Usađivanje vrijednosti
u naše porodice kroz ibadete
Hvala Allahu dž,š, Koji nas je počastio sa izvanrednom prilikom da
dočekamo mjesec ramazan i da iskoristimo dobrotu ovog mjeseca. Pozivam sve vas
prisutne danas, da se svi zajedno udružimo i da se žrtvujemo sa našim porodicama, da učimo ovaj ramazan
jedan od najboljih ramazana.
Sa dolazkom ramazana, i to u trenutku, kad je svaki musliman motivisan da
se približi Allahu dž,š, svako od nas treba da razmišlja kako da iskoristi ovaj
mjesec i da zatvori praznine koje su se pojavile između njega i njegove
porodice, braće i sestara i komšija. Drugim riječima, kako da nas naši ibadeti približe
Allahu dž,š, tako isto može da ojača našu porodičnu vezu odnosno rodbinsku i
svaku drugu.
Mi ne želimo da budemo marljivi u obavljanju ibadeta i dobrih djela,
posta, teravije tokom ramazana, te upornog traženja Allahovog dž,š, oprosta i džennet,
a u isto vrijeme se borimo i ratujemo, ne pričamo jedni s drugima, sa svojom
braćom, sa svojim roditeljima, sa svojim komšijama, sa svojom djecom itd. Ovo
je velika greška postača danas.
Onda kada mi dozvolimo da se naša porodična veza prekine, i bez ikakvog
uloženog truda da se to popravi, onda bi nas trebala uhvatiti jeza i strah da
to ne bude razlog odbijanja otvaranja dženetskih kapija.
Od Mejmun b.
Mihrana prenosi se da je Omer ibn Abdulaziz rekao: Oporučiću ti tri stvari pa ih dobro zapamti. Rekoh a koje su to o
zapovjedniče pravovjernih? Ne osamljuj
se sa ženom bez njenog mahrema, pa makar joj i Kur'an učio, ne druži se sa onim ko kida rodbinske veze
jer ga je Allah Uzvišeni i Plemeniti prokleo u dva ajeta iz njegove knjige:
U ajetu iz sure Er-Rad, kada je rekao Uzvišeni: i oni koji kidaju ono
što je Allah naredio da se uspostavlja. Pa do kraja ajeta. I ajet u suri Muhammed a,s: Zar i vi
ne biste, kada bi se vlasti dočepali, nered na Zemlji činili i rodbinske veze
Od Džubejr ibn Mutima r,a,
prenosi se da je čuo Poslanika a,s, kako kaže: U džennet neće ući onaj ko kida vezu. (Bilježi ga Buhari
i Muslim.)
Od Ebu Muse El-Eš'arija r,a,
prenosi se da je Poslanik, a,s kazao: Trojica neće ući u džennet: notorni pijanica, onaj ko
kida rodbinske veze i onaj ko vjeruje u sihr. (Bilježi
ga Ahmed, Ibn Hiban, Ebu Davud, Ibn Madže i Tirmizi koji kaže hadis je sahih.)
Ramazan je odlična prilika da
ojačamo naše veze generalno, a posebno sa svojom rodbinom. Naš običaj je da
pravimo iftare i da zajedno iftarimo, sa porodicama, sa prijateljima sa
rodbinom itd. Poslije toga dolazi i namaz koji se klanja u džematu počevši od
akšama i jacije i onda teravih namaz.
Sve su ovo načini koji nam pomažu da provedemo vrijeme
zajedno i da se eventualno približimo jedni drugima. A što se tiče onih koji su
prekinuli svoje odnose sa svojom porodicom i sa drugima, ovo je isto tako
zlatna prilika da se popravi i da se upali žar porodičnih odnosa. Sa bereketom
posta i ramazana je pravo vrijeme kada se srca zbližavaju.
Poslanik a,s, je spomenuo da se dova postača ne odbija,
jer kad insan posti, on se nalazi u Allahovoj dž,š, blizini, to je jedinstvena
prilika da se izmire prekinute veze.
Ako se nismo dugo čuli sa rodbinom, možemo započet sa
čestitanjem ovih ramazanskih dana, i da tražimo oprost jedni za druge i jedni
od drugih. Isto što se nadaš da će ti Allah dž,š, oprostiti u ovom mjesecu,
potrudi se da nađeš mjesta u svom srcu da ti oprostiš drugima, onima koji su
nešto loše učinili prema tebi.
Kaže uzvišeni u suri Ali Imran 133-134: i nastojte zaslužiti oprost
Gospodara svoga i Džennet prostran kao nebesa i Zemlja, pripremljen za one koji
se Allaha boje, za one koji, i kad su u obilju i kad su u oskudici, udjeljuju,
koji srdžbu savlađuju i ljudima praštaju – a Allah voli one koji dobra djela
Prenosi Enes, r.a, da je
poslanik a,s, rekao: Ko želi da mu se
nafaka poveća i produži životni vijek, neka pazi i redovno posjećuje rodbinu!
Imamsedin / June 10th 2016 – Ramadan 5th
Instilling Values in Our Family Through Acts of
Alhamdulillah, all praises be to
Allah who has granted us with the wonderful opportunity of welcoming the
blessed month of Ramadan and to reap the merits of this month. I call upon all
of you present here today, let us together aim to strive, together with our
families, to make the best of every second in this blessed month.
With the coming of Ramadan and at a time when every
Muslim is motivated to bring himself closer to Allah, one should also think of
how to leverage on this month to close any gaps in one’s relationship with
one’s family. How can our acts of worship that bring us closer to Allah, also
strengthen our ties of kinship with our family?
We do not want to be among those who are diligent in
performing acts of worship, fasting, performing terawih prayers throughout
Ramadan, steadfastly seeking Allah’s forgiveness and His paradise, yet we are
fighting with our family members, breaking the ties that bind us together, or
not speaking to one another, be it between siblings, parents or parent and
children. This is a mistake of those who are fasting. When we allow for ties of
kinship to be broken without any efforts to repair them, then it is feared that
it will cause us to trip and fall at the gates of Allah’s Paradise.
This is inline with the hadith of Prophet Muhammad
s.a.w: A person who breaks ties of
kinship will not enter Paradise. [Hadith reported by Imam At-Tirmidzi].
Allah said in surah Ar-Ra’d 21: And those who join that which
Allah has ordered to be joined and fear their Lord and are afraid of the evil
of [their] account. And Allah said in surah
Muhammad 22: So would you perhaps, if
you turned away, cause corruption on earth and sever your [ties of] relationship?
Ramadan is the perfect opportunity for us to
strengthen our relations with our family members and in general. This is
because, it is a tradition for Muslims here to meet up and break our fasts
together with family members, friends and neighbours. After that, we will pray
together and perform terawih prayers together. All these activities can help
the family to spend time together and bring them closer to one another. Keep
these memories dear to us. Insha’Allah it will help us to remember and to
always care for and love our family members.
For those of us who have ended our relationships with
others, this is also a good time to rekindle that relationship. With the
barakah of fasting, Ramadan is also the time when our hearts are softened.
Hence, Rasulullah s.a.w mentioned that the dua of a
person who is fasting would not be rejected because when a person is fasting,
he is close to Allah s.w.t. Hence, it is fitting for a person to rekindle the
broken ties of relationships during Ramadan.
Perhaps if we have not met or spoken for a long time,
we can start by wishing each other greetings to celebrate Ramadan and to seek
forgiveness from each other. Just as we hope Allah will forgive us in this
blessed month, strive to find the space in our hearts to forgive those who may
have wronged us.
Allah s.w.t says in Surah Ali-Imran, verses 133-134: And
hasten to forgiveness from your Lord and a garden as wide as the heavens and
earth, prepared for the righteous. Who spend [in the cause of Allah] during
ease and hardship and who restrain anger and who pardon the people - and Allah
loves the doers of good.
The Messenger s.a.w said that those who enjoin good
relations are those who do not retaliate what others do upon them. Enjoining
good relations is when the other party (family member) refuses to, and we take
the first step to rekindle the relationship. [Hadith reported by Imam
By having good, strong relationships with our family,
it will contribute to our internal happiness, bring about a positive attitude
in us, which will affect how we face the world and its challenges, because we
know we have strong support to get us get through difficulties. And that strong
support will impact our attitude and also our ability to succeed in studies as
well as work. This is because a person who is happy at home will be full of
determination at work and school.
Hence Rasulullah s.a.w once said: Whoever wants his sustenance (rizk) to
be eased and his age to be lengthened, then he needs to enjoin good relations.
[Hadith reported by Imam Al-Bukhari]
Grab the opportunity presented to us in this blessed
month to strengthen family relations, as it will bring benefits to us as
individuals as well as a community, and at the same help maintain the harmony
of the country.
Imamsedin / June 10th 2016 – Ramadan 5th
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