme
kad se dove uslišavaju i primaju. Uči Kur'an u ovim preostalim danima sa
povećanim intezitetom, nakvasi svoj jezik zikrullahom, spominjanjem
Allaha, istigfarom dovom itd.
Molim Allaha da nam ukabuli naš post i naša sva dobro djela, Amin.
Enlivening The Last Few Nights Of Ramadan
is the last Friday of this Ramadan. Let’s ask ourselves: what is the
state of our takwa? Have we seen any improvements in our efforts to
fulfil all of Allah’s commands and abstain from His prohibitions?
Insha’Allah, we still have several nights of Ramadan left. Let us use
the remaining nights to continue to boost our takwa. May we attain
Allah’s forgiveness and His pleasure?
are now in the last ten nights of Ramadan. In one of these nights is
the most powerful of all nights, that is Lailatul Qadar or the Night of
decree. Allah s.w.t explains about the miracles of this night in surah
Al-Qadar verses 1 to 5: “Indeed, We sent the Qur'an
down during the Night of Decree. And what can make you know what is the
Night of Decree? The Night of Decree is better than a thousand months.
The angels and the Spirit descend therein by permission of their Lord
for every matter. Peace it is until the emergence of dawn.”
imagine brothers, how great the reward from Allah s.w.t for those who
are able to meet the night of decree in a state of worship. It is
recorded that deeds performed on that night is better than 1000 months,
and that is around 83 years. My friends, there is no guarantee that we
will live to that age. Our sins and mistakes are also probably
increasing. Hence, do not forego any opportunity to attain Allah’s
forgiveness and His rahmah (blessings). Nabi s.a.w said: “Whoever
stands in prayer on the night of decree in a state of iman and seeking
their reward, indeed Allah will forgive his previous sins.” [Hadith reported by Imam Al-Bukhari]
as we strive in search of the Lailatul Qadar, we should realise that in
essence, we are seeking Allah’s pleasure. Our diligence in performing
acts of worship should not merely be motivated by our desire to meet
Lailatul Qadar but that we should instil in ourselves the intention to
gain Allah’s pleasure. This is because Allah is The Owner of Lailatul
Qadar and everything else. Hence when we strive in search of the
pleasure of the one who owns Lailatul Qadar, that is Allah, He will
reward us with more than the greatness of the night itself. Hopefully
with an intention that is not limited and restricted to the last ten
nights of Ramadan, we will continue to be diligent in our worship to
Allah beyond this blessed month.
do not know if this would be our last Ramadan. We also do not know if
our families and we would be able to fast, perform terawih as well as
other prayers together in the coming Ramadan. Hence just as we are
excited in making Eid preparations, we should increase our efforts and
excitement among our family in striving to gain the miracles of Lailatul
Qadar and Ramadan. Emulate the practice of Rasulullah s.a.w where he
would wake his family members up to join him in worship in search of
this great night, as reported in a hadith by Imam Al-Bukhari and Muslim
us enliven these last few nights of Ramadan with efforts to deepen and
appreciate our relationship with Allah. Make dua with full humility to
Allah, asking that He bring us closer to Him and raise our status in His
sight, as well as our family’s. When we prostrate (make sujud) in
prayer, regret over our past mistake. Increase this supplication: “O Allah, You are Most Forgiving, and You love forgiveness; so forgive me.”
in Allah of our weaknesses, and ask for strength from Him. This is the
period filled with the times where our supplication will be heard.
Beautify this last stretch with recitation of the Qur’an, wet our
tongues with zikr (remembrance of Allah) and increase the spirit of
giving to those who are in need, especially our family members.
we come to the end of the sermon, let us appreciate and emulate how
Rasulullah s.a.w, despite being maksum (free of sins) still increased
his acts of worship in the last nights of Ramadan.
if we have time to make iktikaf at the mosque in the last ten nights,
we should try to do so. For those who are busy with work, that is still
not an excuse because we should try and find an appropriate time to make
iktikaf in Allah’s house. It could be performing zuhur prayers at the
masjid with the intention of making iktkaf. Or it could be enlivening
the last few nights of Ramadan by performing Qiyamulail with our family
members at the mosque. Oh Allah, The One who Owns Lailatul Qadar , grant
us and our families the rewards of this night. Raise our standing in
Your sight.
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