Dobrodošlica mjesecu Ša’banu 1436
Tako nam prenosi Aišra r,a, od poslanika a,s: Allahov poslanik a,s, je toliko postio da bismo pomislili da nikako neće prestati (mrsiti) potom
bi mrsio da bismo pomislili da nikako neće postiti, nikada nisam
vidjela poslanika a,s, da bez prestanka posti, izuzev mjeseca Ramazana, a
najviše je postio u mjesecu Ša’banu. Imam Buhari.
Pa i ako je ovaj post nafila, možemo
vidjeti koliku je važnost pridavao poslanik a,s, toj vrsti posta, kako
se spominje u hadisu najviše je postio u ovom mjesecu tj; nafile. Usama
ibn Zejd, r.a, kada je upitao Poslanika a,s: Allahov Poslaniče, vidim da od svih mjeseci najviše postiš u mjesecu Ša’banu, zašto? A Poslanik, a,s, mu odgovori: To je mjesec u kojme su ljudi nemarni: On je između Redžeba i Ramazana, u njemu se uzdižu djela ka Gospodaru svjetova, pa volim da se moja djela predoče dok postim. Bilježi ga en-Nesai.
Ovaj hadis nam ukazuje jasno na važnost
islamskih mjeseci, živjeti na zapadu bi nam trebalo pomoći da čuvamo
vezu sa islamskim simbolima, a islamski kalendar je jedan od važnih
stvari i simbola.! Pored toga naš poslanik a,s, nas je obavjestio o
gajbu i neviđenim stavarima, kad je rekao da se naša djela uzdižu
(prezentiraju) u ovom mubarek mjesecu.
Takođe znamo da je poslanik a,s, molio da
mjesec Ša’ban bude blagoslovljen mjesec, te ga je konektovao i povezao
sa Ramazanom! Učio je sljedeću dovu: ِEnes ibn Malik r,a, prenosi da je
poslanik a,s, rekao: O Allah! Učini mjesec Redžeb i Ša’ban blagoslovljenim za nas, i dozvoli nam da dičekamo Ramazan. Imam At-Taberi i Imam Ahmed.
Mnogi misle da je teško postići duhovnu
razinu i stanje koje zahtjeva da se postigne u mjesecu Ramazanu a
pogotovo u posljednjih deset dana Ramazana, te pomisle da je njihov
mjesec pri kraju, i da nisi uspjeli!. Glavni razlog toga je sumnja da
postoje muslimani koji obožavaju Allaha dž,š, samo sezonski ili godišnje
u jednom mjesecu. A stvaro robovanje i obožavanje te služenje Allahu
dž,š, je ustvari svakodnevno! I Allah dž,š, traži od nas da Ga ponekad
obožavamo više nego u ostalim mjesecima.
Svjesni robovi se počnu pripremati ranije, još u mjesecima Redžebu i Ša’banu. Ebu Bekr El-Belhi r,h je rekao: Mjesec Redžeb je mjesec planiranja, a mjesec Ša’ban je mjesec navodnjavanja, a mjesec Ramazan je mjesc žetve i branja.
On takođe kaže: Primjer mjeseca Redžeba je primjer vjetra, a primjer
mjeseca Ša’bana je primjer oblaka, a primjer Ramazana je primjer kiše!
Ko god ne posadi u Redžebu, i ne zalije u Ša’banu šta će ubrati u
Ramazanu? Ovako je poslanik a,s, i naša prva generacija trudili se kada
je u pitanju ostvarivanje ibadeta.
Jedna od priprema je svakako učenje
Kur’ana, kada bi mjesec Ša’ban nastupio Amr bin Kajs r,h, bi zatvorio
svoj dućan i posvetio bih se učenju Kur’ana i postu. Post je jedno
veliko djelo iskazivanja robovanja Allaha dž,š, i poslušnosti Njemu, a
post ili ”saum” označava odricanje nečega, da li duševnih prohtjeva ili
ovosvjetskih. Ebu Hurejre r,a, prenosi da je Poslanik a,s, rekao: Allah
dž,š, je rekao; Post je Moj i Ja za njega posebno nagrađujem.
Onaj ko posti i ostavi intimni kontakt, ostavlja hranu i piće zbog Mne!
Post je štit i postač ima dvije radosti; jedna je pri iftarenju a druga
je kada Me sretne na Kijametskom Danu. Miris iz usta postaču je Allahu
draži od mirisa miska. Imam Buhari.
Zato draga braćo iskoristimo ovaj mjesec u
obavljanju nafila namaza i posta, mjesec ispravljanja i popravljanja i
dočekajmo mjesec Ramazan i pripremimo se za njega kao da će nam biti
zadnji Ramazan u životu.!!!!
Welcome Sha’ban 1436
Aisha narrates “Allah’s Apostle
used to fast till one would say that he would never stop fasting, and he
would abandon fasting till one would say that he would never fast. I
never saw Allah’s Apostle fasting for a whole month except the month of
Ramadan, and did not see him fasting in any month more than in the month
of Sha’ban.” Imam Al-Bukhari.
Although these fasts are supererogatory
we can see how much importance the Prophet attached to them. We know
that when he was asked by Usamah b. Zayd concerning his observance of
the Sha’ban fasts, he answered, “It is a month that people
neglect between Rajab and Ramadan; a month in which people’s deeds are
taken up to the Lord of the Worlds and I would like my deeds to be taken
up when I am fasting. Imam Al-Nasai. This hadith clearly
indicates the importance of Islamic months, and living in the west we
must maintain a relationship with Islamic religious symbols, the Islamic
calendar being an important one. Additionally, the Prophet informed us
of matters of the unseen, namely that our actions are taken up in this
blessed month, and so, it would be sensible to be in a state of
servitude whilst being taken to account.
We also know that the Prophet prayed for
Sha’ban to be blessed and connected it to Ramadan thus informing us of
an inextricable link between the two. He would supplicate, “O Allah, make the months of Rajab and Sha’ban blessed for us, and let us reach the month of Ramadan (i.e. prolong our life up to Ramadan, so that we may benefit from its merits and blessings).” Imam At-Tabari and Imam Ahmad.
Many people find it difficult getting
into the spiritual state that Ramadan requires and complain in the last
ten days of the great month that their month has gone to waste. A major
reason for this it seems is that they assume that Allah would have
Muslims worship him one month of the year! Whilst worship is a
daily affair, Allah would have us worship more in some months more than
others. Furthermore, the righteous, in understanding the importance of
Ramadan, would want to be as prepared as possible, and as a result,
would begin preparation two months earlier in Rajab and Sha’ban!
Abu Bakr al-Balkhi said: The month of
Rajab is the month for planting, the month of Sha’ban is the month of
irrigating crops, and the month of Ramadan is the month of harvesting
the crops.
He also said: The likeness of the month
of Rajab is that of the wind, the likeness of Sha’ban is that of the
clouds and the likeness of Ramadan is that of the rain; whoever does not
plant and sow in Rajab, and does not irrigate in Sha’ban, how can he
reap in Ramadan? Now Rajab has passed, so what will you do in Sha’ban
if you are seeking Ramadan? This is how your Prophet and the early
generations of the ummah were in this blessed month, so what will you do?
From amongst the forms of preparation is
increasing in reciting the Qur’an. When Sha’ban would begin, Amr b. Qays
(of the righteous early Muslims) would close his shop and free his time
for reading Qur’an. The notion of excessive fasting, as quoted earlier,
is found in the hadith of Aisha that she “did not see him fasting in any month more than in the month of Sha’ban.” Imam Al-Bukhari.
Fasting is a great act of servitude and devotion to Allah, and given that the Arabic word sawm (fasting) means to restrain from something, it implies the repression of one’s nafs and worldly abstinence out of a firm belief in the afterlife. Abu Hurairah narrates that the Prophet said: “Allah said: The fast is for Me and I will give the reward for it, as he (the one who observes the fast) leaves his sexual desire, food and drink for My sake. Fasting is a guard (from Hell) and
there are two pleasures for a fasting person, one at the time of
breaking his fast, and the other at the time when he will meet his Lord.
And the smell of the mouth of a fasting person is better to Allah than
the smell of musk.” Imam Al-Bukhari.
Let us use Sha’ban to become people of
prayer and fasting, that we use the coming month as a time of
rectification and spiritual rectitude, and we prepare our souls for the
last Ramadan we may ever face. Aisha narrates that the Prophet never
fasted in any month more than in the month of Sha’ban. He used to say: “Do those deeds which you can do easily, as Allah will not get tired (of giving rewards) till you get bored and tired
(of performing religious deeds).” The most beloved prayer to the
Prophet was the one that was done regularly even if it were little, and
whenever the Prophet offered a prayer he used to offer it regularly.
Imam Al-Bukhari.
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