Jun 24, 2016

Poruke bedra, noć kadr i zekatul fitr - The lessons of Badr, Night of Al-Qadr & Zakatul-Fitr

Poruke bedra, noć kadr i zekatul fitr

Upravo smo u posljednjih deset dana ramazana, zato je neophodno nešto kazati o bedru, noći kadr i zekatul fitretu. Danas i nije velika razlika od dana predhodnog bedra! I ako su muslimani danas u velikom broju, i pored tog broja ipak preživljavaju ugnjetavanja, nepravdu, siromaštvo, bolesti, nepismenost i neznanje. Ono što je potrebno današnjim muslimanima je još jedan bedr u tri različita nivoa.

Prvi nivo i najbitniji nivo kao pojedinca. Onda kada se muslimani okrenu od Allahove vjere, Allah dž,š, se okrene od nas sve dok se mi ne vratimo Njemu i pokajemo se. Moramo shvatiti da sve dok se mi iskreno ne pokajemo i vratimo Allahovoj vjeri u cjelosti, nećemo imati nade da prevaziđemo druge prepreke. (povratak islamu).

Drugi nivo; je unutrašnji problemi svake pojedinačne zemlje.  I ovo se u većini slučajeva veže za vlade tipične zemlje. Većina, ako ne i sve muslimanske zemlje imaju vladare umjesto da imaju lidere i vođe koji upravljaju zemljom. Takvi vladari neće postati vođe u kalupu poslanika a,s.  Niti su u kalupu njegovih nasljednika halifa r,a,  sve dok oni sebe ne vide kao one koji samo obavljaju i izvršavaju funkciju pozicije  u kojoj se nalaze. Oni se trebaju oslanjati na svoj autoritet znanja, mudrosti i harizme da bi stekli poštovanje svog naroda.

Možda nam izgleda ironično kad zapadni politički analitičari primjete da takvo vođstvo je prisutno u zemljama koje nisu nikada okusile demokratiju decenijama. Nažalost, na nacionalnom nivou vladari su zadovoljni da ih se narod boji i da imaju strah umjesto da budu voljeni. Ali, sve dok sjeme pravog liderstva ostane živo, ima nade za pravog muslimanskog lidera da se pojavi jedan od nas Allahovom milošću.

Onda kad se ov dva nivoa učvrste i krenu u pravom smjeru, tek tada ummet se može okrenuti – trećem nivou- baviti se sa vanjskim prijetnjama. Tek tada ummet može utrošiti svu svoju energiju i resorse (izvore) da postane ekonomski, i intelektualno moćnom i vojno jakom. Sve je ovo ostvarivo uz Allahovo pomć, ali se moraju preduzeti sljedeće mjere i imati ih na umu: Allah neće izmijeniti jedan narod dok on sam sebe ne izmijeni. Sura Ra'd 11. Vi u Allahovom poslaniku imate divan uzor.

Drugo: Noć Kadr je mubarek noć, ona je bolja od hiljadu mjeseci što odgovara (83 g i 4 mjeseca) koji su razlozi za ovoliku veličinu i vrijednost te noći' Kur'anski ajeti i hadisi nam daju odgovor na to pitanje.

Allah dž,š, je rekao u suri Duhan 3-6: Mi smo počeli da je u Blagoslovljenoj noći objavljujemo – i Mi, doista, opominjemo – u kojoj se svaki mudri posao riješi. po zapovijedi Našoj! Mi smo, zaista, slali poslanike. kao milost Gospodara tvoga – On, uistinu, sve čuje i sve zna. Kao što uzvišeni kaže u suri Kadr: Mi smo ga počeli objavljivati u Noći Kadr – a šta ti misliš šta je Noć Kadr? Noć Kadr je bolja od hiljadu mjeseci – meleki i Džibril, s dozvolom Gospodara svoga, spuštaju se u njoj zbog odluke svake, sigurnost je u njoj sve dok zora ne svane.

Allah dž,š, je objavio Kur'an u noći Kadr iz Levhul Mahfuza u Bejtul izze na zemaljsko nebo, a odatle poslaniku a,s, punih 23 godine. U toj noći je počela objava Kur'ana poslaniku Muhammedu a,s,. U toj noći je sve zapisano u detalje i nema promjene, od stvari koje se propišu su; nafaka, dužina žvota itd. U toj noći meleki sa Džibrilom a,s, se spuštaju na Zemlju.

U toj noći meleki daju sigurnost vjernicima, to je dakle noć koja je vrednija od hiljadu mjeseci. Činjenje dobrih djela u toj noći je bolje nego u hiljadu drugih mjeseci, mnogi hadisi pojašnjavaju važnost ove noći. Imam Buhari i Imam Muslim bilježe hadis  od poslanika a,s, da je rekao: Ko god bdije noć kadr u obožavanju Allaha dž,š, (u ibadetu) i traži oprost, njegovi prijašnji grijesi će biti oprošteni.

Kad je noć Kadr?  Allah dž,š, je odredio datum te noći poslaniku a,s, ali je poslanik a,s, zaboravio jer su se dvojica ljudi prepirali. Poslanik a,s, je rekao: Izašao sam da vam kažem kad je noć Kadr, ali sam zaboravio iz razloga što su se taj i taj raspravljani o nečemu, možda je to bolje za vas, tražiti je (noć Kadr) u devet, sedam i pet.Tj; 29,27,25 noći ramazana.

Imam Buhari bilježi da je poslanik a,s, rekao: Ja sam vidio tu noć, te sam zaboravio, tražiti je u zadnjih deset noći a posebno u neparnim noćima, u mom snu vidio sam sebe da sam činio sedždu u vodi i blatu, bila je kiša te noći, a bila je to 21 noć. Ebu Seid El-Huri r,a, koji je prenosilac ovog hadisa je rekao: Ja sam vidio blato i vodi na poslanikovom licu kad je odlazio sa sabaha.

Šta trebamo učiti u toj noći? Aiša r,a, je rekla; O Allahov poslaniče! A šta ako ja znam kad je noć Kadr, šta treba da učim; poslanik a,s, reče: reci: Gospodaru Ti si Taj koji  prašta i zaista voliš da praštaš pa mi oprosti!

Treće: još jedna važna stvar koju želim spomenuti danas je svakako zekatul fitr. Svakako da je obaveza svakom muslimanu i muslimanki, mladom i starom, mušku i žensku, bogatom i siromašnom, ako posjeduje višak hrane  koja prevazilazi njegovu potrebu za jedan dan i noć. Svaki muslim treba da da za svoju porodicu zekatul fitr.

Zekatul fitr je propisan u drugoj godini po hidžri u Medini, tj; u istoj godini kad je naređen i post mjeseca ramazana. Mnogi hadisi govore o zekatul fitretu. Imam Buhari i Imam Muslim te i drugi prenose da je Ibn Omer r,a, rekao: Poslanik je naredio muslimanima da daju zekatul fitr koristeći pregršt (kao mjeru) hurmi, pšenice, raži, obaveza je slobodnom i robu, muškaracu kao i ženi, mladim kao i starijim. Kao što je naredio da se podjeli prije bajram namaza.

Šta je prihvatljivo da se da kao zekatul fitr? Imam Buhari i Imam Muslim prenose od Ebu Seida El-Hudrija r,a, koji kaže: Mi smo davali kao zekatul fitr pregršt hrane, ili pregršt hurmi, ili ječam ili sušenog sira, i ja ću davati sve dok sam živ.

Većina učenjaka kaže, može se dati u vrijednosti hrane koja se spominje u hadisu, i nemože se dati novac umjesto toga. Kako god, imam Ebu Hanife r,h, kaže da ustvari možeš dati novac jer je svrha davanja zekatul fitra ustvari da učiniš siromaha bogatim u tom danu, a i novac je korisniji za njih. Dakle veličina zekatul fitra za ovu godinu je 10 dolara po osobi.

Kad se daju vitre!  Treba da se da i podjeli prije bajram namaza. Poslanik a,s, je reko: Ako ga insan podjeli prije bajrama onda je kabul i primljeno, a ako ga podjeli nakon bajrma namaza ond aje to regularna sadaka.

Kome se daje zekatul fitr: Zekatul fitr se daje siromašnim muslimanima, oni čija je zarada mala i nezadovoljava osnovne potrebe za život. Jer poslanik a,s, je opisao zekatul fitr kao hranu za siromašne.

Mudrost zekatul fitreta!  Poslanik a,s, je spomenuo dvije mudrosti: prva je pročišćavanje za one koji su postili i koji su eventualno nešto nepristojno rekli ili počinili tokom ramazana (posta) i da se nahrane siromasi.

Imamsedin / juni-24-2016 / 19-Ramazan-1437
 The lessons of Badr, Night of Al-Qadr & Zakatul-Fitr

We are in the last ten days of Ramadan. So it is appropriate to speak about three things in this speech: The lessons of Badr, the night of Al-Qadr (power, honor, decree) and Zakatul-Fitr (break fast charity).

Today is not that much different from the days preceding Badr. Although Muslims are many in numbers nowadays, they are still suffering from oppression, injustice, poverty, diseases, illiteracy and ignorance etc. What the Ummah in general needs is another Badr at three different levels.

The first and perhaps the most important level is the individual – ourselves. When Muslims turn away from their religion, Allah will turn away from them until they return to Him in repentance. We must realize that unless and until we sincerely repent and return to the true religion of Allah, we have no hope of overcoming the other obstacles.

The second level is the internal problems of each individual country. These are usually associated with the government of the country. Most, if not all Muslim countries have rulers rather than leaders at the head of the state. Such rulers shall not become leaders in the mold of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, and his khulafa’a, may Allah be pleased with them all, until they see themselves as performing a function not holding a position or rank. They should rely on their authority of knowledge, wisdom and charisma to gain respect of their fellow countrymen.

It is perhaps ironic that western political observers should recognize such leadership in existence in a country that has possibly never experienced true democracy for decades.

Unfortunately at national level rulers find it better to be feared than loved. But as long as the seeds of true leadership remain alive, there is hope for true Muslim leaders to emerge from amongst ourselves, by the Grace of Allah.

Once these two levels are set firmly in the right direction, the Ummah can turn to dealing with the third level – the external threats. The Ummah can then expend all its energies and resources to become economically and intellectually powerful and militarily strong. All this is, by the Grace of the Most Gracious, achievable but the following must be borne in mind: Allah changes not the condition of a folk until they, first, change that which is in their hearts. Verily in the messenger of Allah you have a good example (to follow). Victory comes only with the help of Allah.

Second: The night of Al-Qadr is a great and blessed night. It is better than one thousand months (i.e.83 years&4 month). What are the reasons of this greatness, and what are the blessings in this night? Qur’anic verses and ahadeth answer this question.

Allah s,w, said, mentioning the revelation of the Qur’an in surat Ad-Dukhan verses 3-6: We sent it (this Qur’an) down on a blessed Night (i.e. Night of Al-Qadr). Verily, We are ever warning (mankind of Our Torment). Therein (that Night) is decreed every matter of ordainments. Amran (i.e. a command or this Qur’an or His Decree of every matter) from Us. Verily, We are ever sending (the messenger). (As) a Mercy from your Lord, Verily! He is the All-Hearer, the All-Knower.

Also Allah said: Verily! We have sent it (this Qur’an) down in the Night of Al-Qadr. And what will make you know what the Night of Al-Qadr is? The Night of Al-Qadr is better than thousand months. Therein descend the angels and the Rooh (i.e. Gabriel) by Allah's Permission with all Decrees, Peace! Until the appearance of dawn!

Allah had revealed the Qur’an in the night of Al-Qadr from Allawhul-mahfouz that is (the preserved tablet in the heaven to the house of Al-Izzah in the sky of the earth. In this night, revelation of the Qur’an to the prophet Muhammad a,s, had started. Also, in this night everything is laid down in detail with no change. Of these things, are his sustenance and life span etc.? In this night, the angels with Gabriel are ordered to come down to earth.

In this night, the angels give their salam to the believers and Allah destined goodness and peace. It is a night that is better than a thousand months. Doing good deeds on this night is better than doing good deeds in a thousand months. There are many hadith that explain the degree of importance of this night: Imams Bukhari and Muslim reported that the prophet Muhammad a,s, said: Whoever spends the night (Al-Qadr) worshipping Allah and seeking his forgiveness, his past sins will be forgiven.

When is it? Allah had designated the date of this night to the prophet Muhammad a,s and made him forget it because of an argument between two people. The prophet Muhammad a,s said to his companions: I went out to tell about the date of the night of (Al-Qadr), but I was made to forget it because so and so started arguing and this may have been better for you. Seek it in the ninth, seventh and fifth night. (i.e. twenty-first, twenty-third, and twenty-fifth of Ramadan)

Imam Bukhari reported that the prophet Muhammad a,s, said to his companions: I have seen this night and I was made to forget it, seek it in the last ten nights especially in the odd nights, In my dream, I had seen myself making sojood in water and mud, it had rained that night, which was the twenty-first. Abu Sa'eed al-Khudre who narrated that hadith said: I had seen some mud and water on the prophet's face when he was leaving from fajr prayer.

What should we say? Aisha r,a said: O Messenger of Allah! What if I knew which night (Al-Qadr) was, then what should I say in it?" The prophet Muhammad a,s, said: O Allah you are the one who pardons greatly, and loves to pardon, so pardon me.

Second: Another important issue to be discussed during these blessed days is: Zakatul-Fitr (break fast charity). It is obligatory on each Muslim young or old, male or female, rich or poor, if he owns extra food exceeding his and his dependents needs for one day and one night. A Muslim should pay on his behalf and on the behalf of his dependents that he has to support such as his children and his wife etc.

Zakatul-Fitr was made obligatory in the second year of immigration to Medina in the same year fasting Ramadan was made obligatory. The proof of its obligation was found in many authentic Hadith such as: Imams Bukhari and Muslim and others reported that Ibn Omar said: The prophet Muhammad a,s ordered the Muslims to pay Zakatul-Fitr using a saa', measuring of full of dates, wheat, or rye obligatory on the free or slave, male or female, young or old of the Muslims. He also ordered it to be given before Eid Prayer.

What is acceptable to give from? Imams Bukhari and Muslim reported that Abu Sa'eed al-Khudree said: We used to give Zakatul-Fitr as a saa' of food or a saa' of dates or a saa' of barley, or a saa' of raisins, or a saa' of dried curds. I will continue to give it away as I use to do in my past life.

The majority of the scholars said that you could give what is equal (by weight) of the types of food that is mentioned in the last Hadith and you cannot pay money instead. However, Imam Abu Hanifah said that you could pay money because the purpose of Zakatul-Fitr is to make the poor rich in that day, and money is more beneficial for them. According to that opinion the amount of money that you can pay is ten dollars per person.

When should it be given? It should be given before Eid prayer. The prophet Muhammad said: If a person gives it before Eid prayer then it is accepted, and if a person gives it after the prayer, then it is merely a charity.

To whom should it be given? Zakatul-Fitr is given to poor Muslims, whom their income is less than their basic needs. Because the prophet Muhammad described it as food for poor!

Its wisdom: The prophet Muhammad a,s, had mentioned two wisdom. As a purification for those who fasted from loose and indecent talk, and also to feed the poor.

Imamsedin / June 24th 2016 / 19th Ramadan 1437

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