May 15, 2015

Poruka iz događaja Isra'a i Mi'radža današnjem ummetu / Lessons from Isra Mi’raj for today’s Ummah

Poruka Isra'a i Mi'radža današnjem ummetu

Podsjetimo se na izgradnju dobre veze sa Allahom dž,š, radimo ono što nam je naređeno a ostavimo ono što nam je zabranjeno, vratimo se Allahu i Njegovom oprostu, onda kada pogriješimo, izbrišio svoje grijehe dobrim djelima, pomozimo onima kojima je pomoć potrebna, konstantno popravljajmo svoj karakter, tako da bi bili i ostali najbolji narod!

Mjesec Redžeb nas podsjeća na veliku mu'džizu i nadnaravnost, veliki događaj i nad-prirodni doogađaj, specialni poziv od Allaha dž,š, našem poslaniku a,s. Isra i Mi'radž je specijalno putovanje, to je Mu'džiza i nadnaravnost, nad-priirodni digađaj. Nije važno kako neko od nas posnatra ili gleda na taj događaj, putovanje je bilo savršeno i istinito. Deselo se i u to nema sumnje!

Ova mu'džiza je simbol ljubavi i milosti Allahove dž,š, prema poslaniku a,s, čak i prema sljedbenicima posanika Muahmmeda a,s. To je najveće putovanje koje je ikome darovano od strane Allaha dž,š, naj-uzvišenije i naj-plemenitije.

Zamisli drgai brate draga sestro, putovanje Isra'a iz Meke do Bejtul Makdisa u Jerusalemu, koje je normalno da uzme oko mjesec dana putovanja u to vrijeme, a poslanik a,s, je prešao u jednom djelu noći. Putovanje koje je nadmašilo i vrijeme i prostor! Koje je ujedno bilo i dio mu'džize u noćnom putovanju u israu, ovakva vrsta putovanja je iznad i preko ljudske mašte! Ali i pored toga poslanik a,s, je prešao Zemlju sve do ''Sidretul Munteha'a''. Neki ljudi koji su čuli za ovaj događaj ''Isra i Mi'radž'' su potvorili poslanika i odbili su da povjeruju u tu vijest!

Allah dž,š, nam govori u suri Isra 1: Hvaljen neka je Onaj koji je u jednom času noći preveo Svoga roba iz Hrama časnog u Hram daleki, čiju smo okolinu blagoslovili kako bismo mu neka znamenja Naša pokazali. – On, uistinu, sve čuje i sve vidi. U ovom ajetu Allah dž,š, započinje ajet sa ''Hvaljen'' termin koji se koristi u Kur'anu kad se govori o nečemu što je veliko i izvanredno.
A oni koji još uvjek imaju sumnje u ovu istinu i događaj, Allah dž,š, nas opominje u Kur'anu da je noćno putovanje i nebesko uzdignuće se desilo sa Allahovom voljom i moći. Šta mi danas možemo izvući kao poruku? Ja ću spomenuti samo tri koristi!

Prva: Ajet koji smo spomenuli je ustavri podsjetnik da razmišljamo o Allahovim znakovima (ajetima), o Allahovoj veličini, Allahovom stvaranju itd. Kad posmatramo ove znakove Allahove veličine koji nas okružuju, onda razmišljamo o njima. Sa razmišljanjem o Allahovim znakovima se povećava naš iman i vjerovanje, koje je u današnjem vremenu kedno od krucialne važnosti.

Kaže uzvišeni u suri Fussilet 53: Mi ćemo im pružati dokaze Naše u prostranstvima svemirskim, a i u njima samim, dok im ne bude sasvim jasno da je Kur'an istina. A zar nije dovoljno to što je Gospodar tvoj o svemu obaviješten? Na ovaj način razmišljanja možemo pročistiti naš iman, nećemo osjećati prazninu i usamljenost!

Drugo: Ajet iz sure Isra koji smo spomenuli pokazuje nam poslanikovo putovanje, kao što ukazuje na Allahovu veličinu. Isto što je i poslanik a,s, blagodat svim svjetovima, imati ovu ulogu znači da naš trud i naš rad mora biti univerzalan, da bude korist svim stvorenjima.

Naša vrijednost i naš ugled bi trebao da bude uporediv sa internacionalnim standardima. Dali to bilo u edukativnom ekonomskom, ili drušvenom smislu ili bilo kom drugom, moramo se truditi da budemo najbolji, jer imamo tu titulu samo što je trebamo zadržat, i mormao biti ponosni.

Treće: Sve što je poslanik a,s, okusio i doživio na tom putovanju pokazuje Allahovu dž,š, milost i naglašava važnost naukovanja. Allahova dž,š, milost obuhvata sve! Kad je poslanik a,s, bio tužan jer je izgubio suprugu Hadidžu r,a, i amidžu, Allah dž,š, ga je obradovao, pokazao mu je svoju milost i pozvao ga na mubarek putovanje.

Uspostavljanjem namaza u Israu i Mi'radžu, Allah dž,š, je pokazao svoju milost, jer nam je propisao tačno onoliko koliko je u našim mogućnostima, ni više ni manje. Allah dž,š, je odredio ljudima da obavljaju namaz pet puta na dan. Ali da je Allah dž,š, htio mogao je da nam propiše onoliko namaza koliko On hoće i da to bude mimo naših mogućnosti (kao što je bilo propisano 50), dakle Allahova milost je naizmjerna premam nama. Allah dž,š, voli da budemo konstantno povezani s Njim, da Ga spominjemo često.

Dakle sa znanjem (ilmom) možemo sve to postići, kako i na koji način biti pokoran! Sa znanjem i naukovanjem, možemo da spoznamo svog Gospodara. Samo sa znanjem možemo da unapredimo nauku i tehnologiju koja će koristiti ljudima, a ne koja će uništavati ljudski rod. Sa znanjem možemo da razlikujemo dobro od lošeg. Sa znanjem možemo povećati našu ljubav prema Allahu dž,š, i Njegovom poslaniku a,s.

Onaj ko bude posjedovao znanje i imao prefiks prije tog znanja koji je i pravilo za postizanje znanja, a to je; ''Ikre bismi rabbike'' Uči, čitaj u ime Gospodara tvog Koji stvara. 
 Lessons from Isra Mi’raj for today’s Ummah

Let us remind ourselves to build a stronger relationship with Allah s.w.t. Let us do what He has enjoined us to with sincerity and stay away from that which He has forbidden.  Let us return to Him for forgiveness and mercy if we transgress. Let us wipe away our sins with good deeds. Help those in need. Continually improve our character, in order to be the best of men.

With the month of Rajab, we are reminded of a miraculous event; the most special invitation Allah s.w.t has bestowed upon our beloved Prophet pbuh. Isra’ and Mi’raj is a special journey, a miracle. No matter how one looks at it, the journey was a veritable (real) miracle. This miracle is a symbol of the love and mercy of Allah s.w.t for the Prophet pbuh and for the Prophet’s ummah as well. It is the greatest of journeys that has been ordained by Allah, the Most Powerful, for his Prophet pbuh.

Imagine, my brothers, the journey Isra’ alone, from Mecca to Baitul Maqdis, which would have had taken months in that time, took the Prophet pbuh only part of the night. The journey transcended time and space, which was part of the miracle of the journey of Isra’ Mi’raj, it is beyond the imagination to ascend past the sky above, yet Rasulullah a,s had been brought past the earth to “sidratil muntaha”. Consequently, some of the people who heard the recounting of Isra’ and Mi’raj accused the Prophet of making it all up. These naysayers refused to believe him, denying any possibility of this miracle.

Listen, how Allah s.w.t sends news of this miracle to us. Allah s.w.t says: Glory to (Allah) Who did take His servant for a Journey by night from the Sacred Mosque to the farthest Mosque, whose neighborhood We did bless, - in order that We might show him some of Our Signs: for He is the One Who hears and sees (all things). (Surah al-Isra’ Verse 1.

In this verse, Allah s.w.t begins with ”Subhana” which means ”The Most Glorious” a term used in the Qur’an when referring to something that is truly great and extraordinary. But, remember, something that is fantastical to humans is definitely not beyond the power of Allah s.w.t. For those who still doubt the truth of this account, Allah s.w.t has reminded in the Qur’an that the journey of Isra’ and Mi’raj has taken place with the power of Allah, the Almighty.

For us, what are the lessons we can learn from this miracle? This miraculous journey holds many valuable lessons, of which we shall touch upon three, which are of the most relevance to us:  First: The verse we have just read is a reminder for us to always reflect on and think about the signs of Allah’s greatness. Today, we can observe the greatness of Allah’s creations, more than any other age.

When we see the signs of Allah’s greatness around us, we have to reflect on them and keep them in our remembrance. By doing so, we can increase our iman and strengthen our faith in Allah s.w.t. Faith should be strengthened with certainty, and certainty can only come about through observation, questioning and investigation. Allah s.w.t says in surah Fussilat verse 53: We will show them Our signs in the horizons and within themselves until it becomes clear to them that it is the truth. But is it not sufficient concerning your Lord that He is, over all things, a Witness?

This way we may increase and purify our faith. We will no longer feel alone and empty; we will always be content in remembrance of Allah s.w.t everywhere and every time.  Second: The verse from surah Al-Isra’ we have read shows how the Prophet’s journey transverse all of Allah’s creations. It is also proof of Allah’s greatness.

Just like the Prophet is a blessing to all creation, we, Muslims have to be blessings to mankind. Having this role means that all our effort and work should be as universal, benefitting all of Allah’s creation. Our worth, our standing has to be comparable at the international standards. Whether in education or research, economically, or socially, we have to strive to be the best, to be the pride of humanity!

Third: Everything that the Prophet pbuh had experienced on this journey highlights the mercy of Allah s.w.t and stresses upon the importance of knowledge. The mercy of Allah s.w.t encompasses everything. When the Prophet was sad, because of the deaths of his wife and uncle, Allah s.w.t brought him happiness, showing the Prophet Allah’s mercy, in inviting him on this journey.

Likewise, in the establishment of the prayers during Isra’ and Mi’raj, Allah s.w.t shows His infinite mercy. Allah s.w.t has determined upon mankind to pray five times a day, in accordance to our ability. Imagine if Allah were to make it compulsory to pray more than that, far beyond our abilities. How could we possibly fulfill it?

Only with knowledge can we know the best ways to pray, to worship. With knowledge, we can get to know Allah and have faith in His providence. Only with knowledge can we innovate and advance technologies that help humanity. With knowledge, we can distinguish what is good from what is bad. With knowledge, we can increase our love for Allah and his Prophet.

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