May 1, 2015

Ne živi bez vizije i bez cilja! Do Not Live Without a Vision

Ne živi bez vizije i bez cilja!

dua101.jpgJedan od kjlučnih kvaliteta uspješne osobe je da ima viziju i živi za misiju. Neuspješni ljudi žive od danas do sutra. Oni nisu inspirisani sa vrlinom da žive za plemeniti cilj, niti žive za plemeniti život. Islam kao plemenita religija i, ne uči nas da živimo na ovakav način. Allah dž,š, ohrabljuje ljude da se natječu za najbolju nagradu na budućem svijetu. U suri Hadid 21 Allah dž,š, kaže: Nadmećite se da u Gospodara svoga zaslužite oprost i Džennet, prostran koliko su nebo i Zemlja prostrani, i pripremljen za one koji u Allaha i poslanike Njegove vjeruju. To je Allahova blagodat koju će dati onome kome On hoće; a u Allaha je blagodat velika.

Takvi ljudi su u mogućnosti da postignu ono što žele! Imati viziju je jedna od važnih stavri za uspjeh. Omer ibn Abdul Aziz r,a, je rekao o sebi; Ja sam ambiciozan! Na početku sam se trudio da postanem emir (komandant) a kad sam postao emir onda sam poželio da nosim titulu halife, i kad sam postao halifa i kad sam ostvario ono što sam težio, sad sam motivisan da tražim Džennet. Ovo je prava istinska ambicioznost!

Naš poslanik a,s, je rastao kao siroče, šta da čovjek insan želi u ovakvoj situaciji, koja želja da mu bude? Šta da u životu želi? No, međutim Allah dž,š, je htio da o njemu brigu vodi njegov djed Abdul Muttalib, koji je vođa plemena Kurejš, pleme koje je bilo najdostojanstvenije na svijetu. Ali je i poslanik a,s, okusio slast najdostojanstvnijih lidera i vođa u svome životu.

Pored toga njegov djed ga je volio najviše od sviju, imao je poslanik a,s, neke privilegije da radi što drugi nisu mogli da rade. Npr, njegov djed je sjedio na šiltetu i niko drugi nije smio sjesti na to šilte osim njega, no, međutim Muhammed a,s, je ipak mogao tu da sjedne, i kada bi ga drugi pokušali sklonuti sa tog mjesta njegov djed bi govorio, ne dirajte mog sina on ima veliku viziju! Želi biti vođa ovom narodu!

U mladim godinama Muhammed a,s, nije bio uključen u nepristojna djela, kao što su drugi bili njegovih godina. On je bio inspirisan da bude drugačiji. Takođe i poslanik Jusuf a,s, je bio insirisan da razmišlja i da se pripremi za nešto veliko. Kaže Allah dž,š, u suri Jusuf 4: Kada Jusuf reče ocu svome: "O oče moj, sanjao sam jedanaest zvijezda, i Sunce i Mjesec, i u snu sam ih vidio kako mi se pokloniše.

Takođe i poslanik Musa a,s, je bio inspirisan od samog početka u svojoj mladosti, kada je rastao u Faraonovoj kući, a Musa a,s, je bio djete sinova israilovih kojeg je i sam Faraon želio da pokori i ubije. Nema sumnje da život vodi čovjeka drugačijim putem kada ima viziju i ima cilj. Zaista je zapanjujuće kada insan nema neku viziju za život.!

Ebu Kebše El-Enmari r,a, ashab poslanika a,s, prenosi da je poslanik a,s, rekao: Četiri čovjeka su uspješna na ovom svijetu: 1- Čovjek kome je Allah podario imanje i znanje, pa se boji svog Gospodara i razmišlja o trošenju svog imetak, pa koristi svoj imetak za očuvanje rodbinskih veza i shvatio je da i Allah dž,š, ima svoje pravo kod njega! Ovaj čovjek je na visokom nivou. 2- Čovjek kome je Allah dao znanje ali mu nije dao imanje, pa je on iskren u svome nijetu kada kaže: Da ja imam imetak i ja bih uradio isto ono što je uradio Alahov rob taj i taj, on će biti nagrađen za svoj iskreni nijet i namjeru isto kao i onaj koji je postupio sa istim. Imam Tirmizi i Ibn Madže.

Zaključak: Sve dok čovjek bude imao cilj i viziju te pokušava sve moguće i da ostavri svoj cilj, pa i ako neuspije u svom projektu opet nije izgubio, jer će i za to biti nagrađen na budućem svijetu. U svakom slučaju ne treba izgubiti nadu! Enes ibn Malik r,a, da je poslanik a,s, rekao: Bili smo s Allahovim Poslanikom a,s, na povratku iz bitke na Tebuku, kada je rekao: Zaista je u Medini iza nas ostalo ljudi koji su, kud god mi prošli, kroz bilo koju dolinu ili preko bilo koje uzbrdice stalno su sa nama (u nagradi kod Allaha dž,s) jer ih je bolest spriječila da pođu.

Kaže Allah dž,š, u suri Hadid 20: Znajte da život na ovome svijetu nije ništa drugo do igra, i razonoda, i uljepšavanje, i međusobno hvalisanje i nadmetanje imecima i brojem djece! Primjer za to je bilje čiji rast poslije kiše oduševljava nevjernike, ono zatim buja, ali ga poslije vidiš požutjela, da bi se na kraju skršilo. A na onome svijetu je teška patnja i Allahov oprost i zadovoljstvo; život na ovome svijetu je samo varljivo naslađivanje.

Moja finalna poruke je; lijepo je pročitati priču koja nas bodri na uspjeh! Jedne prilike se dogovorili Abdullah ibn Zubejr, Mus'ab ibn Zubejr, Urvah ibn Zubejr i Abdullah ibn Omer El-Hattab r,a, svi su rekli jedan drugom svoju želju! Što se tiče Abdullaha ibn Zubejr želio je da bude halifa nad hidžazom, Mus'ab ibn Zubejr je želio da bude guverner iraka i da oženi lijepu djevojku. Urve ibn Zubejr je želio da bude učenjak muhadis (učenjak hadisa), a Abdullah ibn Omer je želio Džennet.

Imam Zehebi r,h, veliki učenjak i historičar je rekao; svako od njih je dobio ono što je želio, molimo Allaha dž,š, da podari Abdullahu ibn Omeru Džennet.

Zato neka svako od nas pogleda šta mu je cilj, i ima li cilj u svome životu!?

Do Not Live Without a Vision

dua101.jpgOne key quality of any successful person is to live for a mission. Unsuccessful people live from one day to the next. They are not inspired by something virtuous not living for a noble goal and therefore they do not live a noble life. Islam, being a religion of nobility, does not want people to live in this way. Allah encourages people to compete for the best possible afterlife and be inspired all of the time. In the Qur’an we read from surah Al-Hadid 21: Race toward forgiveness from your Lord and a Garden whose width is like the width of the heavens and earth, prepared for those who believed in Allah and His messengers. That is the bounty of Allah, which He gives to whom He wills, and Allah is the possessor of great bounty.

Such people are dedicated to achieve what they want and look for all possible means to facilitate such achievements for themselves. Having vision is paramount to the success of a person. Umar ibn Abd Al-Azeez noted about himself: I am ambitious. At first, I strove for the position of emir and when I gained that, I was determined to hold the title of caliph. When I attained even that rank now, I am still motivated now to reach Paradise." This is what true ambition is?

Our Prophet was raised a poor orphan – this situation tends to set a ceiling for what a person might aim for, however Allah decreed that his grandfather would look after him. His grandfather, Abdul-Muttalib, was the chief of the Quraish tribe, which was the most dignified tribe in the world. Hence, the Prophet tasted the life of dignified leaders.

Furthermore, his grandfather used to love him so much that the Prophet had the privilege to do what others could not do. For example, his grandfather would sit on a mat that no one else was allowed to sit on except the young Muhammad. Throughout his teenage years he was not involved in the many indecent activities others his age were. He was inspired to be different. Similarly, Prophet Yusuf a,s, was inspired to think, and be ready for greatness. Allah says: (Remember) when Yusuf said to his father: O my father! Verily, I saw (in a dream) eleven stars and the sun and the moon, I saw them prostrating themselves to me. Surah Yusuf 4.

Musa a,s, was also inspired from a very young age as he was raised up in the Pharaoh’s house even though he was from the Children of Israel whom the Pharaoh wanted to subjugate and destroy. There is no doubt that life takes on a different meaning once a person sets out a vision for him/herself and works towards it. On the other hand it is boring and devastating when a person lives for nothing of substantial value.

Abu Kabshah al-Anmaari, a Companion of the Prophet, stated that he heard the Messenger of Allah saying: Four people are making the most of this world: 1- A man to whom Allah gives wealth and knowledge, so he fears his Lord with regard to the way in which he disposes of his wealth, and he uses it to uphold ties of kinship and he realizes that Allah has rights over it. This man occupies the highest status. 2- And a man to whom Allah has given knowledge but did not give him wealth, so he is sincere in his intention when he says: If I had wealth I would have done the same as so and so is doing. So he will be rewarded according to his intention and the reward of both of them is the same. Imam Tirmithi and Ibn Majjah.

Anas ibn Maalik that the Messenger of Allah came back from the campaign to Tabuk and when he drew close to Medina he said: “In Medina there are people who, whenever you travelled any distance or crossed any valley, were with you. They said, O Messenger of Allah, even though they are in Medina? He said: Even though they are in Medina, because they were kept there by (valid) excuses. Imam Bukhari.

Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani wrote in his commentary on Sahih al-Bukhari: This indicates that a man may attain by means of his intention that which the one who does the deed may attain when he is prevented from acting by some (valid) excuse.

In conclusion once a person sets out a vision and tries all possible means to achieve it yet fails to do so in this life, he will be rewarded in the hereafter. In reality, the person did not fail and thus there is no need for him to despair or lose hope. This is a unique aspect of Islam and demonstrates its beauty.
Furthermore, this demonstrates that any achievement in this life is worthless if it does not count in the afterlife where he will not be worried about what he may have missed out on. Allah says In Surah Al-Hadid 20: Know that the life of this world is but amusement and diversion and adornment and boasting to one another and competition in increase of wealth and children - like the example of a rain whose [resulting] plant growth pleases the tillers; then it dries and you see it turned yellow; then it becomes [scattered] debris. And in the Hereafter is severe punishment and forgiveness from Allah and approval. And what is the worldly life except the enjoyment of delusion.

As a final point, it must be noted that if Allah knows that a person is committed to achieving his goal He will help him to achieve it. It is amazing to read the stories that establish this point. Once Abdullah ibn al-Zubair, Musab ibn al-Zubair, Urwah ibn al-Zubair and Abdullah ibn Umar ibn al-Khattab gathered together in al-Hijr next to the Kaʽbah and they said to each other let us wish.

As for Abdullah ibn al-Zubair, he wanted to be the caliph over the Hijaz, Musab ibn al-Zubair wanted to be the governor of Iraq and to marry beautiful women. Urwah ibn al-Zubair desired to be a scholar of hadith and Abdullah ibn Umar ibn al-Khattab wished for paradise.

Imam Al-Dhahabi, the great historian said that everyone received what they desired (we pray that Abdullah ibn Umar ibn al-Khattab will receive paradise). Therefore, I urge all brothers and sisters to ask themselves – what is my vision for this life and the hereafter?

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