May 29, 2015

Koja je razlika između Ša'bana 1435 i Ša'bana 1436 h? What’s the difference between Sha’ban 1435 and Sha’ban 1436?

Koja je razlika između Ša'bana 1435 i Ša'bana 1436 h?

Kako i sami vidite, ovo pitanje možda izgleda zbunjujuće i besmisleno! Ali, perije nego to i pomisliš, želim da razmisliš na momenat o ovome! Mjesec Ša'ban je mjesec u kome se prošlogodišnja djela, dobra ili loša podižu i prezentiraju Gospodaru svijetova! Kao što znamo postoje četiri situacije u kojima se naša djela podižu (odnosno naš zapisnik) i prezentiraju pred Gospodaru svijetova: Dnevno, heftično, godišnje i za čitav život! Ibn Kajjim – Tarikul Hidžretejna ve babu Seadetejn.

Preporučeno nam je da činimo dobra dijela, i da se kajemo a posebno u ovim situacijama i slučajevima. Dnevna djela se uzdižu dva puta, što se tiče noćnih dijela ona se podižu ujutro, a djela dana se podižu noću! Zato je sunnet i praksa poslanika a,s, da se traži oprost ujutru i naveče (jutarnji i noći zikr) ako želimo da nam bude oprošteno i da nas zateče dobro stanje dok naša djela putuju ka Uzvišenom Allahu. Ili kad poslanik a,s, kaže da se Allah dž,š, svake noći spusti na nebesko nebo i doziva; Imal ko da traži oprosta pa da mu oprostim, imal ko da traži pokajanje pa da mu oprostim i tako sve dok ne svane. Imam Buhari, Muslim Ibn Madže, Tirmizi.

Heftična dijela se takođe uzdižu dva puta, i to ponedjekom i četvrtkom, a znamo da je naš poslanik a,s, postio ponedjeljak i četvrtak, Ebu Hurejre r,a, prenosi da je Poslanik a,s, rekao: Dijela se uzdižu i prezentiraju Allahu dž,š, svakog ponedjeljka i četvrtka, a ja volim da postim dok se moja djela prezentiraju.  Imam Tirmizi.

Što se tiče godišnjeg izvještaja; Usama ibn Zejd, r.a, kada je upitao Poslanika a,s: Allahov Poslaniče, vidim da od svih mjeseci najviše postiš u mjesecu Ša’banu, zašto? A Poslanik, a,s, mu odgovori: To je mjesec u kom su ljudi nemarni: On je između Redžeba i Ramazana, u njemu se uzdižu djela ka Gospodaru svjetova, pa volim da se moja djela predoče dok postim. Bilježi ga en-Nesai.

I na kraju životni izvještaj je kada čovjek preseli na ahiret, niko od nas ne zna kada će to biti, ono što bi trebali sada da činimo je da se često i konstantno kajemo i da tražimo oprost od Allaha dž,š, i da radimo dobra dijela.

Odgovor na pitanje je; da je razlika u tome što je jedna čitava godina dana tvog života prošla! Cijela godina dana koja ima više od 350 dana rada i dijela zapisanih! Djela dana su zapisana, nije propušten ni jedan sahat, niti i jedna sekunda. Ibrahim ibn Nah'i r,h, je plakao pred svojom ženom svakog četvrtka, a i ona bi plakala i govorio bi Ibrahim; danas se naša dijela prezentiraju Allahu dž,š, šta će biti sa našim djelima čitave godine!

Sjedi malo i razmisli o onome što je prošlo i o onome šta si uradio u protekloj godini, sjeti se djela koja si uradio i razmisli o njima kada budu postavljena ispred Gospodara svijetova! Kolika je tvoja nemarnost prema ovom velikom mjesecu i prema tvojim djelima koja će biti prikazana Allahu dž,š?

Koliko si grijeha počinio/a u ovoj godini? Koliko harama počinjenih od kojih se nisi ustručavao? Koliko smo pojeli mesa svojih braće i sestara kada smo ih potvorili ili ogovorili? Koliko puta smo slušali neki haram? Jesi li zaštitio svoje ruke od harama? Jesil zaštitio svoje noge od idenja u haram? Koliko si dobrih djela učinio/a? Koliko smo vremena potrošili u ništa?

Sadaku koju si podjelio/a tajno ili javno koju Allah prima, žeđ koju osjetiš dok postiš nafinu post za koji ćeš biti nagrađen sa rijekama od vina, meda i mlijeka, udove koje budeš prao abdestom će biti svijetla na danu kada bude mrak. Uzvišena mjesta u džennetu će imati oni koji budu koristili svoje vrijeme u dobre svrhe, no i pored toga smo u nemoći da ispunimo Allahova naređenja; opet ne klanjamo na vrijeme! Ne dolazimo u džamiju! Kada će doći vrijeme da se probudimo iz ovog nemarnog stanja i kada ćemo shvatiti, šta smo uradili i kad ćemo se pokajati i tražiti oprost!

Možda se zapitaš brate; Šta to ti želiš od nas da radimo? Draga braćo i čestite sestre, svaki dan koji je prošao je prilika za tebe da uradiš nešto dobro, i sad da pogledaš nazad u ono što si uradio i ono što će se pokazati pred Gospodarom, vrijeme je da shvatiš da ti je Allah podario život do danas. Mnogi su otišli, nemaju prilike da urade išta više, a ti još imaš prilike da slušaš današnju hutbu.

Već smo u mjesecu Ša'banu pokušaj da ga iskoristiš u ibadetu, pokajanju i traženju oprosta! Ovo je mjesec u kom su većina ljudi nemarni, ne obazrivi, ne vode računa i brigu! A poslanik a,s, i prve generacije su vodile brige o ovom mjesecu. Samo zamisli dragi brate da si ti jedan od onih koji su pokorni svome Gospodaru u vremenu u kom su drugi nemarni. 

Mjesec Ša'ban je mjesec posta, poslanik a,s, je isto postio većinu dana ovog mjeseca, pokušaj d ai ti slijediš poslanikov pravac. Isto tako razmisli da li si spreman za mjesec Ramazan sa obavljanjem noćnog namaza, učenjem Kur'ana, nafilama, zikrom itd, tako da kad Ramazan dođe da si u punoj formi.

I na kraju želid na nas napomenem da od dobrog ništa nećemo vidjeti osim njegove tragove i znakove, a isto tako i od zla nećemo vidjeti osim njegove tragove i znakove. Ne dozvoli sebi da te ovaj materijalni svijet zavede i odvedeu propast. Da nam Allah dž,š, pomogne da budemo od onih koji će Ga stalno spominjat, da nam podari hairli život i da nam ukabuli dobra a oprosti loša djela Amin.
What’s the difference between Sha’ban 1435 and Sha’ban 1436?

This question may seem confusing or pointless, but before you say that, I want you to ponder for a moment over this. Sha’ban is the month where last year’s account of good and bad actions for every individual ascends to Allah. As we know, there are four instances when our actions ascend to Allah: The daily record, weekly record, yearly record, and the whole life record. (Tarīq al-Hijratayn wa Bāb al-Sa‘ādatayn by Ibn al-Qayyi)

We are encouraged to do good and seek repentance especially in these instances. The daily record ascends twice, as the actions of the night ascend in the morning, and the actions of the day ascend in the night. It is due to this that it is from the Sunnah to seek forgiveness in the morning and the evening, as we want our sins to be forgiven before they ascend, and we want it to ascend while we are in a righteous state.

The weekly record also ascends twice, as it ascends every Monday and Thursday. It is also due to this that the prophet used to fast every Monday and Thursday, Abu Hurairah r,a, narrated that the Messenger of Allah said: Deeds are shown (to Allah) on Mondays and Thursdays, and I like my deeds to be shown when I am fasting. Imam At-Tirmitdi. 

The whole life’s record ascends when we die, and since we never know when that is, we should always be in a constant state of repentance and seeking forgiveness from Allah, as well as doing a lot of good actions.

As for the yearly record, it is reported that Usamah ibn Zayd said: I said: O Messenger of Allah, I do not see you fasting in any other month like you fast in Sha’ban. He said: That is a month to which people do not pay attention, between Rajab and Ramadan, and it is a month in which deeds are lifted up to the Lord of the Worlds. I like for my deeds to be lifted up when I am fasting. Imam An-Nasai. 

The answer to the question is that the difference is a whole year of your life has passed. A whole year of more than 350 days of actions recorded. The actions of the days are recorded, not neglecting any hour, nor second of each day. Ibrahim al-Nakh’i used to cry to his wife every Thursday, and she used to cry too and he used to say: Today our actions will be put forth in front of Allah. So how about the actions of the whole year!

Sit down and try to reflect on what you did in the past year and try to remember the actions that will be put forth in front of Allah. How great is your heedless state of this great month and of your actions that will be put forth in front of Allah?

How many sins have you committed this year? How many haram gazes have you not restrained our eyes from this year? How much of your brothers’ and sisters’ flesh have you eaten this year due to backbiting?

How many times did you listen to haram? Did you protect your hands from falling into haram? Did you stop your feet from taking you to haram? How much good did you enjoin? How much evil did you forbid? How many hours did you waste?

The sadaqah given in secret accepted from the most Generous, The most Kind. The thirst during the voluntary fasts rewarded with rivers of wine, honey, and milk from The Most High.  Limbs washed with water from wudu will be lit up on a day of complete darkness. High levels in Jannah have been achieved by people who have used their time wisely, yet we remain where we are, still unable to fulfill the obligations as commanded by Allah, still unable to pray on time, still unable to pray in the Masjid. When is the time for us to wake up from this heedless state and realize what we have done and repent and ask Allah for forgiveness?

You may be asking: What do you want me to do now? My brothers and sisters, every day that has passed in this previous year has been an extra chance for you to do good, and now that you have looked back at what you have done and what will be put forth in front of Allah, it is time to realize that Allah has blessed you by letting you live until this day. So many people have died during the past year, yet Allah has let you live, and even let you listen this reminder to encourage you to turn back to Him, so now is the time to do so.

We are now in Sha’ban, so make sure you make full use of it, and repent and seek forgiveness from Allah for all your sins and shortcomings, so that they are forgiven before they ascend to your Lord. Sha’ban is a month which many people neglect, and the Prophet and the salaf used to do a lot of worship during the times that people neglect. Imagine you are worshipping Allah at a time which many people neglect, and when Allah looks at His creation during that time, only a few humans are engaging in worship, and you are one of them! 

Sha’ban is a time of fasting, as the prophet used to fast the majority of this month, so ensure you follow his Sunnah and increase in fasting. Also, make sure you prepare yourself for Ramadan by increasing in qiyamul-layl, reading the Qur’an, voluntary prayers, constant dhikr, so that when Ramadan comes, you are fully prepared for it and are already used to doing righteous actions.

Finally, I would like to remind you brothers and sisters that you will never see from good except its signs, and you will never see from bad except its signs, so make sure you are not deceived by material deceptions and swap them for what is really good. And know that every life has its people, so make sure you are from the people of the hereafter, and not the people of this life.

May Allah increase us in good and make us from the ones who remember. O Allah, increase our life so that we reach Ramadan and make it our most fruitful Ramadan to date.

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