Davanje zekata i njegov status
4 ramazanska hutba/poruka
Sva hvala i zahvala Allahu dž,š, hvalimo Allaha na načinu
na koji zaslužuje da bude hvaljen. Neka je salavat i selam na Allahovog
miljenika i poslanika Muhammeda a,s, na njegovu porodicu, ashabe i sve one koji
ga slijede do Sudnjeg Dana.
O Allahovi robovi! Bojte se Allah dž,š,; I znajte da ne
možemo biti pravi vernici dok se ne pokorimo svim Allahovim zapovjedima. Allah
dž,š, nam je propisao određene dužnosti i učinio ih obaveznim; Njehova primena
je naš izvor sreće.
Jedna od ovih obaveza je svakako zakat ili sadaka. Svaki
musliman koji poseduje odgovornu sumu novca ili imovine mora da plati godišnji
procenat tog iznosa kao dobrovoljni. Ova humanitarna organizacija ima velike i
očigledne prednosti u muslimanskom društvu.
To čini bogate da se izmire sa siromašnima. Ona ispunjava
neke od potreba siromašnih i ublažava neke od njihovih patnji. Ona štiti
siromašne od propasti u smislu kriminalnog ponašanja kao što su: pljačkanje,
kršenje imovine drugih ljudi, pa čak i počinjenje samoubistva.
Zakat je pročišćavanje. Zekat pročišćava i bogatog i
bogatstvo (imućnog i imetak). Takođe pročišćava siromašne koji ga dobijaju, i
cijelo društvo u kome bogati paze na siromašne tako što im daju dio koji njima
pripada. Kako pročišćava bogatstvo, bogate i siromašne? Zakat pročišćava imetak
i one koji svoju dužnost izdvajaju za siromašne od škrtosti. Zekat ih sprečava
da obožavaju svoj novac, što je oblik širka (pripisivanje Allahu druga). Zakat
pročišćava dušu siromašnih od zavisti, mržnje i neprijateljstva.
Za one koji imaju imetak kažemo: "Nemojte biti škrti,
jer Onaj ko ti je dao taj novac, ako hoće, može to oduzeti od tebe. Allah, koji
je bogat, oslobođen svih potreba i dostojan sve hvale daje svoje blagodati nama
i koji čini da jedna naša ruka bude
gornja a druga donja.
Budite zahvalni Njemu i poštujte Njegovu uslugu prema
vama, tako da ovo vaše bogatstvo može trajati a vaša ruka može ostati podignuta!
Trošite svoj imeta na božijem putu! Ne boj se da će Gospodar učiniti da
izgubite i osiromašite; Allah je obećao onima koji pomažu i dijele na Njegovom
putu da će se njihovo bogatstvo povećati. Allah
će svoje obećanje sigurno ispuniti. Osim toga, bogatstvo je Allahov dž,š, dar
prema tebi. Ako to poštuješ i zahvaljuješ se, imetak će se povećati, a ako ste
nezahvalni, propasti će i nestati.
Kada bogati daju siromašnim, On dž,š, im daje još više.
Ali kada se uzdrže i odbijaju da daju svoje zekat, On dž,š, ih kažnjava
zadržavanjem kiše i povećanjem cijena njihovih životnih potreba.
Poslanik a,s, je upozorio one koji na daju zekat: Na
primjer, Poslanik je rekao: Bogatstvo se
neće umanjiti bilo na kopnu ili na more, osim ako se zadrži davanje Zakata.
Allahovog Poslanika a.s.: Zaista se pravo na život i imovinu zasniva na izvršenju obaveza, a
obaveza koja se nalazi u imovini je zekat. (Fethul-bari, 3/263.)
Oni koji ne daju svoj zakat, biće u vatri na ahiretu. Oni
će biti mučeni sa svojim vlatitim novcem. Onaj koji zadrži zakat zbog svog
bogatstva pokazat će mu se bogatstvo kao ogromna zmija, koja će ga okružiti kao
što je rečeno u Hadisu: Od Ebu Hurejre se prenosi da je Poslanik a.s. rekao:
"Kome Allah dž.š. da imetak, pa ne
daje zekat iz tog imetka, on će mu doći na Sudnjem danu u liku zmije otrovnice
sa dvije crne tačke iznad očiju, koja će se omotati oko njega, stežući ga, a
zatim će ga ščepati za vilice, govoreći mu: “Ja sam tvoj imetak, ja sam tvoje
Potom je proučio riječi Uzvišenog Allaha: “Neka oni koji škrtare u onom što im Allah
iz obilja Svoga daje nikako ne misle da je to dobro za njih; ne to je zlo za
njih. Na Sudnjem danu bit će im o vratu obješeno ono čime su škrtarili, a Allah
će nebesa i Zemlju naslijediti; Allah dobro zna ono što radite.” (Buharijin
Sahih, dva hadisa o zekatu 1402. i 1403. Ajet je iz sure Alu Imran, 180)
Proklet je onaj koji ne daje zakat kako navodi AI-Asbahani:
Allahov Poslanik je prokleo noga koji
jede kamatu (onaj koji se bavi ratom), svedoka
[ugovor o kamati] i onaj koji zapisuje,
žena/čovjek koji vrše tetovaže, kao i one koji to zahtevaju, i onaj koji nedaje
zekat ... "
Allah je rekao u surah Al-Mudather 42-44: "Šta vas je u Sekar dovelo?
"Nismo" – reći će – "bili od onih koji su molitvu obavljali. i
od onih koji su siromahe hranili.
Imamsedin Jun-23ći
2017 / Ramazan 28mi 1438h
Alms giving and its Status
praise is for Allah, We praise Allah in the way He deserves to be praised and
thanked. May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon the Prophet after whom
there will come no other prophets, and upon his family, his Companions and
every one that follows in their footsteps until the Day of Resurrection?
servants of Allah! Fear Allah; and know that one cannot be a true believer
until he submits to the commandments of Allah. Allah has prescribed for you
certain duties and made them mandatory; the implementation thereof is your
source of happiness.
One of
these duties is Zakat (alms giving) or charity. Every Muslim possessing the
liable amount of money or property must pay an annual percentage of that amount
as charity. This charity has great and obvious advantages in the Muslim society.
It makes
the rich reconcile with the poor. It fulfills some of the poor people's needs
and alleviates some of their suffering. It protects the needy from going astray
in terms of criminal behavior such as: robbery, violating other people's
property, and even committing suicide.
Zakat is
purification. It purifies both the wealth and the wealthy. It also purifies the
needy that receive it, and the whole society in which the wealthy look after
the needy by giving them the dues of their money. How does it purify the
wealth, the wealthy, and the needy? Zakat purifies wealthy and those who give
their dues to the needy from stinginess. It further prevents them from adoring
their money, which is a form of Shirk (taking partners with Allah). Zakat
purifies the soul of the needy from envy, hatred and animosity.
To those
who have money, we say: "Do not be stingy, for He who granted you this
money, if He wills, is able to take it away from you. Allah, who is the Rich,
free of all needs, and worthy of all praise has bestowed His blessings upon you
and made your hand the upper one and another hand the lower one.
grateful to Him and appreciate His favors upon you, so that this wealth of
yours may last and your hand may remain higher! Spend your money for the sake
of Allah! Do not be afraid that the Lord of the Throne will make you lose;
Allah has promised the charity giver to increase his wealth. Allah’s promises shall never be reneged on.
Besides, wealth is Allah’s favor upon you. If you appreciate it gratefully, it
will increase and if you are ungrateful, it will perish and vanish.
those rich give to the poor, He gives them more. But when they abstain and
refuse to give their dues, He punishes them by withholding the rain and
increasing the prices of their life's needs.
Sunnah of the Prophet warns those who do not pay their Zakat from Allah’s
excruciating punishment and chastisement. For instance, the Prophet said: Wealth shall not be destroyed whether on
land or sea except by withholding the Zakat dues.
Those who
do not give their Zakat dues shall be in the Fire of Hell in the Hereafter.
They will be tortured with the very money whose dues they withheld. The one who
withholds the Zakat due on his wealth will be shown his wealth as a huge snake,
which will encircle him as said in a Hadith: "The one that refuses to pay his Zakat dues on his wealth will have it
come to him as a huge snake on the Day of Judgment, which will wrap around his
said in surah Ali Imran 180: And let not those who [greedily] withhold what Allah has given them of His bounty ever think that it is
better for them. Rather, it is worse for them. Their necks will be encircled by
what they withheld on the Day of Resurrection. And to Allah belongs the
heritage of the heavens and the earth. And Allah, with what you do, is [fully] Acquainted.
He is
cursed who does not pay his Zakat dues for what AI-Asbahani reported: The Messenger of Allah has cursed the Riba
eater (the one who deals with usury), the
witness of [a usury contract] and
its writer, the woman who performs tattoos as well as the one who demands it,
and the one who withholds charity... "
said in surah Al-Mudather 42-44: [And asking them], What
put you into Saqar? They will say:
We were not of those who prayed, nor did we used to feed the poor.
Imamsedin Jun-23ći
2017 / Ramazan 28mi 1438h
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