Ko su stranci, garibi?
Imam Muslim bilježi u svome ''Sahihu'' od Ebu Hurejre r,a, od Allahovog Poslanika a,s da je rekao: ''Doista je islam počeo kao stranac i vratiće se kao stranac onako kako je i počeo, pa blago li se strancima''. Sehl b. S'ad Es-Sa'idi r,a, prenosi od Poslanika a,s, da je rekao: ''Doista je islam počeo kao stranac i vratit će se kako je i počeo, pa blago li se strancima.'' Pa je rečeno: ''Ko su stranci o Allahov Poslaniče?'' Odgovorio je: ''Oni koji ostanu čestiti (dobri, pobožni) kada se ljudi iskvare.''
Isto tako ovaj hadis se prenosi sa sljeđećim dodatkom: Rečeno je: ''Ko su stranci o Allahov Poslaniče? Pa je odgovorio: ''Tuđinci iz (drugih) plemena!''
Kao što bilježi Abdullah ibn El- Mubarek u svojoj knjizi ''Ez-Zuhd'' od
Abdullah b. Amra El-A'sa, gdje kaže da je rekao Allahov Poslanik a,s: ''Blago li se strancima!'', rečeno je: ''Ko su stranci o Allahov Poslaniče? Odgovorio je: ''Dobri ljudi, a malobrojni, (tamo ili u vremenu) gdje je mnogo zla, gdje je veći broj onih koji im se suprostavljaju od onih koji ih slušaju (koji im se pokoravaju).
je prije svega, prema hadiskim stručnjacima, bez ikakve sumnje
vjerodostojan. Prenosi se od nekoliko ashaba r.a. Prenose ga imam Muslim
i Ibn Madže od Ebu Hurejre, Tirmizi i Ibn Madže od Ibn Mes’uda, Ibn
Madže od Enesa, Taberani od Selmana, Sehla b. Sa’da i Ibn Abbasa r.a.,
kao što to stoji u djelu “El-Džami’u es-Sagir”.
krajnji cilj je zadovoljstvo Allaha dž,š, te ulazak u Džennet koji se
može ostvariti jedino onda kad zabranimo loše i da budemo jaki i
izdržljivi na pravom putu u vremenu kada je većina ljudi korumpirana.
Imam Ahmed kaže u vezi ovog hadisa; Stranci su oni či se iman (vjerovanje) povećava dok se kod drugih iman smanjuje. U istom hadisu kog prenosi ibn Mes'ud r,a, upitan je poslanik a,s, ko su stranci? A on a,s, je odgovorio; Tuđinci drugih plemena, Nuza' minel Kabail. Ili oni koji se izdvoje i odvoje od svog narod.
''oni koji se izoliraju'' ima dva značenja; Prvo; oni koji se potpuno
odvoje od svog vlastitog plemena ili naroda čak i porodice, običaja i
tradicije. I drugo; oni koji ostave svoju domovinu ili mjesto gdje su se
rodili kako bi prakticirali islam u svim segmentima života.
a,s, je pohvalio takve strance, jer su oni ti koji ostavljaju sve vrste
formi korupcije, nacionalizma, marksizma, običaja i tradicija, sve radi
Allaha dž,š, i nikog se ne boje niti tugu osjećaju kad ih drugi grde.
Tu su oni koji će biti manjina a izgledat će kao stranci jer će
iskazivati ljubav prema Allahu dž,š, prema poslaniku a,s. To su ljudi
koji se odreknu od svojih vlastitih plemena, od života, od kulture, od
karijere od običaja. Vidiš ih da putuju po Allahovoj Zemlji, čineći
hidžru iz jednog ka drugom mjestu.
U drugom rivajetu od Abdullaha ibn Amra ib Asa r,a, koji kaže; kad smo bili sa poslanikom a,s, pa kad je rekao: Bago li se tuđincima (strancima) pitali smo a ko su oni o Allahov poslaniče? Rekao je: To su dobri ljudi kojih je manjina kad ih porediš sa drugima. Poslanik a,s, je takođe rekao: Budi na dunjaluku kao stranac ili kao putnik prolaznik.
Ko god živi na ovom svijetu kao putnik prolaznik bit će garib ili
stranac. Jer stranci koji se spominju u ovom hadisima imaju zajedničko
vjerovanje i karakteristike; stalno ispunjavaju ono što im Allah dž,š, i
poslanik a,s naređuju a ostavljaju i izbjegavaju ono što im je
Imam Taberani takođe bilježi hadis od Abdullah b. Mes'ud r.a., prenosi da je Allahov Poslanik s.a.w.s., rekao: Doći će vrijeme trpljenja i sabra, kada će onaj ko se bude držao vjere imati nagradu 50 šehida. Omer r.a., reče: Od njih ili od nas? Reče: Od vas!
Ashabi r,a, nisu se susretali sa iskušenjima sa kojima se mi danas
susrećemo. Takođe oni nisu imali učenjaka, oni su direktno pitali
poslanika a,s. Definitivno je teže slijediti poslanika a,s, kad ga ne
vidiš nego da ga gledaš i budeš u njegovom mubarek prisustvu, zato mi
možemo zadobiti višu nagradu prolazeći kroz sve ovo, a ne vidimo
poslanika, niti sa nama sjedi itd.
ko su onda stranci? Stranci su oni koji sebe podčine samo i jedino
Allahu, koji slijede islam u svim aspektima svog svakodnevnog života.
Čine ibadet, poslušni su i ne slijede ništa i nikog sem Allaha
uzvišenog, ne čineći pri ibadetu širk niti pripisuju druga Allahu dž,š.
uzor u svemu je poslanik a,s, Muhammed ibn Abdullah, zatim njegovi
ashabi r,a. Jednoća i ujedinjenost je njihov atribut jer oni obavljaju
rituale i sve obaveze samo Allahu, kaže Allah dž,š, u suri Enam 162: Reci: "Klanjanje moje, i obredi moji, i život moj, i smrt moja doista su posvećeni Allahu, Gospodaru svjetova.
Kaže uzvišeni u suri Enam 116: Ako
bi se ti pokoravao većini onih koji žive na Zemlji, oni bi te od
Allahova puta odvratili; oni se samo za pretpostavkama povode i oni samo
neistinu govore. Da bi bio dio ovih stranaca, male skupine,
moramo stalno odbijati sve ono što je protiv islama, kao što su ljusdki
običaji, tj; običaji koji se kose sa islamom. Kao što je valentinovo
(dan zaljubljenih) obilježavanje nove godine, kićenje jelke, djeda mraz,
dan majki, dan očeva itd, dakle stvari koje se kose sa našom vjerom.
Kaže uzvišeni u suri Ankebut 69: One koji se budu zbog Nas
borili Mi ćemo, sigurno, putevima koji Nama vode uputiti; a Allah je,
zaista, na strani onih koji dobra djela čine!
Who are al-Ghuraba, the Strangers?
The Messenger Muhammad (saw) said: “Islam began as something strange; and it will return as something strange. Paradise is for the Strangers. His companions (ra) then asked: Who are the Strangers, oh Messenger of Allah? He (saw) replied: Those who forbid the evil when the people become corrupted.
ultimate aim of pleasing Allah (swt) and entering Paradise can only be
accomplished when we forbid the evil and stand firm on the right path in
a time when people become completely corrupted. In regards to the same
narration, Imam Ahmad said: “They (the Strangers) are the ones who increase (their imaan) when the people decrease (their imaan).”
the same hadith but narrated by Abdullah bin Mas’ud (ra) the Messenger
Muhammad (saw) was asked: Oh Messenger of Allah who are they (the
Strangers)? He (saw) replied: an-Nuzzaa’ min al-Qabaa-il those who withdraw themselves from their people.”
(those who withdraw) have two meanings: Those who completely withdraw
themselves from their own tribes and family customs and traditions.
Those who leave their countries or place of residence in order to
practice Islam!
Messenger Muhammad (saw) praised an-Nuzzaa’ as they are the ones who
leave all forms of corruption, nationalism, customs and traditions etc.
purely for the sake of Allah, never fearing from the blame of the
blamers. They are people who will be a minority and seem as strangers
due to their uncompromising love to Allah and His Messenger (saw).
An-Nuzzaa’ is from the word an-Naza’ (to withdraw) and is used in
regards to the moment when the Angel of Death extracts the soul from the
body. An-Nuzzaa’ are the people of paradise, who give up their own
tribes, livelihood, culture, careers and customs. You see them regularly traveling across the Kingdom of Allah (making hijrah).
In another narration Abdullah bin Amr bin al-Aas (ra) said: “When we were with him (saw) and he said ‘toobaa lil-Ghurabaa’ Paradise is for the Strangers, we asked: Who are they? He (saw) replied: They are the good people and are very few in number compared to the majority. (All the above-mentioned ahaadeeth can be found in Saheeh Muslim, Ibn Maajah, Musnad Imaam Ahmad, al-Bukhaari and at-Tirmidhi)
The Messenger Muhammad (saw) also said: “Be in the dunya (world) like a stranger or someone passing by.”
Whoever lives in this world as a passer-by will be Ghareeb (singular
for Ghurabaa). The Ghurabaa’ have unique beliefs and characteristics;
always fulfilling what Allah (swt) and His Messenger has ordered them to
do, whilst keeping away from that which has been made forbidden.
It is also reported in at-Tirmidhi and Abu Daawud that the Messenger Muhammad (saw) said: “A
time will come in the near future when to stand firm in the Deen will
be like holding fire in your hands. The one who stands firm will get the
reward of fifty men. His companions then asked: Will they get the
reward of fifty men from among us or from among them? He (saw) replied: The reward of fifty men from among you.”
Companions of Messenger (saw) did not face the problems we face today!
Neither did they have the problem of very few ‘Ulamaa, as they had the
Prophet (saw) to teach them the Religion. Definitely to follow the
Messenger Muhammad (saw) without to see him is far more difficult than
to have him with you in person, where you have the opportunity to learn
from him directly. Therefore we can earn much more reward due to the
hardship we face of not having the Messenger (saw) with us.
So who are the Ghurabaa? The
Ghurabaa are those who submit to Allah (swt) exclusively, and follow
the Islam in every aspect of their life. They worship, obey and follow
none but Allah, whilst associating no man, woman or object with Him.
Their example to follow is the Messenger (saw) and his companions (ra).
Tawheed is their attribute as they offer their ritual acts to none but
almighty Allah: “Say: Verily, my Salaat (prayer), my sacrifice, my living, and my dying are for Allah, the Lord of the ‘Aalameen (mankind, jinns and all that exists). Al-An’aam 162.
They are far away from the majority, acting upon the divine information Allah has sent to mankind: “And
if you obey most of those upon the earth, they will mislead you from
the way of Allah. They follow not except assumption, and they are not
but falsifying (lie). Al-An’aam 116.
Ghurabaa’ hate all of that which they used to do and any jaahiliyyah
they come across. To be from this minority we must always keep rejecting
anything that is alien to Islam such as the customs of the people:
Easter, Valentines Day, Christmas and New-Years, Mothers Day, Fathers
Day, and any other forms of celebrations or anniversaries that are not
from Islam. An-Nuzzaa’ reject all of this corruption and innovation, and
the consequence they will face is sever attack by all people, Muslims
and non-Muslims. Allah (swt) says: “As for those who strive hard in our cause, we will surely guide them to our paths (i.e. the straight path). And verily, Allah is with the Muhsinoon (good doers).” Al-Ankaboot 69.
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