Jun 17, 2016

Ustrajnost u poslušnosti Allahu dž,š / Standing Firm in Obeying Allah

Ustrajnost u poslušnosti Allahu dž,š

Allah dž,š, je omogućio svojim robovima raznolike puteve blagodati i On jedini ima kontrolu dana i mjeseci. On čini da noć smjenjuje dan a da dan smjenjuje noć. On je sve stvorio sa razlog, On određuje sve i On svodi rač svakom. On je učinio da ovaj svijet bude poput tržišta gdje ljudi idu napred i nazad, neki se prodaju a neki se oslobode i otkupe! Dani su dijelovi i faze ljudskog života, prolazak svakog dana se smanjuje ljudski život te približava nas našoj smrti i našem kraju.

Draga braćo, neki blagoslovljeni dani su već prošli u kojima smo već prošli kroz jednu od faza našeg života. Neka oni koji su činili hajrate u tim danima, zahvale se Allahu dž,š, i neka nastave s tim činom, a oni koji su činili loše neka se pokaju Allahu dž,š, i neka učine teobu i dobra djela. Imam Ahmed r,h, kad je upitan; Kad će biti dan odmora? Rekao je: Onda kad prvi korak bude zakoračen u džennet.

Postoji sreća za one ljude koji čine konstantno dobra djela, upitan je Vjerovjesnik a,s: Koji je čovjek najbolji?” Odgovorio je: Onaj čiji život bude dug, a djela dobra. Rečeno je: Koji je to najgori čovjek? Rekao je: Onaj čiji život bude dug, a djela loša. Imam Tirmizi. Od dova Allahova poslanika a,s bila je i dova: Učini nam život povećanjem svakog dobra i učini nam smrt rahatlukom od svakog zla. Imam Muslim.

Postoje znakovi koji nam ukazuju na primljenost dobrih djela, kao što postoje znakovi koji ukazuju na neprimljenost teobe i pokajanja. Znak lošeg djela je da počiniš odmah drugo loše djelo. Zato, čini dobro kako bi nastavio činit dobro, jer znak za primljeno djelo je njegov kontinuet. Kad se učini loše trebalo bi poslje učiniti neko dobro djelo kako bi izbrisao loše. Kaže uzvišeni u suri Hud 114: I obavljaj molitvu početkom i krajem dana, i u prvim časovima noći! Dobra djela zaista poništavaju hrđava. To je pouka za one koji pouku žele.

Biti ustrajan u pokornosti i kontinuetu te pridržavanju Allahovih dž,š, naredbi su karakteristike vjernika. Kaže uzvišeni u suri Fussilet 30: Onima koji govore: "Gospodar naš je Allah" – pa poslije ostanu pri tome – dolaze meleki: "Ne bojte se i ne žalostite se, i radujte se Džennetu koji vam je obećan. Allah dž,š, je naredio svom poslaniku a,s, i vjernicima da budu ustrajni u svom vjerovanju, u suri Hud 112 Allah dž,š, kaže: Ti idi Pravim putem, kao što ti je naređeno, i nek tako postupe i vjernici koji su uz tebe, i obijesni ne budite, jer On dobro vidi ono što radite.

Ustrajnost u vjeri su ustvari vrata ka blagodatima i uspravnosti u svim sferama. Allah dž,š, kaže u suri El-Džinn 16: A da se Pravog puta drže, Mi bismo ih vodom obilnom pojili.  U hadisu kog bilježi imam Muslim od Sufjana bin Abdullaha As-Sekafija r,a, da je rekao; Rekao sam poslaniku a,s,: Kaži mi riječ  o islamu, tako da nemam više potrebe da ikog pitam pored tebe? Poslanik a,s, reče: Reci ja vjerujem u Allaha i na tom ustraj.

Budi ustrajan u pokornosti svome Gospodaru u svakom vremenu i prostoru! Kaže uzvišeni u suri Hidžr 99: i sve dok si živ, Gospodaru svome se klanjaj! Nemoj biti od onih koji obožavaju Gospodara samo u nekim sezonama i onda okrenu leđa svom Gospodaru.

Draga braćo, pobožni ljudi imaju strah za primljenost svojih djela. Imam El-Hasan El-Basri kaže: Sreo sam se sa ljudima koji su se toliko bojali, da njihova djela ne budu odbačena, čak su neki od njih osjećali se da nisu spašeni čak i ako bi udjeljivali onoliko koliko bi zemlju ispunilo u ime Allaha.

Zato neka se niko ne diči sa svojim djelima, jer ti ne znaš jesul primljena ili odbačena. Isto tako ne osjećaj se sigurno i spašeno od svojih grijeha, jer ne znaš jel ti oprošteno ili nije! Neka niko ne bude ponosan svojim djelima, jer se može dogoditi da bude razočaran na kraju. Ponos vodi ka iluziji, ka pogrešnom osjećaju i na kraju Allahovom planu, odbijanje činjenja dobrih djela i zaboravljanje loših. Ibn Mes'ud kaže: Dvije stvari uništavaju čovjeka; Očajavanje i oholost, ponos.

Kaže uzvišeni u suri Nahl 92: I ne budite kao onā koja bi svoju pređu rasprela kad bi je već bila čvrsto oprela, i ne služite se zakletvama svojim da biste jedni druge prevarili samo zato što je jedno pleme mnogobrojnije od drugog. Traži pomoć od Allaha dž,š, u prevazilaženju ponosa sa podcjenjivanjem svojih dobrih djela, nek te bude strah da Allah dž,š, ti ne oduzme blagodati onda kad si odsutan od Njegovog spominjanja.

Seid bin Džubejr je rekoa: Čovjek je ušao u džennet kao rezultat grijeha a drugi je opet ušao u vatru kao rezultat dobrog djela! A kad su ga upitali kako to; rekao je: Prvi čovjek je počinio grijeh ali ga je uvjek bilo strah grijeha, te ga bilo strah od Allaha zbog tog grijeha, pa je Allah učio da uđe u džennet  zbog strahopoštovanja. Drugi je radio dobro i uvjek je bio pun sebe toliko da je Allah dž,š,  uništio njegova djela te ga uveo u vatru.

Zato očuvaj djelo koji si učino u mjesecu ramazanu, budi iskren, traži oprosta i zadovoljstvo Gospodara. Ljudi inače po prirodi čine grijehe, ali ono što je uništavajuće je ustrajnost u činjenju grijeha. Zato naka svako stavi Božije pravo koje je između njega i Gospodara, i Allah će staviti pravo između Sebe i svog roba.

Spominje se u jednom događaju od Ebu Dža'fera As-Saiha, da je Ebu Muhammed bio trgovac koji je pozajmljivao ljudima novac. Prolazio je pored djece koja su se igrala a djeca su govorila jedan drugom; On je čovjek koji uzima kamatu! Naćulio je svoje uho i rekao: O Gospodaru! Moja tajna je došla čak do djece na ulici. Otišao je kući uzeo sav svoj novac i rekao: Gospodaru, bio sam pozajmljivač a sada kupujem svoju slobodu! Ujutro je podjelio sav svoj imetak kao sadaku te se posveto ibadetu.

Ebu Sulejma Et-Temimi je rekao: Čovjek može počiniti grijeh tajno ali se odrazi na čovjek javno te nosi sramotu tog djela na sebi.
Imamsedin / June 17th-2016 / Ramadan 12th-1437

Standing Firm in Obeying Allah
Fellow Muslims! Allah has facilitated for His slaves the ways to blessings and He alone controls the days and months. He makes the night enter into the day and makes the day enter into the night. He created the cause for everything, makes a decree for every matter, and a reckoning for every deed. He also made this world like a marketplace where people go back and forth; some selling themselves and some freeing themselves! Days are but parts and stages of one’s life. The passage of each day reduces one’s lifespan, brings one closer to death and brings the record of one’s deeds to a gradual end.

Fellow Muslims! Some blessed days have just passed in which you have spent another phase of your life. Let those who have done righteousness thank Allah and keep it up and let those who have done wrong turn to Allah in repentance and do good deeds. Imam Ahmad was asked: When will there be rest?’ He answered; after putting the first foot into the Paradise.

There is a bliss and happiness for the righteous people in continuous acts of worship. The Messenger of Allah said: The best of all people is the one whose life is long and does good deeds.

As there are signs that indicate the acceptance of righteous deeds, there are also signs that indicate the insincerity in repentance. The sign of a bad deed is to commit another bad deed after it. Therefore, follow up a good deed with another, it will complement it, becomes a sign for its acceptance and get the mind used to it. Also, follow up evil deed with a good one so as to make it a remedy for it and as a protection against its repercussions. Allah says in surah Hud 114: The good deeds remove the evil deed. That is a reminder (an advice) for the mindful. The Messenger of Allah said: Fear Allah wherever you are, follow up an evil deed with a good one it will remove it and deal with people kindly.

Standing firm in acts of obedience and constantly abiding by commandments of Allah are the characteristics of the believing slaves of Allah. Allah said in surah Fussilat 30: Verily, those who say: Our Lord is Allah (alone) and then stand firm, on them the angels will descend (at the time of their death saying): Fear not, nor grieve! But receive the glad tidings of Paradise, which you have been promised!

Allah has commanded His Prophet and the believers to stand firm in their faith when He said in surah Hud 112: So remain on a right course as you have been commanded, [you] and those who have turned back with you [to Allah], and do not transgress. Indeed, He is seeing of what you do.

Straightforwardness in religion is the door to blessings and uprightness in all one’s affairs. Allah says in surah Al-Jinn 16: And if they had believed in Allah and went on the right way, We would surely have bestowed on them water (rain) in abundance.  In a hadith reported by Muslim, Sufyan bin Abdullah Ath-Thaqafe said: I said to the Messenger of Allah: Tell me a word of Islam, which I would have no need to ask any other person besides you.’ The Messenger of Allah said: Say I believe in Allah, and then stand firm on that.

Be therefore, steadfast in obeying your Lord at all time, for a believer’s deeds do not end except by death. Allah says in surah Al-Hijr 99: And worship your Lord until there comes to you the certainty (i.e. death). Do not be among those who do worship Allah in some seasons and turn away from their Lord in others.

Fellow Muslims! The righteous people do fear lack of acceptance of their good deeds. Al-Hasan Al-Basre said: I have met some people who are so afraid of their good deeds been rejected that one of them would still not feel safe even if he had spent what is as much as the fill of the earth in the cause of Allah.

So, do not boast of your many deeds, for, you do not know whether they will be accepted of you or not. Do not also feel safe from your sin for, you do not know whether it has been forgiven or not. Let no one be proud of his good deeds, for such a person shall be disappointed in the end. Many a devotee has been ruined by pride. If outward deeds are not free from defects, it will be of no use before Allah. Pride leads to self-delusion, having a false sense of security from the plans of Allah, negligence in doing good deeds and forgetting one’s sins. Ibn Mas‘ud said: Two things destroy man: despair and pride.

How easily are good deeds rendered vain! Acts of charity are rendered vain by reminders of generosity and injury; abandonment of Salatul-Asr (afternoon prayer) renders one’s deeds useless. That is why the righteous people invoke Allah thus: We ask You, O Allah, for good deed and its preservation.

Allah says in surah An-Nahl 92: And be not like her who undoes the thread which she has spun, after it has become strong, by taking your oaths as a means deception among yourselves, lest a nation should be more numerous than another nation. Seek assistance from Allah in overcoming the pride by underestimating your good deeds, remembering the favors of Allah on you and being afraid of the withdrawal of Allah’s favor in the absence of your gratitude.

Sa‘ed bin Jubayr said: A man entered Paradise as a result of a sin and another man entered Hell as a result of a righteous deed. When he was asked as to how that happened, he answered: The first man committed a sin and was always fearful of Allah because of the sin, so Allah made him enter the Paradise because of his fear of Him. The other man did a righteous deed and was always boastful of that so much so that Allah rendered his deed vain and made him enter Hell.

Preserve then, whatever good deeds you have done in the blessed month of Ramadan with sincerity, admission of your negligence and seeking for forgiveness and Pleasure of Allah. Human beings naturally sin, but what is destructive is to persist in sins. Whoever puts right that which is between him and his Lord, Allah will put right that which is between him and his fellow creatures.

Abu Ja‘far As-Saih was reported to have narrated: Abu Muhammad was a trader who used to lend out money. He walked passed some playing children one day and the children were telling one another: Here is the eater of usury! He bowed his head and said: O my Lord! My secret has been revealed even to the children. He then went back home, gather all his money and said: O my Lord, I have been a bondman and I am buying my freedom with this money, so set me free. In the morning, he gave out all the money in charity and engaged himself in acts of worship. Stay away from sins after the month of forgiveness for the sinner is always in misery and sins do debase man. Abu Suleiman At-Tameme said: Man may commit a sin in secret and come out in the public bearing the ignominy of that sin on him.

It is bad to commit sin after having done a righteous deed and to move away from Allah after having moved closer to Him. Allah says in surah Ali Imran 133: And march forth in the way (which leads to) forgiveness from your Lord, and for Paradise as wide as are the heavens and the earth, prepared for the pious.

Imamsedin / June 17th-2016 / Ramadan 12th-1437

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