ramazanskog bajrama 2017-06-24
Draga braćo, danas je
naš dan veselja i obilježavanja ramazanskog bajrama, i kako bi obilježili kraj
blagoslovljenog mjeseca ramazana. Tokom ramazana postili smo Allaha radi a ne
radi sebe, nismo gladovali od zore do mraka kako bi smršali i kako bi dobro i
zdravo izgledali, to nije cilj ramazana.
Postili smo kako bi
pokazali iskazali svoju pokornost Allahu dž,š, kako bi bili bliži Njemu. Nismo
postili samo svojim stomacima, nego i sa svim svojim bićem, sa ušima, očima,
jezikom i srcem. Ostavili smo sve ono što bi činilo Gospodara nezadovoljnim.
Postili smo kako bi nas uzvišeni Allaha dž,š, upisao i ubrojao sa onima koji su
Njemu poslušni.
Sada, kad je ramazan
otišao, bi trebali da imamo više bogobojaznosti, i straha. Najvažnija stvar sad
trenutno je da se ne vraćamo starim stopama, navikama koje smo praktikovali
prije ramazana. Moramo se potruditi da potraje ova ljepota ramazanskih tragova
što duže. Jedan cijeli mjesec smo se kontrolisali, odgajali i uzdizali svoj nefs
na viši nivo. Naučili smo da se kontrolišemo, da kontrolišemo svoj ego, glad i
žeđ, odbacili smo srdžbu, ogovaranje, potvaranje, očistili smo duše od pohlepe
i jezike od ružna govora.
Sad smo najbliže onome
što nam Kur'an govori a to je ''čisto srce – kalbun selim'' a to nam je ujedno
i karta za Dženneta. Kaže uzvišeni u suri Šuara 88: Na Dan kada neće nikakvo blago, a ni sinovi od koristi biti, samo će
onaj koji Allahu srca čista dođe spašen biti.
Poslanik a,s, kaže: Najbolja djela su ona koja se čine konstantno.
Ma kolika bila, najbitnije je da se čini konstantno i u ime Allaha dž,š. Jer
mala djela prelaze u velika kad se redovno čine, te nam pomažu da uzgajamo
lijep karakter, a to je kontinuitet. Zato draga braćo, dragi vjernici, ne
podcjenjujte od dobrih dijela ništa.
Sjetite se priče koju je
poslanik a,s, ispričao o ženi koja je bila prostituka, koja je napojila žednog
cuku koji je uspio da praživi skoru smrt, zbog tog djela Allah dž,š, joj je
oprostio grijehe i uveo je u Džennet.
Draga braćo isto se
sjetite onih koji se vesele bajramu na drugačiji način nego mi ovdje, sjetimo
se braće u Gazi, Iraku, Siriji, Jemenu, Burmi i na drugim mjestima. Allah dž,š,
je nas počastio sa sigurnošću, vrlo često zaboravljamo koliko smo sretni,
moramo biti zahvalni na takvoj slobodi, i rahatluku koji uživamo ovdje u ovoj
Znamo da postoji
islamofobija, ali stvari mogu biti bolje kao što mogu biti i lošije nego što su
sad, sve je do nas. Svi problemi koji se dešavaju u svijetu a pogotovo među
muslimanima imaju svoj razlog i svoj povod. Ali draga braćo nije dobro da mi
sjedimo u kućama na ugodnim sećijama i žalimo se i kritikujemo sve i svakog,
baz da pokušamo nešto da uradimo. Mnogi od nas misle da su bespomoćni, da su
problemi pregolemi da ih riješimo ili da nešto promjenimo. A da izgubiš nadu je
grijeh dragi brate, jer uzvišeni kaže; A
Allahova pomoć i pobjeda je blizu. Svako od nas je odgovoran onoliko koliko
može uraditi a nikako preko toga, zato ne podcjenjuj male stvari koje možeš da učiniš, da pomogneš
i da ublažiš nečije muke bar na kratko. E zato ćeš biti pitan.
Jedna od najvrijednijih
lekcija kojima nas naš poslanik a,s, uči jeste da naporno radimo i da ispunimo
potrebe drugih. Nemoj se plaho sikirat za sebe, Allah dž,š, će se pobrinuti za
sebe i dat će ti i ispuniti tvoje potrebe, ali kad se ti budeš brinuo za druge.
Kad je došao u Medinu
poslanik a,s, je održao govor koji se i dans studira i analizira; Širite selam, mir, hranite siromahe,
čuvajte rodbinske veze, klanjaj noću dok drugi spavaju, ući ćete u Džennet.
Imam Tirmizi. Ovo je ljepota islama, koja je stala u jednu rečenicu!
Bajram Šerif Mubarek Olsun!
Imamsedin / June-25th 2017
/ 1sr Shawwal 2438h
The message of the Eidul
Fitr 2017
Praise is due to Allah, We praise Him and we seek help from Him. We ask
forgiveness from Him. We repent to Him; and we seek refuge in Him from our own
evils and our own bad deeds. Anyone who is guided by Allah, he is indeed
guided; and anyone who has been left astray, will find no one to guide him. I
bear witness that there is no god but Allah, the Only One without any partner;
and I bear witness that Muhammad, peace and blessings on him, is His servant,
and His messenger.
You who believe, – Be aware of Allah, and speak a straightforward word. He will
forgive your sins and repair your deeds. And whoever takes Allah and His
Prophet as a guide, has already achieved a mighty victory.
Dear Sisters and Brothers, Today is our celebration of Eidul Fitr, to mark the
end of the month of Ramadan.
Ramadan we fasted for Allah, not for ourselves. We haven’t stayed hungry from
dawn till dusk, just to lose weight and to look slim and healthy. That’s not
the purpose of Ramadan. We fasted to show our love and obedience to Allah, to
get closer to Him. We fasted not just with our stomachs, but also with
our ears, our eyes, our tongue and heart. We avoided everything that would
displease Allah. We fasted so that Allah would count us amongst His obedient,
beloved servants. Fasting has trained us and disciplined us.
that Ramadan is over we should have cultivated a higher level of taqwa, (awareness of Allah]. In
this higher spiritual state, it’s crucially important that we do not slip back
into the bad old habits we had before Ramadan. We have to try hard to prolong
this blissful state of nearness to Allah. For one whole month we’ve controlled
our nafs al amara bis suw, the
ego that inclines us towards evil. We’ve
learned to control our lower passions, we’ve subdued our attachments to food,
drink and sex; we’ve restrained anger, backbiting and cleansed ourselves of the
diseases of the tongue and of the spiritual heart.
are now as close as we ever could be to what the Qur’an refers to as the “Qalb Saleem”… the “pure, sound heart.” This is our
entrance ticket for Jannah, Allah’s eternal gardens, as the Qur’an
declares (in Surah Shu’ara 26, Aayah 88-89): The day when no-one’s wealth or children will benefit them, except
those who come to Allah with a Sound Heart.
one in his or her right mind would want to lose this wonderful state of being.
That’s why our joy and celebration of Eidul Fitr is also marked with a touch of
sadness. Sadness, that Ramadan, our beloved friend, the purifier of souls, the much-anticipated
annual visitor, is leaving us. We don’t know if we’ll live another year until
the next Ramadan. But in the meantime, let us try really hard to hang on to the
good things we’ve done during this blessed month.
continue to cultivate Taqwa, to
be cautiously Allah-aware in everything we do. Let’s continue to do the
good Ramadan things throughout the year. In
one hadith, Prophet Muhammad said that; “The best of deeds are small ones,
repeated often.” It’s so much better than the grand gesture that we may do,
sometimes just for show, once in a while.
good actions repeated often, grow into good habits, and good habits cultivate
good character. A good character produces the sound heart, the Qalb Saleem that guarantees our
place in Jannah. Therefore, my dear sisters and brothers, let’s not ever
belittle even the smallest good action. Allah takes account and magnifies every
good deed.
the story that’s often been told. There was once a lady a prostitute, who found
a thirsty dog, lying there, weak and almost lifeless. She took pity on the dog,
so she removed one shoe and used it to scoop up some water. Then she gently
brought it to the dog’s lips to drink from it. The dog survived. Because of
that small act of charity, Allah forgave her sins and welcomed her to His
one day, one such small action may open the doors of Jannah for us also.
dear sisters and brothers, In the midst of our Eid celebrations, let us also
not forget how differently Eid is being celebrated right now in Gaza, Iraq,
Syria, Yemen, among the Rohinya Muslims in Burma, Myanmar and other places of
conflict around the world. Allah has given us the blessing of safety and
security over here. We sometimes forget how lucky we are. We should be grateful for the freedom and
security that we enjoy in these county, freedoms we often take for granted.
know there’s prejudice and Islamophobia out there. Yes, things could be better
for us and there’s always room for improvement. But things could also have been
worse, a lot worse than they are now. Let’s never forget that life has already
become quite unbearable in so many countries, especially in Muslim countries
not good for us to sit around on a couch in front of our giant TV screens,
complaining and criticizing without lifting a finger to improve the situation.
Some of us think that we’re helpless, that the problems out there are too big
and too complex. Never ever fool yourself thinking you can’t change things.
Don’t ever adopt a defeatist attitude. To despair and give up all hope is a
grave sin. Life is a challenge, it’s a test from Allah; and Allah’s help is always near (Al-Baqara 2 v 214).
learned Shaykh once told the story of a hummingbird that flew back and forth
with a few drops of water in its beak, trying to put out a forest fire. The
elephants, buffaloes, giraffes and other animals looked on, bemused, and asked:
“How can a mere hummingbird like you hope to put out a forest fire?” The wise
little hummingbird replied: “I do what I can. That’s all. Allah won’t hold me
responsible for the results, only for my efforts.”
the face of all the world’s problems, we may feel that we are like little
hummingbirds trying to quell the fires with a few drops of water. Our efforts
may seem so small and insignificant. But Allah puts His barakah into those efforts. Our
tiny efforts can grow, just as little drops of water make a stream, a river, a
flood, and an ocean;
will hold each and every one of us to account for what we could do within our
capacity. Don’t belittle the smallest good deed that you can do, to
relieve suffering and to provide for the basic needs of others.
of the great lessons our beloved Prophet Muhammad s,w,s taught us is that we
should work hard to fulfill the needs of others. Don’t worry so much about
yourself! Allah will take care of you and give you even more than you need,
when you start to care for others.
he arrived in Medina at the end of his epic journey, Al-Hijra, Prophet
Muhammad’s first speech summed up a Muslim’s life. He set out a full mission
statement for us, in these simple words: “Spread peace, feed the poor, keep your
family ties, pray for part of the night and you will enter Paradise.”
a beautiful, description of Islam, in one short sentence! “Spread peace,
feed the poor, keep your family ties, and pray for part of the night and you
will enter Paradise.”
will always care for us as long as we care for His creation. We can and must
help our brothers and sisters in Islam, as well as our brothers and sisters in
humanity, not only Muslims, but anyone in need, anywhere.
now, to conclude our khutbah, O Allah, You are peace, and peace comes from you
and peace returns to you. O Allah let us live in peace and let us enter the
House of Peace, for you are Great and Glorified.
Amen. Brothers and sisters my family and I, and the Islamic Center of Bowling
Green, wish you all a Happy Eid Mubarak!
Thank you, and As-salaamu’alaykum
Imamsedin / June-25th 2017
/ 1sr Shawwal 2438h
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